require 'vimrunner' def create_vim(*initial_commands) vim = Vimrunner.start initial_commands.each do |cmd| vim.command cmd end vim.add_plugin(File.expand_path('../../../..', __FILE__), 'plugin/editorconfig.vim') return vim end # The base path of the testing files BASE_PATH = File.expand_path('../plugin_tests/test_files/', __FILE__) # file_name is the file name that should be open by Vim # expected_values is a Hash that contains all the Vim options we need to test def test_editorconfig(vim, file_name, expected_values) vim.edit(File.join(BASE_PATH, file_name)) expected_values.each do |key, val| vimval = vim.echo("&l:#{key}") expect(vimval).to eq(val), "key #{key} had value #{vimval}, but I expected #{val}" end vim.command 'bd!' end def test_instance(vim) describe 'plugin/editorconfig.vim' do after(:all) do vim.kill end describe '#all' do it '' do test_editorconfig vim, '3_space.txt', expandtab: '1', shiftwidth: '3', tabstop: '3' end end it '' do test_editorconfig vim, '', expandtab: '1', shiftwidth: '4', tabstop: '8' end it 'space.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, 'space.txt', expandtab: '1', shiftwidth: vim.echo('&l:tabstop') end it 'tab.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, 'tab.txt', expandtab: '0' end it '4_tab.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, '4_tab.txt', expandtab: '0', shiftwidth: '4', tabstop: '4' end it '4_tab_width_of_8' do test_editorconfig vim, '4_tab_width_of_8.txt', expandtab: '0', shiftwidth: '4', tabstop: '8' end it 'lf.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, 'lf.txt', fileformat: 'unix' end it 'crlf.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, 'crlf.txt', fileformat: 'dos' end it 'cr.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, 'cr.txt', fileformat: 'mac' end it 'utf-8.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, 'utf-8.txt', fileencoding: 'utf-8', bomb: '0' end it 'utf-8-bom.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, 'utf-8-bom.txt', fileencoding: 'utf-8', bomb: '1' end it 'utf-16be.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, 'utf-16be.txt', fileencoding: 'utf-16' end it 'utf-16le.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, 'utf-16le.txt', fileencoding: 'utf-16le' end it 'latin1.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, 'latin1.txt', fileencoding: 'latin1' end # insert_final_newline by PreserveNoEOL tests are omitted, since they are not supported if vim.echo("exists('+fixendofline')") == '1' it 'with_newline.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, 'with_newline.txt', fixendofline: '1' end it 'without_newline.txt' do test_editorconfig vim, 'without_newline.txt', fixendofline: '0' end end end end # Test the vim core (lambda do puts 'Testing default' vim = create_vim test_instance vim end).call # Test the vim core with an express setting (lambda do puts 'Testing with express vim_core mode' vim = create_vim("let g:EditorConfig_core_mode='vim_core'") test_instance vim end).call # Test with external-core mode, but no external core defined (lambda do puts 'Testing with fallback to vim_core mode' vim = create_vim("let g:EditorConfig_core_mode='external_command'") test_instance vim end).call # Test with an external core, if desired extcore = ENV['EDITORCONFIG_VIM_EXTERNAL_CORE'] if extcore puts "Testing with external_command #{extcore}" vim = create_vim( "let g:EditorConfig_core_mode='external_command'", "let g:EditorConfig_exec_path='#{extcore}'", ) test_instance vim end