function! gitgutter#hunk#set_hunks(bufnr, hunks) abort call gitgutter#utility#setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'hunks', a:hunks) call s:reset_summary(a:bufnr) endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#hunks(bufnr) abort return gitgutter#utility#getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'hunks', []) endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#reset(bufnr) abort call gitgutter#utility#setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'hunks', []) call s:reset_summary(a:bufnr) endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#summary(bufnr) abort return gitgutter#utility#getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'summary', [0,0,0]) endfunction function! s:reset_summary(bufnr) abort call gitgutter#utility#setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'summary', [0,0,0]) endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_added(bufnr, count) abort let summary = gitgutter#hunk#summary(a:bufnr) let summary[0] += a:count call gitgutter#utility#setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'summary', summary) endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_modified(bufnr, count) abort let summary = gitgutter#hunk#summary(a:bufnr) let summary[1] += a:count call gitgutter#utility#setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'summary', summary) endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#increment_lines_removed(bufnr, count) abort let summary = gitgutter#hunk#summary(a:bufnr) let summary[2] += a:count call gitgutter#utility#setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'summary', summary) endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#next_hunk(count) abort let bufnr = bufnr('') if gitgutter#utility#is_active(bufnr) let current_line = line('.') let hunk_count = 0 for hunk in gitgutter#hunk#hunks(bufnr) if hunk[2] > current_line let hunk_count += 1 if hunk_count == a:count execute 'normal!' hunk[2] . 'Gzv' return endif endif endfor call gitgutter#utility#warn('No more hunks') endif endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#prev_hunk(count) abort let bufnr = bufnr('') if gitgutter#utility#is_active(bufnr) let current_line = line('.') let hunk_count = 0 for hunk in reverse(copy(gitgutter#hunk#hunks(bufnr))) if hunk[2] < current_line let hunk_count += 1 if hunk_count == a:count let target = hunk[2] == 0 ? 1 : hunk[2] execute 'normal!' target . 'Gzv' return endif endif endfor call gitgutter#utility#warn('No previous hunks') endif endfunction " Returns the hunk the cursor is currently in or an empty list if the cursor " isn't in a hunk. function! s:current_hunk() abort let bufnr = bufnr('') let current_hunk = [] for hunk in gitgutter#hunk#hunks(bufnr) if gitgutter#hunk#cursor_in_hunk(hunk) let current_hunk = hunk break endif endfor return current_hunk endfunction " Returns truthy if the cursor is in two hunks (which can only happen if the " cursor is on the first line and lines above have been deleted and lines " immediately below have been deleted) or falsey otherwise. function! s:cursor_in_two_hunks() let hunks = gitgutter#hunk#hunks(bufnr('')) if line('.') == 1 && len(hunks) > 1 && hunks[0][2:3] == [0, 0] && hunks[1][2:3] == [1, 0] return 1 endif return 0 endfunction " A line can be in 0 or 1 hunks, with the following exception: when the first " line(s) of a file has been deleted, and the new second line (and " optionally below) has been deleted, the new first line is in two hunks. function! gitgutter#hunk#cursor_in_hunk(hunk) abort let current_line = line('.') if current_line == 1 && a:hunk[2] == 0 return 1 endif if current_line >= a:hunk[2] && current_line < a:hunk[2] + (a:hunk[3] == 0 ? 1 : a:hunk[3]) return 1 endif return 0 endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#in_hunk(lnum) " Hunks are sorted in the order they appear in the buffer. for hunk in gitgutter#hunk#hunks(bufnr('')) " if in a hunk on first line of buffer if a:lnum == 1 && hunk[2] == 0 return 1 endif " if in a hunk generally if a:lnum >= hunk[2] && a:lnum < hunk[2] + (hunk[3] == 0 ? 1 : hunk[3]) return 1 endif " if hunk starts after the given line if a:lnum < hunk[2] return 0 endif endfor return 0 endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#text_object(inner) abort let hunk = s:current_hunk() if empty(hunk) return endif let [first_line, last_line] = [hunk[2], hunk[2] + hunk[3] - 1] if ! a:inner let lnum = last_line let eof = line('$') while lnum < eof && empty(getline(lnum + 1)) let lnum +=1 endwhile let last_line = lnum endif execute 'normal! 'first_line.'GV'.last_line.'G' endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#stage() abort call s:hunk_op(function('s:stage')) silent! call repeat#set("\GitGutterStageHunk", -1) endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#undo() abort call s:hunk_op(function('s:undo')) silent! call repeat#set("\GitGutterUndoHunk", -1) endfunction function! gitgutter#hunk#preview() abort call s:hunk_op(function('s:preview')) silent! call repeat#set("\GitGutterPreviewHunk", -1) endfunction function! s:hunk_op(op) let bufnr = bufnr('') if gitgutter#utility#is_active(bufnr) " Get a (synchronous) diff. let [async, g:gitgutter_async] = [g:gitgutter_async, 0] let diff = gitgutter#diff#run_diff(bufnr, 'index', 1) let g:gitgutter_async = async call gitgutter#hunk#set_hunks(bufnr, gitgutter#diff#parse_diff(diff)) if empty(s:current_hunk()) call gitgutter#utility#warn('cursor is not in a hunk') elseif s:cursor_in_two_hunks() let choice = input('Choose hunk: upper or lower (u/l)? ') " Clear input normal! : if choice =~ 'u' call a:op(gitgutter#diff#hunk_diff(bufnr, diff, 0)) elseif choice =~ 'l' call a:op(gitgutter#diff#hunk_diff(bufnr, diff, 1)) else call gitgutter#utility#warn('did not recognise your choice') endif else call a:op(gitgutter#diff#hunk_diff(bufnr, diff)) endif endif endfunction function! s:stage(hunk_diff) let bufnr = bufnr('') let diff = s:adjust_header(bufnr, a:hunk_diff) " Apply patch to index. call gitgutter#utility#system( \ gitgutter#utility#cd_cmd(bufnr, g:gitgutter_git_executable.' apply --cached --unidiff-zero - '), \ diff) " Refresh gitgutter's view of buffer. call gitgutter#process_buffer(bufnr, 1) endfunction function! s:undo(hunk_diff) " Apply reverse patch to buffer. let hunk = gitgutter#diff#parse_hunk(split(a:hunk_diff, '\n')[4]) let lines = map(split(a:hunk_diff, '\n')[5:], 'v:val[1:]') let lnum = hunk[2] let added_only = hunk[1] == 0 && hunk[3] > 0 let removed_only = hunk[1] > 0 && hunk[3] == 0 if removed_only call append(lnum, lines) elseif added_only execute lnum .','. (lnum+len(lines)-1) .'d' else call append(lnum-1, lines[0:hunk[1]]) execute (lnum+hunk[1]) .','. (lnum+hunk[1]+hunk[3]) .'d' endif endfunction function! s:preview(hunk_diff) let hunk_lines = split(s:discard_header(a:hunk_diff), "\n") let hunk_lines_length = len(hunk_lines) let previewheight = min([hunk_lines_length, &previewheight]) silent! wincmd P if !&previewwindow noautocmd execute 'bo' previewheight 'new' set previewwindow else execute 'resize' previewheight endif setlocal noreadonly modifiable filetype=diff buftype=nofile bufhidden=delete noswapfile execute "%delete_" call append(0, hunk_lines) normal! gg setlocal readonly nomodifiable noautocmd wincmd p endfunction function! s:adjust_header(bufnr, hunk_diff) let filepath = gitgutter#utility#repo_path(a:bufnr, 0) return s:adjust_hunk_summary(s:fix_file_references(filepath, a:hunk_diff)) endfunction " Replaces references to temp files with the actual file. function! s:fix_file_references(filepath, hunk_diff) let lines = split(a:hunk_diff, '\n') let left_prefix = matchstr(lines[2], '[abciow12]').'/' let right_prefix = matchstr(lines[3], '[abciow12]').'/' let quote = lines[0][11] == '"' ? '"' : '' let left_file = quote.left_prefix.a:filepath.quote let right_file = quote.right_prefix.a:filepath.quote let lines[0] = 'diff --git '.left_file.' '.right_file let lines[2] = '--- '.left_file let lines[3] = '+++ '.right_file return join(lines, "\n")."\n" endfunction if $VIM_GITGUTTER_TEST function! gitgutter#hunk#fix_file_references(filepath, hunk_diff) return s:fix_file_references(a:filepath, a:hunk_diff) endfunction endif function! s:adjust_hunk_summary(hunk_diff) abort let line_adjustment = s:line_adjustment_for_current_hunk() let diff = split(a:hunk_diff, '\n', 1) let diff[4] = substitute(diff[4], '+\@<=\(\d\+\)', '\=submatch(1)+line_adjustment', '') return join(diff, "\n") endfunction function! s:discard_header(hunk_diff) return join(split(a:hunk_diff, '\n', 1)[5:], "\n") endfunction " Returns the number of lines the current hunk is offset from where it would " be if any changes above it in the file didn't exist. function! s:line_adjustment_for_current_hunk() abort let bufnr = bufnr('') let adj = 0 for hunk in gitgutter#hunk#hunks(bufnr) if gitgutter#hunk#cursor_in_hunk(hunk) break else let adj += hunk[1] - hunk[3] endif endfor return adj endfunction