# Snippets for Go priority -10 # shorthand variable declaration snippet : "v := value" ${1} := ${0} endsnippet # anonymous function snippet anon "fn := func() { ... }" ${1:fn} := func() { ${2:${VISUAL}} } ${0} endsnippet # append snippet ap "append(slice, value)" append(${1:slice}, ${0:value}) endsnippet # append assignment snippet ap= "a = append(a, value)" ${1:slice} = append($1, ${0:value}) endsnippet # break snippet br "break" break endsnippet # channel snippet ch "chan Type" chan ${0:int} endsnippet # case snippet case "case ...:" case ${1:value}: ${0:${VISUAL}} endsnippet # constant snippet con "const XXX Type = ..." const ${1:NAME} ${2:Type} = ${0:0} endsnippet # constants snippet cons "const ( ... )" const ( ${1:NAME} ${2:Type} = ${3:value} ${0} ) endsnippet # constants with iota snippet iota "const ( ... = iota )" const ( ${1:NAME} ${2:Type} = iota ${0} ) endsnippet # continue snippet cn "continue" continue endsnippet # default case snippet default "default: ..." default: ${0:${VISUAL}} endsnippet # defer snippet df "defer someFunction()" defer ${1:func}(${2}) ${0} endsnippet snippet def "defer func() { ... }" defer func() { ${0:${VISUAL}} }() endsnippet # defer recover snippet defr defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { ${0:${VISUAL}} } }() endsnippet # gpl snippet gpl /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Copyright (C) ${1:Author}, `strftime("%Y")` */ ${0} endsnippet # import snippet import "import ( ... )" import ( "${1:package}" ) endsnippet # full interface snippet snippet interface "interface I { ... }" type ${1:Interface} interface { ${2:/* TODO: add methods */} } endsnippet # if condition snippet if "if ... { ... }" if ${1:condition} { ${0:${VISUAL}} } endsnippet # else snippet snippet else else { ${0:${VISUAL}} } endsnippet # if inline error snippet ife "If with inline erro" if err := ${1:condition}; err != nil { ${0:${VISUAL}} } endsnippet # error snippet snippet errn "Error return " !b if err != nil { return err } ${0} endsnippet # error log snippet snippet errl "Error with log.Fatal(err)" !b if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } ${0} endsnippet # error multiple return snippet errn, "Error return with two return values" !b if err != nil { return ${1:nil}, err } ${0} endsnippet # error panic snippet errp "Error panic" !b if err != nil { panic(${1}) } ${0} endsnippet # error test snippet errt "Error test fatal " !b if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ${0} endsnippet # error handle snippet errh "Error handle and return" !b if err != nil { ${1} return } ${0} endsnippet # json field tag snippet json "\`json:key\`" \`json:"${1:`!v go#util#snippetcase(matchstr(getline("."), '\w\+'))`}"\` endsnippet # yaml field tag snippet yaml "\`yaml:key\`" \`yaml:"${1:`!v go#util#snippetcase(matchstr(getline("."), '\w\+'))`}"\` endsnippet # fallthrough snippet ft "fallthrough" fallthrough endsnippet # for loop snippet for "for ... { ... }" for ${1} { ${0:${VISUAL}} } endsnippet # for integer loop snippet fori "for 0..N-1 { ... }" for ${1:i} := 0; $1 < ${2:N}; $1++ { ${0:${VISUAL}} } endsnippet # for range loop snippet forr "for k, v := range items { ... }" for ${2:k}, ${3:v} := range ${1} { ${0:${VISUAL}} } endsnippet # function snippet func "func Function(...) [error] { ... }" func ${1:name}(${2:params})${3/(.+)/ /}`!p opening_par(snip, 3)`$3`!p closing_par(snip, 3)` { ${0:${VISUAL}} } endsnippet # Fmt Printf debug snippet ff "fmt.Printf(...)" fmt.Printf("${1:${VISUAL}} = %+v\n", $1) endsnippet # Fmt Println debug snippet fn "fmt.Println(...)" fmt.Println("${1:${VISUAL}}") endsnippet # log printf snippet lf "log.Printf(...)" log.Printf("${1:${VISUAL}} = %+v\n", $1) endsnippet # log println snippet ln "log.Println(...)" log.Println("${1:${VISUAL}}") endsnippet # make snippet make "make(Type, size)" make(${1:[]string}, ${2:0})${0} endsnippet # map snippet map "map[Type]Type" map[${1:string}]${0:int} endsnippet # main() snippet main "func main() { ... }" func main() { ${0:${VISUAL}} } endsnippet # method snippet meth "func (self Type) Method(...) [error] { ... }" func (${1:receiver} ${2:type}) ${3:name}(${4:params})${5/(.+)/ /}`!p opening_par(snip, 5)`$5`!p closing_par(snip, 5)` { ${0:${VISUAL}} } endsnippet # ok snippet ok "if !ok { ... }" if !ok { ${0:${VISUAL}} } endsnippet # package snippet package "package ..." // Package $1 provides ${2:...} package ${1:main} ${0} endsnippet # panic snippet pn "panic()" panic("${0:msg}") endsnippet # return snippet rt "return" return ${0:${VISUAL}} endsnippet # select snippet select "select { case a := <-chan: ... }" select { case ${1:v1} := <-${2:chan1} ${0} } endsnippet # struct snippet st "type T struct { ... }" type ${1:Type} struct { ${0} } endsnippet # switch snippet switch "switch x { ... }" switch ${1:var} { case ${2:value1}: ${0} } endsnippet # sprintf snippet sp "fmt.Sprintf(...)" fmt.Sprintf("%${1:s}", ${2:var}) endsnippet # goroutine named function snippet go "go someFunc(...)" go ${1:funcName}(${0}) endsnippet # goroutine anonymous function snippet gof "go func() { ... }()" go func() { ${1:${VISUAL}} }() ${0} endsnippet # test function snippet test "func TestXYZ(t *testing.T) { ... }" func Test${1:Function}(t *testing.T) { ${0:${VISUAL}} } endsnippet snippet hf "http.HandlerFunc" !b func ${1:handler}(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ${0:fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello world")} } endsnippet snippet hhf "mux.HandleFunc" !b ${1:http}.HandleFunc("${2:/}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ${0:fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello world")} }) endsnippet # quick test server snippet tsrv "httptest.NewServer" ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintln(w, ${1:`response`}) })) defer ts.Close() ${0:someUrl} = ts.URL endsnippet # test error handling snippet ter "if err != nil { t.Errorf(...) }" if err != nil { t.Errorf("${0:message}") } endsnippet # test fatal error snippet terf "if err != nil { t.Fatalf(...) }" if err != nil { t.Fatalf("${0:message}") } endsnippet snippet example "func ExampleXYZ() { ... }" func Example${1:Method}() { ${0:${VISUAL}} // Output: } endsnippet snippet benchmark "func BenchmarkXYZ(b *testing.B) { ... }" func Benchmark${1:Method}(b *testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { ${0:${VISUAL}} } } endsnippet # variable declaration snippet var "var x Type [= ...]" var ${1:x} ${2:Type}${3: = ${0:value}} endsnippet # variables declaration snippet vars "var ( ... )" var ( ${1:x} ${2:Type}${3: = ${0:value}} ) endsnippet # equals fails the test if exp is not equal to act. snippet eq "equals: test two identifiers with DeepEqual" if !reflect.DeepEqual(${1:expected}, ${2:actual}) { _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0) fmt.Printf("%s:%d:\n\n\texp: %#v\n\n\tgot: %#v\n\n", filepath.Base(file), line, $1, $2) t.FailNow() } endsnippet global !p import re # Automatically wrap return types with parentheses def return_values(s): # remove everything wrapped in parentheses s = re.sub("\(.*?\)|\([^)]*$", "", s) return len(s.split(",")) def opening_par(snip, pos): if return_values(t[pos]) > 1 and not t[pos].startswith("("): snip.rv = "(" else: snip.rv = "" def closing_par(snip, pos): if return_values(t[pos]) > 1: snip.rv = ")" else: snip.rv = "" endglobal # vim:ft=snippets: