" Author: Cyril Roelandt , jiz4oh " Description: Integration of xmllint with ALE. call ale#Set('xml_xmllint_executable', 'xmllint') call ale#Set('xml_xmllint_options', '') call ale#Set('xml_xmllint_indentsize', 2) function! ale#fixers#xmllint#Fix(buffer) abort let l:executable = ale#Escape(ale#Var(a:buffer, 'xml_xmllint_executable')) let l:filename = bufname(a:buffer) if empty(l:filename) let l:filename = '%t' else let l:filename = ale#Escape(l:filename) endif let l:command = l:executable . ' --format ' . l:filename let l:indent = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'xml_xmllint_indentsize') if l:indent isnot# '' let l:env = ale#Env('XMLLINT_INDENT', repeat(' ', l:indent)) let l:command = l:env . l:command endif let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'xml_xmllint_options') if l:options isnot# '' let l:command .= ' ' . l:options endif return { \ 'command': l:command \} endfunction