" File: mru.vim " Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com) " Version: 3.10.2 " Last Modified: August 14, 2021 " Copyright: Copyright (C) 2003-2021 Yegappan Lakshmanan " License: Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code, " with or without modifications, provided that this copyright " notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free, " mru.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no warranty of any " kind, either expressed or implied. In no event will the copyright " holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this " software. " " ****************** Do not modify after this line ************************ if exists('loaded_mru') finish endif let loaded_mru=1 if v:version < 700 finish endif " Line continuation used here let s:cpo_save = &cpoptions set cpoptions&vim " MRU configuration variables {{{1 " Maximum number of entries allowed in the MRU list if !exists('MRU_Max_Entries') let MRU_Max_Entries = 100 endif " Files to exclude from the MRU list if !exists('MRU_Exclude_Files') let MRU_Exclude_Files = '' endif " Files to include in the MRU list if !exists('MRU_Include_Files') let MRU_Include_Files = '' endif " Height of the MRU window " Default height is 8 if !exists('MRU_Window_Height') let MRU_Window_Height = 8 endif if !exists('MRU_Use_Current_Window') let MRU_Use_Current_Window = 0 endif if !exists('MRU_Auto_Close') let MRU_Auto_Close = 1 endif if !exists('g:MRU_File') if has('unix') || has('macunix') let s:MRU_File = $HOME . '/.vim_mru_files' else let s:MRU_File = $VIM . '/_vim_mru_files' if has('win32') " MS-Windows if !empty($USERPROFILE) let s:MRU_File = $USERPROFILE . '\_vim_mru_files' endif endif endif else let s:MRU_File = expand(g:MRU_File) endif " Option for enabling or disabling the MRU menu if !exists('MRU_Add_Menu') let MRU_Add_Menu = 1 endif " Maximum number of file names to show in the MRU menu. If too many files are " listed in the menu, then Vim becomes slow when updating the menu. So set " this to a low value. if !exists('MRU_Max_Menu_Entries') let MRU_Max_Menu_Entries = 10 endif " Maximum number of file names to show in a MRU sub-menu. If the MRU list " contains more file names than this setting, then the MRU menu is split into " one or more sub-menus. if !exists('MRU_Max_Submenu_Entries') let MRU_Max_Submenu_Entries = 10 endif " When only a single matching filename is found in the MRU list, the following " option controls whether the file name is displayed in the MRU window or the " file is directly opened. When this variable is set to 0 and a single " matching file name is found, then the file is directly opened. if !exists('MRU_Window_Open_Always') let MRU_Window_Open_Always = 0 endif " When opening a file from the MRU list, the file is opened in the current " tab. If the selected file has to be opened in a tab always, then set the " following variable to 1. If the file is already opened in a tab, then the " cursor will be moved to that tab. if !exists('MRU_Open_File_Use_Tabs') let MRU_Open_File_Use_Tabs = 0 endif " Controls whether fuzzy matching is used for matching a user supplied pattern " against the file names in the MRU list. if !exists('MRU_FuzzyMatch') if exists('*matchfuzzy') " Fuzzy matching is supported only when matchfuzzy() function is present let MRU_FuzzyMatch = 1 else let MRU_FuzzyMatch = 0 endif endif " Controls whether the alternate file (:help alternate-file) is set when the " plugin is loaded to the first file in the MRU list. Default is to set the " alternate file. if !exists('MRU_Set_Alternate_File') let MRU_Set_Alternate_File = 0 endif " Format of the file names displayed in the MRU window. " The default is to display the filename followed by the complete path to the " file in parenthesis. This variable controls the expressions used to format " and parse the path. This can be changed to display the filenames in a " different format. The 'formatter' specifies how to split/format the filename " and 'parser' specifies how to read the filename back; 'syntax' matches the " part to be highlighted. if !exists('MRU_Filename_Format') let MRU_Filename_Format = { \ 'formatter': 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":t") . " (" . v:val . ")"', \ 'parser': '(\zs.*\ze)', \ 'syntax': '^.\{-}\ze(' \} endif let s:MRU_buf_name = '-RecentFiles-' " Control to temporarily lock the MRU list. Used to prevent files from " getting added to the MRU list when the ':vimgrep' command is executed. let s:mru_list_locked = 0 " MRU_LoadList {{{1 " Loads the latest list of file names from the MRU file func! s:MRU_LoadList() abort " If the MRU file is present, then load the list of filenames. Otherwise " start with an empty list. if filereadable(s:MRU_File) let s:MRU_files = readfile(s:MRU_File) if s:MRU_files[0] =~# '^\s*" Most recently edited files in Vim' " Generated by the previous version of the MRU plugin. " Discard the list. let s:MRU_files = [] elseif s:MRU_files[0] =~# '^#' " Remove the comment line call remove(s:MRU_files, 0) else " Unsupported format let s:MRU_files = [] endif else let s:MRU_files = [] endif " Refresh the MRU menu with the latest list of filenames call s:MRU_Refresh_Menu() endfunc " MRU_SaveList {{{1 " Saves the MRU file names to the MRU file func! s:MRU_SaveList() abort let l = [] call add(l, '# Most recently edited files in Vim (version 3.0)') call extend(l, s:MRU_files) call writefile(l, s:MRU_File) endfunc " MRU_AddFile {{{1 " Adds a file to the MRU file list " acmd_bufnr - Buffer number of the file to add func! s:MRU_AddFile(acmd_bufnr) abort if s:mru_list_locked " MRU list is currently locked return endif " Get the full path to the filename let fname = fnamemodify(bufname(a:acmd_bufnr + 0), ':p') if empty(fname) return endif " Skip temporary buffers with buftype set. The buftype is set for buffers " used by plugins. if !empty(&buftype) return endif if !empty(g:MRU_Include_Files) " If MRU_Include_Files is set, include only files matching the " specified pattern if fname !~# g:MRU_Include_Files return endif endif if !empty(g:MRU_Exclude_Files) " Do not add files matching the pattern specified in the " MRU_Exclude_Files to the MRU list if fname =~# g:MRU_Exclude_Files return endif endif " If the filename is not already present in the MRU list and is not " readable then ignore it let idx = index(s:MRU_files, fname) if idx == -1 if !filereadable(fname) " File is not readable and is not in the MRU list return endif endif " Load the latest MRU file list call s:MRU_LoadList() " Remove the new file name from the existing MRU list (if already present) call filter(s:MRU_files, 'v:val !=# fname') " Add the new file list to the beginning of the updated old file list call insert(s:MRU_files, fname, 0) " Trim the list if len(s:MRU_files) > g:MRU_Max_Entries call remove(s:MRU_files, g:MRU_Max_Entries, -1) endif " Save the updated MRU list call s:MRU_SaveList() " Refresh the MRU menu call s:MRU_Refresh_Menu() " If the MRU window is open, update the displayed MRU list let bname = s:MRU_buf_name let winnum = bufwinnr(bname) if winnum != -1 let cur_winnr = winnr() call s:MRU_Open_Window('', '', 0) if winnr() != cur_winnr exe cur_winnr . 'wincmd w' endif endif endfunc " MRU_escape_filename {{{1 " Escape special characters in a filename. Special characters in file names " that should be escaped (for security reasons) let s:esc_filename_chars = ' *?[{`$%#"|!<>();&' . "'\t\n" func! s:MRU_escape_filename(fname) abort if exists('*fnameescape') return fnameescape(a:fname) else return escape(a:fname, s:esc_filename_chars) endif endfunc " MRU_Edit_File {{{1 " Edit the specified file " filename - Name of the file to edit " sanitized - Specifies whether the filename is already escaped for special " characters or not. " splitdir - command modifier for a split (topleft, belowright, etc.) " Used by the :MRU command and the "Recent Files" menu item func! s:MRU_Edit_File(filename, sanitized, splitdir) abort if !a:sanitized let esc_fname = s:MRU_escape_filename(a:filename) else let esc_fname = a:filename endif " If the user wants to always open the file in a tab, then open the file " in a tab. If it is already opened in a tab, then the cursor will be " moved to that tab. if g:MRU_Open_File_Use_Tabs call s:MRU_Open_File_In_Tab(a:filename, esc_fname) return endif " If the file is already open in one of the windows, jump to it let winnum = bufwinnr('^' . a:filename . '$') if winnum != -1 if winnum != winnr() exe winnum . 'wincmd w' endif else if !empty(a:splitdir) || (!&hidden && (&modified || !empty(&buftype) \ || &previewwindow)) " If a split command modifier is specified, always open the file " in a new window. " Or if the current buffer has unsaved changes or is a special buffer or " is the preview window. The 'hidden' option is also not set. So open " the file in a new window. if bufexists(esc_fname) exe a:splitdir . ' sbuffer ' . esc_fname else exe a:splitdir . ' split ' . esc_fname endif else " The current file can be replaced with the selected file. if bufexists(esc_fname) exe 'buffer ' . esc_fname else exe 'edit ' . esc_fname endif endif " Make the buffer a listed buffer (in case it was deleted before) setlocal buflisted endif endfunc " MRU_Open_File_In_Tab " Open a file in a tab. If the file is already opened in a tab, jump to the " tab. Otherwise, create a new tab and open the file. " fname : Name of the file to open " esc_fname : File name with special characters escaped func! s:MRU_Open_File_In_Tab(fname, esc_fname) abort " If the selected file is already open in the current tab or in " another tab, jump to it. Otherwise open it in a new tab if bufwinnr('^' . a:fname . '$') == -1 let tabnum = -1 let i = 1 let bnum = bufnr('^' . a:fname . '$') while i <= tabpagenr('$') if index(tabpagebuflist(i), bnum) != -1 let tabnum = i break endif let i += 1 endwhile if tabnum != -1 " Goto the tab containing the file exe 'tabnext ' . i else if (winnr('$') == 1) && empty(@%) && !&modified " Reuse the current tab if it contains a single new unmodified " file. if bufexists(a:esc_fname) exe 'buffer ' . a:esc_fname else exe 'edit ' . a:esc_fname endif else " Open a new tab as the last tab page if v:version >= 800 if bufexists(a:esc_fname) exe '$tab sbuffer ' . a:esc_fname else exe '$tabnew ' . a:esc_fname endif else if bufexists(a:esc_fname) exe '99999tab sbuffer ' . a:esc_fname else exe '99999tabnew ' . a:esc_fname endif endif endif endif endif " Jump to the window containing the file let winnum = bufwinnr('^' . a:fname . '$') if winnum != winnr() exe winnum . 'wincmd w' endif endfunc " MRU_Window_Edit_File {{{1 " fname : Name of the file to edit. May specify single or multiple " files. " edit_type : Specifies how to edit the file. Can be one of 'edit' or 'view'. " 'view' - Open the file as a read-only file " 'edit' - Edit the file as a regular file " multi : Specifies whether a single file or multiple files need to be " opened. " open_type : Specifies where to open the file. " useopen - If the file is already present in a window, then " jump to that window. Otherwise, open the file in " the previous window. " newwin_horiz - Open the file in a new horizontal window. " newwin_vert - Open the file in a new vertical window. " newtab - Open the file in a new tab. If the file is already " opened in a tab, then jump to that tab. " preview - Open the file in the preview window func! s:MRU_Window_Edit_File(fname, multi, edit_type, open_type) abort let esc_fname = s:MRU_escape_filename(a:fname) if a:open_type ==# 'newwin_horiz' " Edit the file in a new horizontally split window below the previous " window wincmd p if bufexists(esc_fname) exe 'belowright sbuffer ' . esc_fname else exe 'belowright new ' . esc_fname endif elseif a:open_type ==# 'newwin_vert' " Edit the file in a new vertically split window right of the previous " window wincmd p if bufexists(esc_fname) exe 'vertical belowright sbuffer ' . esc_fname else exe 'belowright vnew ' . esc_fname endif elseif a:open_type ==# 'newtab' || g:MRU_Open_File_Use_Tabs call s:MRU_Open_File_In_Tab(a:fname, esc_fname) elseif a:open_type ==# 'preview' " Edit the file in the preview window exe 'topleft pedit ' . esc_fname else " If the selected file is already open in one of the windows, " jump to it let winnum = bufwinnr('^' . a:fname . '$') if winnum != -1 && g:MRU_Use_Current_Window == 0 exe winnum . 'wincmd w' else if g:MRU_Auto_Close == 1 && g:MRU_Use_Current_Window == 0 " Jump to the window from which the MRU window was opened if exists('s:MRU_last_buffer') let last_winnr = bufwinnr(s:MRU_last_buffer) if last_winnr != -1 && last_winnr != winnr() exe last_winnr . 'wincmd w' endif endif else if g:MRU_Use_Current_Window == 0 " Goto the previous window " If MRU_Use_Current_Window is set to one, then the " current window is used to open the file wincmd p endif endif let split_window = 0 if (!&hidden && (&modified || &previewwindow)) || a:multi " Current buffer has unsaved changes or is the preview window " or the user is opening multiple files " So open the file in a new window let split_window = 1 endif if !empty(&buftype) " Current buffer is a special buffer (maybe used by a plugin) if g:MRU_Use_Current_Window == 0 || \ bufnr('%') != bufnr(s:MRU_buf_name) let split_window = 1 endif endif " Edit the file if split_window " Current buffer has unsaved changes or is a special buffer or " is the preview window. So open the file in a new window if a:edit_type ==# 'edit' if bufexists(esc_fname) exe 'sbuffer ' . esc_fname else exe 'split ' . esc_fname endif else exe 'sview ' . esc_fname endif else let mod = '' if g:MRU_Use_Current_Window let mod = 'keepalt ' endif if a:edit_type ==# 'edit' if bufexists(esc_fname) exe mod . 'buffer ' . esc_fname else exe mod . 'edit ' . esc_fname endif else exe mod . 'view ' . esc_fname endif endif endif endif " Make the buffer a listed buffer (in case it was deleted before) setlocal buflisted endfunc " MRU_Select_File_Cmd {{{1 " Open a file selected from the MRU window " " 'opt' has two values separated by comma. The first value specifies how to " edit the file and can be either 'edit' or 'view'. The second value " specifies where to open the file. It can take one of the following values: " 'useopen' to open file in the previous window " 'newwin_horiz' to open the file in a new horizontal split window " 'newwin_vert' to open the file in a new vertical split window. " 'newtab' to open the file in a new tab. " If multiple file names are selected using visual mode, then open multiple " files (either in split windows or tabs) func! s:MRU_Select_File_Cmd(opt) range abort let [edit_type, open_type] = split(a:opt, ',') let fnames = getline(a:firstline, a:lastline) if g:MRU_Auto_Close == 1 && g:MRU_Use_Current_Window == 0 " Automatically close the window if the file window is " not used to display the MRU list. silent! close endif let multi = 0 for f in fnames if empty(f) continue endif " The text in the MRU window contains the filename in parenthesis let file = matchstr(f, g:MRU_Filename_Format.parser) call s:MRU_Window_Edit_File(file, multi, edit_type, open_type) if a:firstline != a:lastline " Opening multiple files let multi = 1 endif endfor endfunc " MRU_Warn_Msg {{{1 " Display a warning message func! s:MRU_Warn_Msg(msg) abort echohl WarningMsg echo a:msg echohl None endfunc " MRU_Open_Window {{{1 " Display the Most Recently Used file list in a temporary window. " If the 'pat' argument is not empty, then it specifies the pattern of files " to selectively display in the MRU window. " The 'splitdir' argument specifies the location (topleft, belowright, etc.) " of the MRU window. func! s:MRU_Open_Window(pat, splitdir, winsz) abort " Load the latest MRU file list call s:MRU_LoadList() " Check for empty MRU list if empty(s:MRU_files) call s:MRU_Warn_Msg('MRU file list is empty') return endif " Save the current buffer number. This is used later to open a file when a " entry is selected from the MRU window. The window number is not saved, " as the window number will change when new windows are opened. let s:MRU_last_buffer = bufnr('%') let bname = s:MRU_buf_name " If the window is already open, jump to it let winnum = bufwinnr(bname) if winnum != -1 if winnr() != winnum " If not already in the window, jump to it exe winnum . 'wincmd w' endif setlocal modifiable " Delete the contents of the buffer to the black-hole register silent! %delete _ else if g:MRU_Use_Current_Window " Reuse the current window " If the current buffer has unsaved changes or is a special buffer " or is the preview window and 'hidden' is not set, then open a " new window. Otherwise, open in the current window. if !&hidden && (&modified || !empty(&buftype) || &previewwindow) let split_window = 1 else let split_window = 0 endif " If the __MRU_Files__ buffer exists, then reuse it. Otherwise open " a new buffer let bufnum = bufnr(bname) if bufnum == -1 if split_window let cmd = 'botright split ' . bname else let cmd = 'edit ' . bname endif else if split_window let cmd = 'botright sbuffer ' . bufnum else let cmd = 'buffer ' . bufnum endif endif exe cmd if bufnr('%') != bufnr(bname) " Failed to edit the MRU buffer return endif else " Open a new window at the bottom let cmd = 'silent! ' if empty(a:splitdir) let cmd .= 'botright ' else let cmd .= a:splitdir . ' ' endif let sz = a:winsz if sz == 0 let sz = g:MRU_Window_Height endif let cmd .= sz . 'split ' " If the __MRU_Files__ buffer exists, then reuse it. Otherwise open " a new buffer let bufnum = bufnr(bname) if bufnum == -1 let cmd .= bname else let cmd .= '+buffer' . bufnum endif exe cmd endif endif setlocal modifiable " Mark the buffer as scratch setlocal buftype=nofile if g:MRU_Use_Current_Window " avoid using mru buffer as alternate file setlocal bufhidden=wipe else setlocal bufhidden=delete endif setlocal noswapfile setlocal nobuflisted setlocal nowrap setlocal nonumber if exists('&relativenumber') setlocal norelativenumber endif if exists('&signcolumn') setlocal signcolumn=no endif setlocal foldcolumn=0 " Set the 'filetype' to 'mru'. This allows the user to apply custom " syntax highlighting or other changes to the MRU bufer. setlocal filetype=mru " Use fixed height and width for the MRU window setlocal winfixheight winfixwidth " Setup the cpoptions properly for the maps to work let old_cpoptions = &cpoptions set cpoptions&vim " Create mappings to select and edit a file from the MRU list nnoremap \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('edit,useopen') vnoremap \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('edit,useopen') nnoremap o \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('edit,newwin_horiz') vnoremap o \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('edit,newwin_horiz') nnoremap \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('edit,newwin_horiz') vnoremap \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('edit,newwin_horiz') nnoremap O \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('edit,newwin_vert') vnoremap O \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('edit,newwin_vert') nnoremap t \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('edit,newtab') vnoremap t \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('edit,newtab') nnoremap v \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('view,useopen') nnoremap p \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('view,preview') vnoremap p \ :if line("'<") == line("'>") \ call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('open,preview') \ else \ echoerr "Only a single file can be previewed" \ endif nnoremap u :MRU nnoremap <2-LeftMouse> \ :call MRU_Select_File_Cmd('edit,useopen') nnoremap d \ :call MRU_Delete_From_List() nnoremap q :close " Restore the previous cpoptions settings let &cpoptions = old_cpoptions " Display the MRU list if empty(a:pat) " No search pattern specified. Display the complete list let m = copy(s:MRU_files) else " Display only the entries matching the specified pattern. First try " fuzzy matching or as a literal pattern. if g:MRU_FuzzyMatch let m = matchfuzzy(s:MRU_files, a:pat) else let m = filter(copy(s:MRU_files), 'stridx(v:val, a:pat) != -1') endif if len(m) == 0 " No match. Try using it as a regular expression let m = filter(copy(s:MRU_files), 'v:val =~# a:pat') endif endif " Get the tail part of the file name (without the directory) and display " it along with the full path in parenthesis. let output = map(m, g:MRU_Filename_Format.formatter) silent! 0put =output " Delete the empty line at the end of the buffer silent! $delete _ " Move the cursor to the beginning of the file normal! gg " Add syntax highlighting for the file names if has_key(g:MRU_Filename_Format, 'syntax') exe "syntax match MRUFileName '" . g:MRU_Filename_Format.syntax . "'" highlight default link MRUFileName Identifier endif setlocal nomodifiable endfunc " MRU_Complete {{{1 " Command-line completion function used by :MRU command func! s:MRU_Complete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) abort if empty(a:ArgLead) " Return the complete list of MRU files return s:MRU_files else if g:MRU_FuzzyMatch " Return only the files fuzzy matching the specified pattern return matchfuzzy(s:MRU_files, a:ArgLead) else " Return only the files matching the specified pattern return filter(copy(s:MRU_files), 'v:val =~? a:ArgLead') endif endif endfunc " MRU_Cmd {{{1 " Function to handle the MRU command " pat - File name pattern passed to the MRU command func! s:MRU_Cmd(pat, splitdir, winsz) abort if empty(a:pat) " No arguments specified. Open the MRU window call s:MRU_Open_Window('', a:splitdir, a:winsz) return endif " Load the latest MRU file call s:MRU_LoadList() " Empty MRU list if empty(s:MRU_files) call s:MRU_Warn_Msg('MRU file list is empty') return endif " If Vim supports fuzzy matching, then try fuzzy matching the pattern " against the file names. Otherwise, use the specified string as a literal " string and search for filenames containing the string. If only one " filename is found, then edit it (unless the user wants to open the MRU " window always) if g:MRU_FuzzyMatch let m = matchfuzzy(s:MRU_files, a:pat) else let m = filter(copy(s:MRU_files), 'stridx(v:val, a:pat) != -1') endif if len(m) > 0 if len(m) == 1 && !g:MRU_Window_Open_Always call s:MRU_Edit_File(m[0], 0, a:splitdir) return endif " More than one file matches. Try to find an accurate match let new_m = filter(m, 'v:val ==# a:pat') if len(new_m) == 1 && !g:MRU_Window_Open_Always call s:MRU_Edit_File(new_m[0], 0, a:splitdir) return endif " Couldn't find an exact match, open the MRU window with all the " files matching the pattern. call s:MRU_Open_Window(a:pat, a:splitdir, a:winsz) return endif " Use the specified string as a regular expression pattern and search " for filenames matching the pattern let m = filter(copy(s:MRU_files), 'v:val =~? a:pat') if len(m) == 0 " If an existing file (not present in the MRU list) is specified, " then open the file. if filereadable(a:pat) call s:MRU_Edit_File(a:pat, 0, a:splitdir) return endif " No filenames matching the specified pattern are found call s:MRU_Warn_Msg("MRU file list doesn't contain " . \ 'files matching ' . a:pat) return endif if len(m) == 1 && !g:MRU_Window_Open_Always call s:MRU_Edit_File(m[0], 0, a:splitdir) return endif call s:MRU_Open_Window(a:pat, a:splitdir, a:winsz) endfunc " MRU_Toggle {{{1 " Toggle MRU " pat - File name pattern passed to the MRU command func! s:MRU_Toggle(pat, splitdir) abort " If the MRU window is open, close it let winnum = bufwinnr(s:MRU_buf_name) if winnum != -1 exe winnum . 'wincmd w' if g:MRU_Use_Current_Window && !empty(expand('#')) silent! b # else silent! close endif else call s:MRU_Cmd(a:pat, a:splitdir, '') endif endfunction " MRU_add_files_to_menu {{{1 " Adds a list of files to the "Recent Files" sub menu under the "File" menu. " prefix - Prefix to use for each of the menu entries " file_list - List of file names to add to the menu func! s:MRU_add_files_to_menu(prefix, file_list) abort for fname in a:file_list " Escape special characters in the filename let esc_fname = escape(fnamemodify(fname, ':t'), ".\\" . \ s:esc_filename_chars) let esc_fname = substitute(esc_fname, '&', '&&', 'g') " Truncate the directory name if it is long let dir_name = fnamemodify(fname, ':h') if v:version >= 800 || has('patch-7.4.1730') let len = strchars(dir_name) " Shorten long file names by adding only few characters from " the beginning and end. if len > 30 let dir_name = strcharpart(dir_name, 0, 10) . \ '...' . \ strcharpart(dir_name, len - 20) endif else let len = strlen(dir_name) " Shorten long file names by adding only few characters from " the beginning and end. if len > 30 let dir_name = strpart(dir_name, 0, 10) . \ '...' . \ strpart(dir_name, len - 20) endif endif let esc_dir_name = escape(dir_name, ".\\" . s:esc_filename_chars) let esc_dir_name = substitute(esc_dir_name, '&', '&&', 'g') let menu_path = '&File.&Recent\ Files.' . a:prefix . esc_fname . \ '\ (' . esc_dir_name . ')' let esc_mfname = s:MRU_escape_filename(fname) exe 'anoremenu ' . menu_path . \ " :call MRU_Edit_File('" . esc_mfname . "', 1, '')" exe 'tmenu ' . menu_path . ' Edit file ' . esc_mfname endfor endfunc " MRU_Refresh_Menu {{{1 " Refresh the MRU menu func! s:MRU_Refresh_Menu() abort if !has('menu') || !g:MRU_Add_Menu " No support for menus return endif " Setup the cpoptions properly for the maps to work let old_cpoptions = &cpoptions set cpoptions&vim " Remove the MRU menu " To retain the teared-off MRU menu, we need to add a dummy entry silent! unmenu &File.&Recent\ Files " The menu priority of the File menu is 10. If the MRU plugin runs " first before menu.vim, the File menu order may not be correct. " So specify the priority of the File menu here. 10noremenu &File.&Recent\ Files.Dummy silent! unmenu! &File.&Recent\ Files anoremenu &File.&Recent\ Files.Refresh\ list \ :call MRU_LoadList() exe 'tmenu File.&Recent\ Files.Refresh\ list Reload the MRU file list from ' \ . s:MRU_escape_filename(s:MRU_File) anoremenu File.&Recent\ Files.-SEP1- : " Add the filenames in the MRU list to the menu let entry_cnt = len(s:MRU_files) if entry_cnt > g:MRU_Max_Menu_Entries " Show only MRU_Max_Menu_Entries file names in the menu let mru_list = s:MRU_files[0 : g:MRU_Max_Menu_Entries - 1] let entry_cnt = g:MRU_Max_Menu_Entries else let mru_list = s:MRU_files endif if entry_cnt > g:MRU_Max_Submenu_Entries " Split the MRU menu into sub-menus for start_idx in range(0, entry_cnt, g:MRU_Max_Submenu_Entries) let last_idx = start_idx + g:MRU_Max_Submenu_Entries - 1 if last_idx >= entry_cnt let last_idx = entry_cnt - 1 endif let prefix = 'Files\ (' . (start_idx + 1) . '\.\.\.' . \ (last_idx + 1) . ').' call s:MRU_add_files_to_menu(prefix, \ mru_list[start_idx : last_idx]) endfor else call s:MRU_add_files_to_menu('', mru_list) endif " Remove the dummy menu entry unmenu &File.&Recent\ Files.Dummy " Restore the previous cpoptions settings let &cpoptions = old_cpoptions endfunc " MRU_Refresh {{{1 " Remove non-existing files from the MRU list func s:MRU_Refresh() call filter(s:MRU_files, 'filereadable(v:val)') call s:MRU_SaveList() call s:MRU_Refresh_Menu() endfunc " MRU_Delete_From_List {{{1 " remove the entry under cursor in the MRU window from the MRU list func s:MRU_Delete_From_List() call filter(s:MRU_files, \ 'v:val != matchstr(getline("."), g:MRU_Filename_Format.parser)') setlocal modifiable del _ setlocal nomodifiable call s:MRU_SaveList() call s:MRU_Refresh_Menu() endfunc " Return the list of file names in the MRU list {{{1 func MruGetFiles(...) " Load the latest MRU list call s:MRU_LoadList() if a:0 == 1 if g:MRU_FuzzyMatch " Return only the files fuzzy matching the specified pattern return matchfuzzy(s:MRU_files, a:1) endif " Return only the files matching the specified pattern return filter(copy(s:MRU_files), 'v:val =~? a:1') endif return copy(s:MRU_files) endfunc " Load the MRU list on plugin startup call s:MRU_LoadList() " Set the first entry in the MRU list as the alternate file " Credit to Martin Roa Villescas (https://github.com/mroavi) for the patch. " bufadd() is available starting from Vim 8.1.1610 if g:MRU_Set_Alternate_File == 1 && \ (v:version >= 802 || has('patch-8.1.1610') || has('nvim')) if !empty(s:MRU_files) let first_mru_file = s:MRU_files[0] if filereadable(first_mru_file) call bufadd(first_mru_file) let @# = first_mru_file endif endif endif " MRU autocommands {{{1 " Autocommands to update the most recently used files augroup MRUAutoCmds au! autocmd BufRead * call s:MRU_AddFile(expand('')) autocmd BufWritePost * call s:MRU_AddFile(expand('')) autocmd BufEnter * call s:MRU_AddFile(expand('')) " The ':vimgrep' command adds all the files searched to the buffer list. " This also modifies the MRU list, even though the user didn't edit the " files. Use the following autocmds to prevent this. autocmd QuickFixCmdPre *vimgrep* let s:mru_list_locked = 1 autocmd QuickFixCmdPost *vimgrep* let s:mru_list_locked = 0 augroup END " MRU custom commands {{{1 if v:version >= 800 command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:MRU_Complete -count=0 MRU \ call s:MRU_Cmd(, , ) command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:MRU_Complete -count=0 Mru \ call s:MRU_Cmd(, , ) command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:MRU_Complete MRUToggle \ call s:MRU_Toggle(, ) else command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:MRU_Complete -count=0 MRU \ call s:MRU_Cmd(, '', ) command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:MRU_Complete -count=0 Mru \ call s:MRU_Cmd(, '', ) command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:MRU_Complete MRUToggle \ call s:MRU_Toggle(, '') endif command! -nargs=0 MruRefresh call s:MRU_Refresh() " FZF (fuzzy finder) integration {{{1 func s:MRU_FZF_EditFile(fname) abort call s:MRU_Window_Edit_File(a:fname, 0, 'edit', 'useopen') endfunc func s:MRU_FZF_Run() abort if !exists('*fzf#run') call s:MRU_Warn_Msg('FZF plugin is not present') return endif " Load the latest MRU list call s:MRU_LoadList() call fzf#run(fzf#wrap({'source' : s:MRU_files, \ 'options' : '--no-sort', \ 'sink' : function('s:MRU_FZF_EditFile')}, 0)) endfunc command! -nargs=0 FZFMru call s:MRU_FZF_Run() " }}} " restore 'cpoptions' let &cpoptions = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim:set sw=2 sts=2 foldenable foldmethod=marker: