" Author: suoto " Description: Adds support for HDL Code Checker, which wraps vcom/vlog, ghdl " or xvhdl. More info on https://github.com/suoto/hdl_checker call ale#Set('hdl_checker_executable', 'hdl_checker') call ale#Set('hdl_checker_config_file', has('unix') ? '.hdl_checker.config' : '_hdl_checker.config') call ale#Set('hdl_checker_options', '') " Use this as a function so we can mock it on testing. Need to do this because " test files are inside /testplugin (which refers to the ale repo), which will " always have a .git folder function! ale#handlers#hdl_checker#IsDotGit(path) abort return ! empty(a:path) && isdirectory(a:path) endfunction " Sould return (in order of preference) " 1. Nearest config file " 2. Nearest .git directory " 3. The current path function! ale#handlers#hdl_checker#GetProjectRoot(buffer) abort let l:project_root = ale#path#FindNearestFile( \ a:buffer, \ ale#Var(a:buffer, 'hdl_checker_config_file')) if !empty(l:project_root) return fnamemodify(l:project_root, ':h') endif " Search for .git to use as root let l:project_root = ale#path#FindNearestDirectory(a:buffer, '.git') if ale#handlers#hdl_checker#IsDotGit(l:project_root) return fnamemodify(l:project_root, ':h:h') endif return '' endfunction function! ale#handlers#hdl_checker#GetExecutable(buffer) abort return ale#Var(a:buffer, 'hdl_checker_executable') endfunction function! ale#handlers#hdl_checker#GetCommand(buffer) abort let l:command = ale#Escape(ale#handlers#hdl_checker#GetExecutable(a:buffer)) . ' --lsp' " Add extra parameters only if config has been set let l:options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'hdl_checker_options') if ! empty(l:options) let l:command = l:command . ' ' . l:options endif return l:command endfunction " To allow testing function! ale#handlers#hdl_checker#GetInitOptions(buffer) abort return {'project_file': ale#Var(a:buffer, 'hdl_checker_config_file')} endfunction " Define the hdl_checker linter for a given filetype. function! ale#handlers#hdl_checker#DefineLinter(filetype) abort call ale#linter#Define(a:filetype, { \ 'name': 'hdl-checker', \ 'lsp': 'stdio', \ 'language': a:filetype, \ 'executable': function('ale#handlers#hdl_checker#GetExecutable'), \ 'command': function('ale#handlers#hdl_checker#GetCommand'), \ 'project_root': function('ale#handlers#hdl_checker#GetProjectRoot'), \ 'initialization_options': function('ale#handlers#hdl_checker#GetInitOptions'), \ }) endfunction