=============================================================================== ALE Proto Integration *ale-proto-options* =============================================================================== Integration Information To enable `.proto` file linting, update |g:ale_linters| as appropriate: > " Enable linter for .proto files let g:ale_linters = {'proto': ['buf-lint', 'protoc-gen-lint', 'protolint']} To enable `.proto` file fixing, update |g:ale_fixers| as appropriate: > " Enable linter for .proto files let b:ale_fixers = {'proto': ['buf-format', 'protolint']} < =============================================================================== buf-format *ale-proto-buf-format* The formatter uses `buf`, a fully-featured Protobuf compiler that doesn't depend on `protoc`. Make sure the `buf` binary is available in the system path, or set ale_proto_buf_format_executable. g:ale_proto_buf_format_executable *g:ale_proto_buf_format_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'buf'` This variable can be changed to modify the executable used for buf. =============================================================================== buf-lint *ale-proto-buf-lint* The linter uses `buf`, a fully-featured Protobuf compiler that doesn't depend on `protoc`. Make sure the `buf` binary is available in the system path, or set ale_proto_buf_lint_executable. g:ale_proto_buf_lint_executable *g:ale_proto_buf_lint_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'buf'` This variable can be changed to modify the executable used for buf. g:ale_proto_buf_lint_config *g:ale_proto_buf_lint_config* Type: |String| Default: `''` A path to a buf configuration file. The path to the configuration file can be an absolute path or a relative path. ALE will search for the relative path in parent directories. =============================================================================== protoc-gen-lint *ale-proto-protoc-gen-lint* The linter is a plugin for the `protoc` binary. As long as the binary resides in the system path, `protoc` will find it. g:ale_proto_protoc_gen_lint_options *g:ale_proto_protoc_gen_lint_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` This variable can be changed to modify flags given to protoc. Note that the directory of the linted file is always passed as an include path with '-I' before any user-supplied options. =============================================================================== protolint *ale-proto-protolint* The linter is a pluggable tool that doesn't depend on the `protoc` binary. This supports both linting and fixing. Make sure the binary is available in the system path, or set ale_proto_protolint_executable. Note that the binary with v0.22.0 or above is supported. g:ale_proto_protolint_executable *g:ale_proto_protolint_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'protolint'` This variable can be changed to modify the executable used for protolint. g:ale_proto_protolint_config *g:ale_proto_protolint_config* Type: |String| Default: `''` A path to a protolint configuration file. The path to the configuration file can be an absolute path or a relative path. ALE will search for the relative path in parent directories. =============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:ft=help:norl: