if exists("g:loaded_syntastic_checker") || !exists("g:loaded_syntastic_plugin") finish endif let g:loaded_syntastic_checker = 1 let g:SyntasticChecker = {} " Public methods {{{1 function! g:SyntasticChecker.New(args) " {{{2 let newObj = copy(self) let newObj._filetype = a:args['filetype'] let newObj._name = a:args['name'] let newObj._exec = get(a:args, 'exec', newObj._name) let newObj._sort = 0 if has_key(a:args, 'redirect') let [filetype, name] = split(a:args['redirect'], '/') let prefix = 'SyntaxCheckers_' . filetype . '_' . name . '_' else let prefix = 'SyntaxCheckers_' . newObj._filetype . '_' . newObj._name . '_' endif let newObj._locListFunc = function(prefix . 'GetLocList') if exists('*' . prefix . 'IsAvailable') let newObj._isAvailableFunc = function(prefix . 'IsAvailable') else let newObj._isAvailableFunc = function('SyntasticCheckerIsAvailableDefault') endif if exists('*' . prefix . 'GetHighlightRegex') let newObj._highlightRegexFunc = function(prefix . 'GetHighlightRegex') endif return newObj endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker.getFiletype() " {{{2 return self._filetype endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker.getName() " {{{2 return self._name endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker.getExec() " {{{2 if exists('g:syntastic_' . self._filetype . '_' . self._name . '_exec') return expand(g:syntastic_{self._filetype}_{self._name}_exec) endif return self._exec endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker.getExecEscaped() " {{{2 return syntastic#util#shescape(self.getExec()) endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker.getLocListRaw() " {{{2 let name = self._filetype . '/' . self._name try let list = self._locListFunc() call syntastic#log#debug(g:SyntasticDebugTrace, 'getLocList: checker ' . name . ' returned ' . v:shell_error) catch /\m\C^Syntastic: checker error$/ let list = [] call syntastic#log#error('checker ' . name . ' returned abnormal status ' . v:shell_error) endtry call self._populateHighlightRegexes(list) call syntastic#log#debug(g:SyntasticDebugLoclist, name . ' raw:', list) call self._quietMessages(list) call self._sortMessages(list) return list endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker.getLocList() " {{{2 return g:SyntasticLoclist.New(self.getLocListRaw()) endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker.getWantSort() " {{{2 return self._sort endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker.setWantSort(val) " {{{2 let self._sort = a:val endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker.makeprgBuild(opts) " {{{2 let basename = self._filetype . '_' . self._name . '_' let parts = [] call extend(parts, self._getOpt(a:opts, basename, 'exe', self.getExecEscaped())) call extend(parts, self._getOpt(a:opts, basename, 'args', '')) call extend(parts, self._getOpt(a:opts, basename, 'fname', syntastic#util#shexpand('%'))) call extend(parts, self._getOpt(a:opts, basename, 'post_args', '')) call extend(parts, self._getOpt(a:opts, basename, 'tail', '')) return join(parts) endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker.isAvailable() " {{{2 return self._isAvailableFunc() endfunction " }}}2 " }}}1 " Private methods {{{1 function! g:SyntasticChecker._quietMessages(errors) " {{{2 " wildcard quiet_messages let quiet_filters = copy(syntastic#util#var('quiet_messages', {})) if type(quiet_filters) != type({}) call syntastic#log#warn('ignoring invalid syntastic_quiet_messages') unlet quiet_filters let quiet_filters = {} endif " per checker quiet_messages let name = self._filetype . '_' . self._name try call extend( quiet_filters, copy(syntastic#util#var(name . '_quiet_messages', {})), 'force' ) catch /\m^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E712/ call syntastic#log#warn('ignoring invalid syntastic_' . name . '_quiet_messages') endtry call syntastic#log#debug(g:SyntasticDebugLoclist, 'quiet_messages filter:', quiet_filters) if !empty(quiet_filters) call syntastic#util#dictFilter(a:errors, quiet_filters) call syntastic#log#debug(g:SyntasticDebugLoclist, 'filtered by quiet_messages:', a:errors) endif endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker._sortMessages(errors) " {{{2 " don't sort now if we're going to sort the aggregated list later if self._sort && !(syntastic#util#var('aggregate_errors') && syntastic#util#var('sort_aggregated_errors')) call syntastic#util#sortLoclist(a:errors) call syntastic#log#debug(g:SyntasticDebugLoclist, 'sorted:', a:errors) endif endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker._populateHighlightRegexes(errors) " {{{2 if has_key(self, '_highlightRegexFunc') for e in a:errors if e['valid'] let term = self._highlightRegexFunc(e) if len(term) > 0 let e['hl'] = term endif endif endfor endif endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker._getOpt(opts, basename, name, default) " {{{2 let user_val = syntastic#util#var(a:basename . a:name) let ret = [] call extend( ret, self._shescape(get(a:opts, a:name . '_before', '')) ) call extend( ret, self._shescape(user_val != '' ? user_val : get(a:opts, a:name, a:default)) ) call extend( ret, self._shescape(get(a:opts, a:name . '_after', '')) ) return ret endfunction " }}}2 function! g:SyntasticChecker._shescape(opt) " {{{2 if type(a:opt) == type('') && a:opt != '' return [a:opt] elseif type(a:opt) == type([]) return map(copy(a:opt), 'syntastic#util#shescape(v:val)') endif return [] endfunction " }}}2 " }}}1 " Non-method functions {{{1 function! SyntasticCheckerIsAvailableDefault() dict " {{{2 return executable(self.getExec()) endfunction " }}}2 " }}}1 " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: