if has('nvim') | finish | endif let s:funcs = {} let s:prop_id = 1000 let s:namespace_id = 1 let s:namespace_cache = {} " helper {{ function! s:buf_line_count(bufnr) abort if bufnr('%') == a:bufnr return line('$') endif let lines = getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, '$') return len(lines) endfunction function! s:execute(cmd) if a:cmd =~# '^echo' execute a:cmd else silent! execute a:cmd endif endfunction " }}" " nvim client methods {{ function! s:funcs.set_current_dir(dir) abort execute 'cd '.a:dir endfunction function! s:funcs.set_var(name, value) abort execute 'let g:'.a:name.'= a:value' endfunction function! s:funcs.del_var(name) abort execute 'unlet g:'.a:name endfunction function! s:funcs.set_option(name, value) abort execute 'let &'.a:name.' = a:value' endfunction function! s:funcs.set_current_buf(bufnr) abort if !bufexists(a:bufnr) | return | endif execute 'buffer '.a:bufnr endfunction function! s:funcs.set_current_win(win_id) abort let [tabnr, winnr] = win_id2tabwin(a:win_id) if tabnr == 0 | return | endif execute 'normal! '.tabnr.'gt' execute winnr.' wincmd w' endfunction function! s:funcs.set_current_tabpage(tabnr) abort execute 'normal! '.a:tabnr.'gt' endfunction function! s:funcs.list_wins() abort return map(getwininfo(), 'v:val["winid"]') endfunction function! s:funcs.call_atomic(calls) let res = [] for [key, arglist] in a:calls let name = key[5:] try call add(res, call(s:funcs[name], arglist)) catch /.*/ return [res, v:exception] endtry endfor return [res, v:null] endfunction function! s:funcs.set_client_info(...) abort endfunction function! s:funcs.subscribe(...) abort endfunction function! s:funcs.unsubscribe(...) abort endfunction function! s:funcs.call_function(method, args) abort return call(a:method, a:args) endfunction function! s:funcs.call_dict_function(dict, method, args) abort return call(a:method, a:args, a:dict) endfunction function! s:funcs.command(command) abort " command that could cause cursor vanish if a:command =~# '^echo' || a:command =~# '^redraw' || a:command =~# '^sign place' call timer_start(0, {-> s:execute(a:command)}) else execute a:command endif endfunction function! s:funcs.eval(expr) abort return eval(a:expr) endfunction function! s:funcs.get_api_info() let names = nvim#api#func_names() return [1, {'functions': map(names, '{"name": "nvim_".v:val}')}] endfunction function! s:funcs.list_bufs() return map(getbufinfo({'buflisted': 1}), 'v:val["bufnr"]') endfunction function! s:funcs.feedkeys(keys, mode, escape_csi) call feedkeys(a:keys, a:mode) endfunction function! s:funcs.list_runtime_paths() return split(&runtimepath, ',') endfunction function! s:funcs.command_output(cmd) return execute(a:cmd) endfunction function! s:funcs.get_current_line() return getline('.') endfunction function! s:funcs.set_current_line(line) call setline('.', a:line) endfunction function! s:funcs.del_current_line(line) execute 'normal! dd' endfunction function! s:funcs.get_var(var) return get(g:, a:var, v:null) endfunction function! s:funcs.get_vvar(var) return get(v:, a:var, v:null) endfunction function! s:funcs.get_option(name) return eval('&'.a:name) endfunction function! s:funcs.get_current_buf() return bufnr('%') endfunction function! s:funcs.get_current_win() return win_getid() endfunction function! s:funcs.get_current_tabpage() return tabpagenr() endfunction function! s:funcs.list_tabpages() return range(1, tabpagenr('$')) endfunction function! s:funcs.get_mode() return {'blocking': v:false, 'mode': mode()} endfunction function! s:funcs.strwidth(str) return strwidth(a:str) endfunction function! s:funcs.out_write(str) echon a:str endfunction function! s:funcs.err_write(str) echoerr a:str endfunction function! s:funcs.err_writeln(str) echoerr a:str endfunction function! s:funcs.create_namespace(name) abort if empty(a:name) let id = s:namespace_id let s:namespace_id = s:namespace_id + 1 return id endif let id = get(s:namespace_cache, a:name, 0) if !id let id = s:namespace_id let s:namespace_id = s:namespace_id + 1 let s:namespace_cache[a:name] = id endif return id endfunction " }} " buffer methods {{ function! s:funcs.buf_set_option(bufnr, name, val) return setbufvar(a:bufnr, '&'.a:name, a:val) endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_get_changedtick(bufnr) return getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'changedtick') endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_is_valid(bufnr) return bufloaded(a:bufnr) ? v:true : v:false endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_get_mark(bufnr, name) let nr = bufnr('%') if a:bufnr != 0 || a:bufnr != nr throw 'buf_get_mark support current buffer only' endif return [line("'" . a:name), col("'" . a:name)] endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_add_highlight(bufnr, srcId, hlGroup, line, colStart, colEnd) abort if !has('textprop') return endif let key = 'Coc'.a:hlGroup if empty(prop_type_get(key)) call prop_type_add(key, {'highlight': a:hlGroup, 'combine': 1}) endif let end = a:colEnd if end == -1 let end = strlen(getbufline(a:bufnr, a:line + 1)[0]) + 1 endif let id = 0 if a:srcId != 0 let cached = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'prop_namespace_'.a:srcId, []) let id = s:prop_id let s:prop_id = id + 1 call add(cached, id) call setbufvar(a:bufnr, 'prop_namespace_'.a:srcId, cached) endif call prop_add(a:line + 1, a:colStart + 1, {'length': end - a:colStart, 'bufnr': a:bufnr, 'type': key, 'id': id}) endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, srcId, startLine, endLine) abort if !has('textprop') return endif if a:srcId == 0 if a:endLine == -1 call prop_clear(a:startLine + 1, {'bufnr': a:bufnr}) else call prop_clear(a:startLine + 1, a:endLine + 1, {'bufnr': a:bufnr}) endif else let cached = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'prop_namespace_'.a:srcId, []) if empty(cached) return endif for id in cached if a:endLine == -1 if a:startLine == 0 && a:endLine == -1 call prop_remove({'id':id, 'bufnr': a:bufnr}) elseif a:endLine != -1 call prop_remove({'id':id, 'bufnr': a:bufnr}, a:startLine, a:endLine) else let len = s:buf_line_count(a:bufnr) call prop_remove({'id':id, 'bufnr': a:bufnr}, a:startLine, len) endif else endif endfor endif endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_line_count(bufnr) abort return s:buf_line_count(a:bufnr) endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_attach(...) " not supported return 1 endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_detach() " not supported return 1 endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_get_lines(bufnr, start, end, strict) abort let lines = getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, '$') let start = a:start < 0 ? a:start + 1 : a:start let end = a:end < 0 ? a:end + 1 : a:end if a:strict && end > len(lines) throw 'line number out of range: '. end endif return lines[start : end - 1] endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_set_lines(bufnr, start, end, strict, ...) abort let replacement = get(a:, 1, []) let lineCount = s:buf_line_count(a:bufnr) let startLnum = a:start >= 0 ? a:start + 1 : lineCount + a:start + 1 let end = a:end >= 0 ? a:end : lineCount + a:end + 1 let delCount = end - (startLnum - 1) if a:bufnr == bufnr('%') " replace if delCount == len(replacement) call setline(startLnum, replacement) else if len(replacement) call append(startLnum - 1, replacement) endif if delCount let start = startLnum + len(replacement) silent execute start . ','.(start + delCount - 1).'d' endif endif else if exists('*setbufline') " replace if delCount == len(replacement) call setbufline(a:bufnr, startLnum, replacement) else if len(replacement) call appendbufline(a:bufnr, startLnum - 1, replacement) endif if delCount let start = startLnum + len(replacement) call deletebufline(a:bufnr, start, start + delCount - 1) endif endif endif endif endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_set_name(bufnr, name) abort let nr = bufnr('%') if a:bufnr != nr throw 'buf_set_name support current buffer only' else execute '0f' execute 'file '.fnameescape(a:name) endif endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_get_var(bufnr, name) return getbufvar(a:bufnr, a:name) endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_set_var(bufnr, name, val) if !bufloaded(a:bufnr) | return | endif call setbufvar(a:bufnr, a:name, a:val) endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_del_var(bufnr, name) call setbufvar(a:bufnr, a:name, v:null) endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_get_option(bufnr, name) return getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&'.a:name) endfunction function! s:funcs.buf_get_name(bufnr) return bufname(a:bufnr) endfunction " }} " window methods {{ function! s:funcs.win_get_buf(winid) return winbufnr(a:winid) endfunction function! s:funcs.win_get_position(win_id) abort let [row, col] = win_screenpos(a:win_id) if row == 0 && col == 0 throw 'Invalid window '.a:win_id endif return [row - 1, col - 1] endfunction function! s:funcs.win_get_height(win_id) abort return winheight(a:win_id) endfunction function! s:funcs.win_get_width(win_id) abort return winwidth(a:win_id) endfunction function! s:funcs.win_get_cursor(win_id) abort let winid = win_getid() call win_gotoid(a:win_id) let pos = [line('.'), col('.')] call win_gotoid(winid) return pos endfunction function! s:funcs.win_get_var(win_id, name) abort return gettabwinvar(0, a:win_id, a:name) endfunction function! s:funcs.win_set_width(win_id, width) abort let winid = win_getid() call win_gotoid(a:win_id) execute 'vertical resize '.a:width call win_gotoid(winid) endfunction function! s:funcs.win_get_option(win_id, name) abort return gettabwinvar(0, a:win_id, '&'.a:name) endfunction function! s:funcs.win_set_height(win_id, height) abort let winnr = win_id2win(a:win_id) if winnr != 0 let curr = winnr() if winnr == curr execute 'resize '.a:height else execute winnr.'wincmd w' execute 'resize '.a:height wincmd p endif endif endfunction function! s:funcs.win_set_option(win_id, name, value) abort call setwinvar(a:win_id, '&'.a:name, a:value) endfunction function! s:funcs.win_set_var(win_id, name, value) abort call setwinvar(a:win_id, a:name, a:value) endfunction function! s:funcs.win_del_var(win_id, name) abort call settabwinvar(0, a:win_id, a:name, v:null) endfunction function! s:funcs.win_is_valid(win_id) abort let info = getwininfo(a:win_id) return !empty(info) endfunction function! s:funcs.win_get_number(win_id) abort let info = getwininfo(a:win_id) if !info throw 'Invalid window id '.a:win_id endif return info[0]['winnr'] endfunction function! s:funcs.win_set_cursor(win_id, pos) abort let winnr = win_id2win(a:win_id) if winnr != 0 let [line, col] = a:pos let curr = winnr() if winnr == curr call cursor(line, col + 1) else execute winnr.'wincmd w' call cursor(line, col + 1) execute curr.'wincmd w' endif endif endfunction function! s:funcs.win_get_tabpage(win_id) abort let info = getwininfo(a:win_id) if !info throw 'Invalid window id '.a:win_id endif return info[0]['tabnr'] endfunction " }} " tabpage methods {{ function! s:funcs.tabpage_get_number(id) return a:id endfunction function! s:funcs.tabpage_list_wins(tabnr) let info = getwininfo() return map(filter(info, 'v:val["tabnr"] == a:tabnr'), 'v:val["winid"]') endfunction function! s:funcs.tabpage_get_var(tabnr, name) return gettabvar(a:tabnr, a:name, v:null) endfunction function! s:funcs.tabpage_set_var(tabnr, name, value) call settabvar(a:tabnr, a:name, a:value) endfunction function! s:funcs.tabpage_del_var(tabnr, name) call settabvar(a:tabnr, a:name, v:null) endfunction function! s:funcs.tabpage_is_valid(tabnr) let max = tabpagenr('$') return a:tabnr <= max endfunction function! s:funcs.tabpage_get_win(tabnr) let wnr = tabpagewinnr(a:tabnr) return win_getid(wnr, a:tabnr) endfunction " }} function! nvim#api#func_names() abort return keys(s:funcs) endfunction function! nvim#api#call(method, args) abort let err = v:null let res = v:null try let res = call(s:funcs[a:method], a:args) catch /.*/ let err = v:exception endtry return [err, res] endfunction function! nvim#api#notify(method, args) abort call call(s:funcs[a:method], a:args) endfunction " vim: set sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 et tw=78 foldmarker={{,}} foldmethod=marker foldlevel=0: