function! go#rename#Rename(bang, ...) abort let to_identifier = "" if a:0 == 0 let ask = printf("vim-go: rename '%s' to: ", expand("")) let prefill = go#config#GorenamePrefill() if prefill != '' let to_identifier = input(ask, eval(prefill)) else let to_identifier = input(ask) endif redraw! if empty(to_identifier) return endif else let to_identifier = a:1 endif " return with a warning if the bin doesn't exist let bin_path = go#path#CheckBinPath(go#config#GorenameBin()) if empty(bin_path) return endif let fname = expand('%:p') let pos = go#util#OffsetCursor() let offset = printf('%s:#%d', fname, pos) let cmd = [bin_path, "-offset", offset, "-to", to_identifier, '-tags', go#config#BuildTags()] if go#util#has_job() call go#util#EchoProgress(printf("renaming to '%s' ...", to_identifier)) call s:rename_job({ \ 'cmd': cmd, \ 'bang': a:bang, \}) return endif let [l:out, l:err] = go#tool#ExecuteInDir(l:cmd) call s:parse_errors(l:err, a:bang, split(l:out, '\n')) endfunction function s:rename_job(args) let state = { \ 'exited': 0, \ 'closed': 0, \ 'exitval': 0, \ 'messages': [], \ 'status_dir': expand('%:p:h'), \ 'bang': a:args.bang \ } function! s:callback(chan, msg) dict call add(self.messages, a:msg) endfunction function! s:exit_cb(job, exitval) dict let self.exited = 1 let self.exitval = a:exitval let status = { \ 'desc': 'last status', \ 'type': "gorename", \ 'state': "finished", \ } if a:exitval let status.state = "failed" endif call go#statusline#Update(self.status_dir, status) if self.closed call s:parse_errors(self.exitval, self.bang, self.messages) endif endfunction function! s:close_cb(ch) dict let self.closed = 1 if self.exited call s:parse_errors(self.exitval, self.bang, self.messages) endif endfunction " explicitly bind the callbacks to state so that self within them always " refers to state. See :help Partial for more information. let start_options = { \ 'callback': funcref("s:callback", [], state), \ 'exit_cb': funcref("s:exit_cb", [], state), \ 'close_cb': funcref("s:close_cb", [], state), \ } call go#statusline#Update(state.status_dir, { \ 'desc': "current status", \ 'type': "gorename", \ 'state': "started", \}) call job_start(a:args.cmd, start_options) endfunction function s:parse_errors(exit_val, bang, out) " reload all files to reflect the new changes. We explicitly call " checktime to trigger a reload of all files. See " for more info " about the autoread bug let current_autoread = &autoread set autoread silent! checktime let &autoread = current_autoread let l:listtype = go#list#Type("GoRename") if a:exit_val != 0 call go#util#EchoError("FAILED") let errors = go#tool#ParseErrors(a:out) call go#list#Populate(l:listtype, errors, 'Rename') call go#list#Window(l:listtype, len(errors)) if !empty(errors) && !a:bang call go#list#JumpToFirst(l:listtype) elseif empty(errors) " failed to parse errors, output the original content call go#util#EchoError(a:out) endif return endif " strip out newline on the end that gorename puts. If we don't remove, it " will trigger the 'Hit ENTER to continue' prompt call go#list#Clean(l:listtype) call go#util#EchoSuccess(a:out[0]) " refresh the buffer so we can see the new content " TODO(arslan): also find all other buffers and refresh them too. For this " we need a way to get the list of changes from gorename upon an success " change. silent execute ":e" endfunction " Commandline completion: original, unexported camelCase, and exported " CamelCase. function! go#rename#Complete(lead, cmdline, cursor) let l:word = expand('') return filter(uniq(sort( \ [l:word, go#util#camelcase(l:word), go#util#pascalcase(l:word)])), \ 'strpart(v:val, 0, len(a:lead)) == a:lead') endfunction " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et