require 'spec_helper' describe "Syntax highlighting" do specify "method definitions" do str = <<~'EOF' def foo bar end EOF assert_correct_highlighting str, %w[def end], 'rubyDefine' assert_correct_highlighting str, 'foo', 'rubyMethodName' end specify "method definitions named 'end'" do assert_correct_highlighting <<~'EOF', 'end', 'rubyMethodName' def end end EOF assert_correct_highlighting <<~'EOF', 'end', 'rubyMethodName' def end end EOF end specify "method parameters with symbol default values" do assert_correct_highlighting <<~'EOF', ':baz', 'rubySymbol' def foo bar=:baz end EOF end specify "unparenthesised method parameters with a required trailing keyword then semicolon" do assert_correct_highlighting <<~'EOF', 'bar', 'rubySymbol' def foo bar:; end EOF end specify "endless def does not start a method region" do assert_correct_highlighting <<~'EOF', 'end', '' def foo = bar end EOF assert_correct_highlighting <<~'EOF', 'end', '' def foo (a, b) = bar end EOF end end