*cocoa.txt* Plugin for Cocoa/Objective-C development. cocoa.vim *cocoa* Last Change: March 30, 2010 Author: Michael Sanders |cocoa-introduction| Introduction |cocoa-installation| Installation |cocoa-overview| Overview of features |cocoa-mappings| Mappings |cocoa-commands| Commands |cocoa-license| License |cocoa-contact| Contact For Vim version 7.0 or later. This plugin only works if 'compatible' is not set. {Vi does not have any of these features.} ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *cocoa-intro* Cocoa.vim is a collection of scripts designed to make it easier to develop Cocoa/Objective-C applications. It includes enhanced syntax highlighting, code completion, documentation lookup, as well as a number of other features that can be used to integrate Vim with Xcode, allowing you to essentially replace Xcode's editor with Vim. ============================================================================== INSTALLATION *cocoa-installation* Documentation lookup and code completion for Cocoa.vim currently only work on OS X 10.5+ (although the other parts should work on any platform). To install, simply unzip cocoa.zip to your home vim directory (typically ~/.vim). *cocoa-suggested-plugins* The code completion in cocoa.vim uses snipMate, if you have it installed, to allow you to conveniently over the parameters in functions and methods. If you like cocoa.vim, you may also find objc_matchbracket.vim useful. *leopard-security-alert* Documentation works by showing the page in your default browser, which apparently causes Leopard to warn you of opening an html file for every word you look up. To fix this, see this page: http://tinyurl.com/remove-annoying-alert ============================================================================== FEATURE OVERVIEW *cocoa-features* 1. Enhanced syntax highlighting; Vim's syntax highlighting for Objective-C seemed a bit incomplete to me, so I have added a few niceties, such as highlighting Cocoa keywords and differentiating the method name and passed objects in method calls and definitions. 2. Xcode-like mappings; mappings such as (where "d" is "command") to build & run and to switch to the project window help to integrate Xcode and Vim. For a complete list of the mappings in cocoa.vim, see |cocoa-mappings|. 3. Methods for the current file can be listed and navigated to with the |:ListMethods| command. 4. A template of methods declared in a header file (.h) can be built in an implementation file (.m) with |:BuildMethods|. 5. Cocoa/C Documentation can be looked up with the |:CocoaDoc| command, or simply with Vim's |K|. 6. Code completion for classes, methods, functions, constants, types, and notifications can be invoked with . Parameters for methods and functions are automatically converted to snippets to over if you have snipMate installed. ============================================================================== MAPPINGS *cocoa-mappings* *g:objc_man_key* Cocoa.vim maps the following keys, some for convenience and others to integrate with Xcode: (Disclaimer: Sorry, I could not use the swirly symbols because vim/git was having encoding issues. Just pretend that e.g. means cmd-r.) ||A - Alternate between header (.h) and implementation (.m) file K - Look up documentation for word under cursor[1] - A - Build & Run (Go) - CMD-R - Build - Clean - Go to Project - :ListMethods (in insert mode) - Show omnicompletion menu - Comment out line - Decrease indent - Increase indent ([1] This can be customized by the variable g:objc_man_key.) ============================================================================== COMMANDS *cocoa-commands* *:ListMethods* :ListMethods Open a split window containing the methods, functions, and #pragma marks of the current file. *:BuildMethods* :BuildMethods [headerfile] Build a template of methods in an implementation (.m) from a list declared in a header file (.h). If no argument is given, the corresponding header file is used (e.g. "foo.m" -> "foo.h"). ============================================================================== CODE COMPLETION *cocoa-completion* When cocoa.vim is installed the 'omnifunc' is automatically set to 'cocoacomplete#Complete'. This allows you to complete classes, functions, methods, etc. with . These keywords are saved from header files in ~/.vim/lib/cocoa_indexes; they have been built for you, although you can build them again by running ~/.vim/lib/extras/cocoa_definitions.py. Completions with parameters (i.e., functions and methods) are automatically converted to |snipMate| if it is installed. To invoke the snippet, simply press a whitespace character (space, tab, or return), and then navigate the snippet as you would in snipMate. ============================================================================== LICENSE *cocoa-license* Cocoa.vim is released under the MIT license: Copyright 2009-2010 Michael Sanders. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software. ============================================================================== CONTACT *cocoa-contact* *cocoa-author* To contact the author (Michael Sanders), you may email: msanders42+cocoa.vim gmail com Thanks for your interest in the script! ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:enc=utf-8: