"============================================================================== "File: vimroom.vim "Description: Vaguely emulates a writeroom-like environment in Vim by " splitting the current window in such a way as to center a column " of user-specified width, wrap the text, and break lines. "Maintainer: Mike West "Version: 0.7 "Last Change: 2010-10-31 "License: BSD <../LICENSE.markdown> "============================================================================== """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Plugin Configuration " " The typical start to any vim plugin: If the plugin has already been loaded, " exit as quickly as possible. if exists( "g:loaded_vimroom_plugin" ) finish endif let g:loaded_vimroom_plugin = 1 " The desired column width. Defaults to 100: if !exists( "g:vimroom_width" ) let g:vimroom_width = 100 endif " The minimum sidebar size. Defaults to 5: if !exists( "g:vimroom_min_sidebar_width" ) let g:vimroom_min_sidebar_width = 5 endif " The sidebar height. Defaults to 3: if !exists( "g:vimroom_sidebar_height" ) let g:vimroom_sidebar_height = 2 endif " The GUI background color. Defaults to "black" if !exists( "g:vimroom_guibackground" ) let g:vimroom_guibackground = "#202020" endif " The cterm background color. Defaults to "bg" if !exists( "g:vimroom_ctermbackground" ) let g:vimroom_ctermbackground = "bg" endif " The "scrolloff" value: how many lines should be kept visible above and below " the cursor at all times? Defaults to 999 (which centers your cursor in the " active window). if !exists( "g:vimroom_scrolloff" ) let g:vimroom_scrolloff = 0 endif " Should Vimroom map navigational keys (``, ``, `j`, `k`) to navigate " "display" lines instead of "logical" lines (which makes it much simpler to deal " with wrapped lines). Defaults to `1` (on). Set to `0` if you'd prefer not to " run the mappings. if !exists( "g:vimroom_navigation_keys" ) let g:vimroom_navigation_keys = 1 endif " Should Vimroom clear line numbers from the Vimroomed buffer? Defaults to `1` " (on). Set to `0` if you'd prefer Vimroom to leave line numbers untouched. " (Note that setting this to `0` will not turn line numbers on if they aren't " on already). if !exists( "g:vimroom_clear_line_numbers" ) let g:vimroom_clear_line_numbers = 1 endif """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Plugin Code " " Given the desired column width, and minimum sidebar width, determine " the minimum window width necessary for splitting to make sense let s:minwidth = g:vimroom_width + ( g:vimroom_min_sidebar_width * 2 ) " Save the current color scheme for reset later let s:scheme = "" if exists( "g:colors_name" ) let s:scheme = g:colors_name endif if exists( "&t_mr" ) let s:save_t_mr = &t_mr end " Save the current scrolloff value for reset later let s:save_scrolloff = "" if exists( "&scrolloff" ) let s:save_scrolloff = &scrolloff end " Save the current `laststatus` value for reset later let s:save_laststatus = "" if exists( "&laststatus" ) let s:save_laststatus = &laststatus endif " Save the current `background` value for reset later let s:save_background = "" if exists( "&background" ) let s:save_background = &background endif " Save the current `textwidth'` value for reset later let s:save_textwidth' = "" if exists( "&textwidth'" ) let s:save_textwidth' = &textwidth' endif " Save the current `showtabline` value for reset later let s:save_showtabline = "" if exists( "&showtabline" ) let s:save_showtabline = &showtabline endif " Save the current `textwidth` value for reset later let s:save_textwidth = "" if exists( "&textwidth" ) let s:save_textwidth = &textwidth endif " Save the current `number` and `relativenumber` values for reset later let s:save_number = 0 let s:save_relativenumber = 0 if exists( "&number" ) let s:save_number = &number endif if exists ( "&relativenumber" ) let s:save_relativenumber = &relativenumber endif " We're currently in nonvimroomized state let s:active = 0 function! s:is_the_screen_wide_enough() return winwidth( winnr() ) >= s:minwidth endfunction function! s:sidebar_size() return ( winwidth( winnr() ) - g:vimroom_width - 2 ) / 2 endfunction function! s:markdown_room() set background=light set linespace=8 set textwidth=80 hi Normal guibg=gray95 hi NonText guifg=gray95 hi FoldColumn guibg=gray95 hi CursorLine guibg=gray90 hi Title gui=bold guifg=gray25 hi MarkdownHeadingDelimiter gui=bold guifg=gray25 hi htmlSpecialChar guifg=black hi markdownError guifg=black hi markdownBold gui=bold guifg=gray25 hi markdownItalic guifg=gray25 gui=underline hi markdownUrl guifg=#2fb3a6 hi markdownAutomaticLink guifg=#2fb3a6 hi markdownLinkText guifg=#317849 hi markdownUrlTitle guifg=#317849 hi markdownBlockquote guifg=#317849 gui=bold hi markdownId guifg=#2fb3a6 hi markdownIdDeclaration guifg=#317849 gui=bold hi markdownListMarker guifg=#317849 hi Cursor guibg=#15abdd if has('gui_running') let l:highlightbgcolor = "guibg=#f2f2f2" let l:highlightfgbgcolor = "guifg=#f2f2f2" . " " . l:highlightbgcolor else let l:highlightbgcolor = "ctermbg=" . g:vimroom_ctermbackground let l:highlightfgbgcolor = "ctermfg=" . g:vimroom_ctermbackground . " " . l:highlightbgcolor endif exec( "hi Normal " . l:highlightbgcolor ) exec( "hi VertSplit " . l:highlightfgbgcolor ) exec( "hi NonText " . l:highlightfgbgcolor ) exec( "hi StatusLine " . l:highlightfgbgcolor ) exec( "hi StatusLineNC " . l:highlightfgbgcolor ) endfunction function! VimroomToggle() if s:active == 1 let s:active = 0 " Close all other split windows if g:vimroom_sidebar_height wincmd j close wincmd k close endif if g:vimroom_min_sidebar_width wincmd l close wincmd h close endif " Reset color scheme (or clear new colors, if no scheme is set) if s:scheme != "" exec( "colorscheme " . s:scheme ) else hi clear endif if s:save_t_mr != "" exec( "set t_mr=" .s:save_t_mr ) endif " Reset `scrolloff` and `laststatus` if s:save_scrolloff != "" exec( "set scrolloff=" . s:save_scrolloff ) endif if s:save_laststatus != "" exec( "set laststatus=" . s:save_laststatus ) endif if s:save_showtabline != "" exec( "set showtabline=" . s:save_showtabline ) endif exec( "set linespace=0" ) if s:save_background != "" exec( "set background=" . s:save_background ) endif if s:save_textwidth != "" exec( "set textwidth=" . s:save_textwidth ) endif if s:save_number != 0 set number endif if s:save_relativenumber != 0 set relativenumber endif " Remove wrapping and linebreaks set nowrap set nolinebreak " Enable AirLine exec("silent AirlineToggle") exec("silent AirlineRefresh") else if s:is_the_screen_wide_enough() let is_mark_or_rst = &filetype == "markdown" || &filetype == "rst" || &filetype == "text" if is_mark_or_rst call s:markdown_room() endif " Disable AirLine exec("silent AirlineToggle") let s:active = 1 let s:sidebar = s:sidebar_size() " Turn off status bar if s:save_laststatus != "" setlocal laststatus=0 endif " Turn off tabline if s:save_showtabline != "" setlocal showtabline=0 endif if g:vimroom_min_sidebar_width " Create the left sidebar exec( "silent leftabove " . s:sidebar . "vsplit new" ) setlocal noma setlocal nocursorline setlocal nonumber silent! setlocal norelativenumber wincmd l " Create the right sidebar exec( "silent rightbelow " . s:sidebar . "vsplit new" ) setlocal noma setlocal nocursorline setlocal nonumber silent! setlocal norelativenumber wincmd h exec( "silent vertical resize " . g:vimroom_width ) endif if g:vimroom_sidebar_height " Create the top sidebar exec( "silent leftabove " . g:vimroom_sidebar_height . "split new" ) setlocal noma setlocal nocursorline setlocal nonumber silent! setlocal norelativenumber wincmd j " Create the bottom sidebar exec( "silent rightbelow " . g:vimroom_sidebar_height . "split new" ) setlocal noma setlocal nocursorline setlocal nonumber silent! setlocal norelativenumber wincmd k endif " Setup wrapping, line breaking, and push the cursor down set wrap set linebreak if g:vimroom_clear_line_numbers set nonumber silent! set norelativenumber endif if s:save_textwidth != "" exec( "set textwidth=".g:vimroom_width ) endif if s:save_scrolloff != "" exec( "set scrolloff=".g:vimroom_scrolloff ) endif " Setup navigation over "display lines", not "logical lines" if " mappings for the navigation keys don't already exist. if g:vimroom_navigation_keys try noremap g noremap g noremap k gk noremap j gj inoremap g inoremap g catch /E227:/ echo "Navigational key mappings already exist." endtry endif " Hide distracting visual elements if !is_mark_or_rst if has('gui_running') let l:highlightbgcolor = "guibg=" . g:vimroom_guibackground let l:highlightfgbgcolor = "guifg=" . g:vimroom_guibackground . " " . l:highlightbgcolor else let l:highlightbgcolor = "ctermbg=" . g:vimroom_ctermbackground let l:highlightfgbgcolor = "ctermfg=" . g:vimroom_ctermbackground . " " . l:highlightbgcolor endif exec( "hi Normal " . l:highlightbgcolor ) exec( "hi VertSplit " . l:highlightfgbgcolor ) exec( "hi NonText " . l:highlightfgbgcolor ) exec( "hi StatusLine " . l:highlightfgbgcolor ) exec( "hi StatusLineNC " . l:highlightfgbgcolor ) endif set t_mr="" set fillchars+=vert:\ endif endif endfunction " Create a mapping for the `VimroomToggle` function noremap VimroomToggle :call VimroomToggle() " Create a `VimroomToggle` command: command -nargs=0 VimroomToggle call VimroomToggle() " If no mapping exists, map it to `V`. if !hasmapto( 'VimroomToggle' ) nmap V VimroomToggle endif