" ============================================================================ " CLASS: Bookmark " " The Bookmark class serves two purposes: " (1) It is the top-level prototype for new, concrete Bookmark objects. " (2) It provides an interface for client code to query and manipulate the " global list of Bookmark objects within the current Vim session. " ============================================================================ let s:Bookmark = {} let g:NERDTreeBookmark = s:Bookmark " FUNCTION: Bookmark.activate(nerdtree) {{{1 function! s:Bookmark.activate(nerdtree, ...) call self.open(a:nerdtree, a:0 ? a:1 : {}) endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.AddBookmark(name, path) {{{1 " Class method to add a new bookmark to the list, if a previous bookmark exists " with the same name, just update the path for that bookmark function! s:Bookmark.AddBookmark(name, path) for i in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() if i.name ==# a:name let i.path = a:path return endif endfor call add(s:Bookmark.Bookmarks(), s:Bookmark.New(a:name, a:path)) endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.Bookmarks() {{{1 " Class method to get all bookmarks. Lazily initializes the bookmarks global " variable function! s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() if !exists("g:NERDTreeBookmarks") let g:NERDTreeBookmarks = [] endif return g:NERDTreeBookmarks endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.BookmarkExistsFor(name) {{{1 " class method that returns 1 if a bookmark with the given name is found, 0 " otherwise function! s:Bookmark.BookmarkExistsFor(name) try call s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(a:name) return 1 catch /^NERDTree.BookmarkNotFoundError/ return 0 endtry endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.BookmarkFor(name) {{{1 " Class method that returns the Bookmark object having the specified name. " Throws "NERDTree.BookmarkNotFoundError" if no Bookmark is found. function! s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(name) let l:result = {} for l:bookmark in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() if l:bookmark.name ==# a:name let l:result = l:bookmark break endif endfor if empty(l:result) throw 'NERDTree.BookmarkNotFoundError: "' . a:name . '" not found' endif return l:result endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.BookmarkNames() {{{1 " Class method to return an array of all bookmark names function! s:Bookmark.BookmarkNames() let names = [] for i in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() call add(names, i.name) endfor return names endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(silent) {{{1 " Class method to read all bookmarks from the bookmarks file initialize " bookmark objects for each one. " " Args: " silent - dont echo an error msg if invalid bookmarks are found function! s:Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(silent) if filereadable(g:NERDTreeBookmarksFile) let g:NERDTreeBookmarks = [] let g:NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks = [] let bookmarkStrings = readfile(g:NERDTreeBookmarksFile) let invalidBookmarksFound = 0 for i in bookmarkStrings "ignore blank lines if i != '' let name = substitute(i, '^\(.\{-}\) .*$', '\1', '') let path = substitute(i, '^.\{-} \(.*\)$', '\1', '') let path = fnamemodify(path, ':p') try let bookmark = s:Bookmark.New(name, g:NERDTreePath.New(path)) call add(g:NERDTreeBookmarks, bookmark) catch /^NERDTree.InvalidArgumentsError/ call add(g:NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks, i) let invalidBookmarksFound += 1 endtry endif endfor if invalidBookmarksFound call s:Bookmark.Write() if !a:silent call nerdtree#echo(invalidBookmarksFound . " invalid bookmarks were read. See :help NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks for info.") endif endif endif endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.CompareBookmarksByName(firstBookmark, secondBookmark) {{{1 " Class method that indicates the relative position of two bookmarks when " placed in alphabetical order by name. Case-sensitivity is determined by an " option. Supports the "s:Bookmark.SortBookmarksList()" method. function! s:Bookmark.CompareBookmarksByName(firstBookmark, secondBookmark) let l:result = 0 if g:NERDTreeBookmarksSort == 1 if a:firstBookmark.name ? a:secondBookmark.name let l:result = 1 endif elseif g:NERDTreeBookmarksSort == 2 if a:firstBookmark.name <# a:secondBookmark.name let l:result = -1 elseif a:firstBookmark.name ># a:secondBookmark.name let l:result = 1 endif endif return l:result endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.ClearAll() {{{1 " Class method to delete all bookmarks. function! s:Bookmark.ClearAll() for i in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() call i.delete() endfor call s:Bookmark.Write() endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.delete() {{{1 " Delete this bookmark. If the node for this bookmark is under the current " root, then recache bookmarks for its Path object function! s:Bookmark.delete() call remove(s:Bookmark.Bookmarks(), index(s:Bookmark.Bookmarks(), self)) call s:Bookmark.Write() endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.getNode(nerdtree, searchFromAbsoluteRoot) {{{1 " Returns the tree node object associated with this Bookmark. " Throws "NERDTree.BookmarkedNodeNotFoundError" if the node is not found. " " Args: " searchFromAbsoluteRoot: boolean flag, search from the highest cached node " if true and from the current tree root if false function! s:Bookmark.getNode(nerdtree, searchFromAbsoluteRoot) if a:searchFromAbsoluteRoot let l:searchRoot = a:nerdtree.root.AbsoluteTreeRoot() else let l:searchRoot = a:nerdtree.root endif let l:targetNode = l:searchRoot.findNode(self.path) if empty(l:targetNode) throw 'NERDTree.BookmarkedNodeNotFoundError: node for bookmark "' . self.name . '" not found' endif return l:targetNode endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.GetNodeForName(name, searchFromAbsoluteRoot, nerdtree) {{{1 " Class method that returns the tree node object for the Bookmark with the " given name. Throws "NERDTree.BookmarkNotFoundError" if a Bookmark with the " name does not exist. Throws "NERDTree.BookmarkedNodeNotFoundError" if a " tree node for the named Bookmark could not be found. function! s:Bookmark.GetNodeForName(name, searchFromAbsoluteRoot, nerdtree) let l:bookmark = s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(a:name) return l:bookmark.getNode(a:nerdtree, a:searchFromAbsoluteRoot) endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.GetSelected() {{{1 " returns the Bookmark the cursor is over, or {} function! s:Bookmark.GetSelected() let line = getline(".") let name = substitute(line, '^>\(.\{-}\) .\+$', '\1', '') if name != line try return s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(name) catch /^NERDTree.BookmarkNotFoundError/ return {} endtry endif return {} endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.InvalidBookmarks() {{{1 " Class method to get all invalid bookmark strings read from the bookmarks " file function! s:Bookmark.InvalidBookmarks() if !exists("g:NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks") let g:NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks = [] endif return g:NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.mustExist() {{{1 function! s:Bookmark.mustExist() if !self.path.exists() call s:Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(1) throw "NERDTree.BookmarkPointsToInvalidLocationError: the bookmark \"". \ self.name ."\" points to a non existing location: \"". self.path.str() endif endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.New(name, path) {{{1 " Create a new bookmark object with the given name and path object function! s:Bookmark.New(name, path) if a:name =~# ' ' throw "NERDTree.IllegalBookmarkNameError: illegal name:" . a:name endif let newBookmark = copy(self) let newBookmark.name = a:name let newBookmark.path = a:path return newBookmark endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.open(nerdtree, [options]) {{{1 "Args: " "nerdtree: the tree to load open the bookmark in " "A dictionary containing the following keys (all optional): " 'where': Specifies whether the node should be opened in new split/tab or in " the previous window. Can be either 'v' (vertical split), 'h' " (horizontal split), 't' (new tab) or 'p' (previous window). " 'reuse': if a window is displaying the file then jump the cursor there " 'keepopen': dont close the tree window " 'stay': open the file, but keep the cursor in the tree win " function! s:Bookmark.open(nerdtree, ...) let opts = a:0 ? a:1 : {} if self.path.isDirectory && !has_key(opts, 'where') call self.toRoot(a:nerdtree) else let opener = g:NERDTreeOpener.New(self.path, opts) call opener.open(self) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.openInNewTab(options) {{{1 " Create a new bookmark object with the given name and path object function! s:Bookmark.openInNewTab(options) call nerdtree#deprecated('Bookmark.openInNewTab', 'is deprecated, use open() instead') call self.open(a:options) endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.setPath(path) {{{1 " makes this bookmark point to the given path function! s:Bookmark.setPath(path) let self.path = a:path endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.SortBookmarksList() {{{1 " Class method that sorts the global list of bookmarks alphabetically by name. " Note that case-sensitivity is determined by a user option. function! s:Bookmark.SortBookmarksList() call sort(s:Bookmark.Bookmarks(), s:Bookmark.CompareBookmarksByName, s:Bookmark) endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.str() {{{1 " Get the string that should be rendered in the view for this bookmark function! s:Bookmark.str() let pathStrMaxLen = winwidth(g:NERDTree.GetWinNum()) - 4 - strdisplaywidth(self.name) if &nu let pathStrMaxLen = pathStrMaxLen - &numberwidth endif let pathStr = self.path.str({'format': 'UI'}) if strdisplaywidth(pathStr) > pathStrMaxLen while strdisplaywidth(pathStr) > pathStrMaxLen && strchars(pathStr) > 0 let pathStr = substitute(pathStr, '^.', '', '') endwhile let pathStr = '<' . pathStr endif return '>' . self.name . ' ' . pathStr endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.toRoot(nerdtree) {{{1 " Set the root of the given NERDTree to the node for this Bookmark. If a node " for this Bookmark does not exist, a new one is initialized. function! s:Bookmark.toRoot(nerdtree) if self.validate() try let l:targetNode = self.getNode(a:nerdtree, 1) call l:targetNode.closeChildren() catch /^NERDTree.BookmarkedNodeNotFoundError/ let l:targetNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.New(s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(self.name).path, a:nerdtree) endtry call a:nerdtree.changeRoot(l:targetNode) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.ToRoot(name, nerdtree) {{{1 " Class method that makes the Bookmark with the given name the root of " specified NERDTree. function! s:Bookmark.ToRoot(name, nerdtree) let l:bookmark = s:Bookmark.BookmarkFor(a:name) call l:bookmark.toRoot(a:nerdtree) endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.validate() {{{1 function! s:Bookmark.validate() if self.path.exists() return 1 else call s:Bookmark.CacheBookmarks(1) call nerdtree#echo(self.name . "now points to an invalid location. See :help NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks for info.") return 0 endif endfunction " FUNCTION: Bookmark.Write() {{{1 " Class method to write all bookmarks to the bookmarks file function! s:Bookmark.Write() let bookmarkStrings = [] for i in s:Bookmark.Bookmarks() call add(bookmarkStrings, i.name . ' ' . fnamemodify(i.path.str(), ':~')) endfor "add a blank line before the invalid ones call add(bookmarkStrings, "") for j in s:Bookmark.InvalidBookmarks() call add(bookmarkStrings, j) endfor call writefile(bookmarkStrings, g:NERDTreeBookmarksFile) endfunction " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: