priority -50 ########################### # Sections and Paragraphs # ########################### snippet sec "Section" b # ${1:Section Name} # $0 endsnippet snippet ssec "Sub Section" b ## ${1:Section Name} ## $0 endsnippet snippet sssec "SubSub Section" b ### ${1:Section Name} ### $0 endsnippet snippet par "Paragraph" b #### ${1:Paragraph Name} #### $0 endsnippet snippet spar "Paragraph" b ##### ${1:Paragraph Name} ##### $0 endsnippet ################ # Common stuff # ################ snippet link "Link to something" [${1:${VISUAL:Text}}](${3:http://${}})$0 endsnippet snippet img "Image" $0 endsnippet snippet ilc "Inline Code" i \`$1\`$0 endsnippet snippet cbl "Codeblock" b \`\`\` $1 \`\`\` $0 endsnippet # vim:ft=snippets: