# encoding: utf-8 # vim: tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab # -*- c--oding: ko_KR.UTF-8 -*- # remote PHP debugger : remote debugger interface to DBGp protocol # # Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Brook Hong # # The MIT License # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the # Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished # to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # # Authors: # Brook Hong hotmail.com> # The plugin was originally writen by -- # Seung Woo Shin sayclub.com> # I rewrote it with a new debugger engine, please diff this file to find code change. import os import sys import vim import socket import base64 import traceback import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import string import time, subprocess from threading import Thread,Lock def getFilePath(s): if s[:7] == "file://": fn = s[7:] else: fn = s win = 0 if fn[2] == ':': fn = fn[1:] win = 1 return [fn, win] tracelog = open(os.getenv("HOME").replace("\\","/")+"/.dbgpavim.trace",'w') def DBGPavimTrace(log): tracelog.write("\n"+log+"\n") tracelog.flush() class VimWindow: """ wrapper class of window of vim """ def __init__(self, name = 'DEBUG_WINDOW'): """ initialize """ self.name = name self.method = "new" self.buffer = None self.firstwrite = 1 def isprepared(self): """ check window is OK """ if self.buffer == None or len(dir(self.buffer)) == 0 or self.getwinnr() == -1: return 0 return 1 def prepare(self): """ check window is OK, if not then create """ if not self.isprepared(): self.create(self.method) def before_create(self): vim.command("1wincmd w") def on_create(self): pass def getwinnr(self): return int(vim.eval("bufwinnr('"+self.name+"')")) def focus(self): winnr = self.getwinnr() vim.command(str(winnr) + 'wincmd w') def getWidth(self): return int(vim.eval("winwidth(bufwinnr('"+self.name+"'))")) def getHeight(self): return int(vim.eval("winheight(bufwinnr('"+self.name+"'))")) def write(self, msg, lineno = 0): """ append last """ self.prepare() if self.firstwrite == 1: self.firstwrite = 0 self.buffer[:] = str(msg).split('\n') else: if lineno == 0: self.buffer.append(str(msg).split('\n')) self.command('normal G') else: self.buffer.append(str(msg).split('\n'), lineno) self.command("normal %dG" % (lineno+1)) #self.window.cursor = (len(self.buffer), 1) def create(self, method = 'new'): """ create window """ self.method = method self.before_create() vim.command('silent ' + method + ' ' + self.name) #if self.name != 'LOG___WINDOW': vim.command("setlocal buftype=nofile") self.buffer = vim.current.buffer self.width = int( vim.eval("winwidth(0)") ) self.height = int( vim.eval("winheight(0)") ) self.on_create() def destroy(self): """ destroy window """ if self.buffer == None or len(dir(self.buffer)) == 0: return #if self.name == 'LOG___WINDOW': # self.command('hide') #else: self.command('bdelete ' + self.name) self.firstwrite = 1 def clean(self): """ clean all datas in buffer """ self.prepare() self.buffer[:] = [] self.firstwrite = 1 def command(self, cmd): """ go to my window & execute command """ self.prepare() winnr = self.getwinnr() if winnr != int(vim.eval("winnr()")): vim.command(str(winnr) + 'wincmd w') vim.command(cmd) def render(self, xml): self.write(ET.tostring(xml)) class StackWindow(VimWindow): def __init__(self, name = 'STACK_WINDOW'): VimWindow.__init__(self, name) def render(self, xml): lines = "" for node in xml: wr = node.get('where') if wr == None: wr = "{main}" if node.tag != '{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}stack': return VimWindow.render(self, node) else: if wr != '{main}': fmark = '()' else: fmark = '' [fn, win] = getFilePath(node.get('filename')) fn = dbgPavim.localPathOf(fn) lines += str('%-2s %-15s %s:%s\n' % (node.get('level'), wr+fmark, fn, node.get('lineno'))) self.write(lines) def on_create(self): self.command('highlight CurStack term=reverse ctermfg=White ctermbg=Red gui=reverse') self.highlight_stack(0) def highlight_stack(self, no): self.command('syntax clear') self.command('syntax region CurStack start="^' +str(no)+ ' " end="$"') class WatchWindow(VimWindow): def __init__(self, name = 'WATCH_WINDOW'): VimWindow.__init__(self, name) def decode_string(self, msg, encoding): if encoding == 'base64': value = base64.decodestring(msg) elif encoding == '' or encoding == None or encoding == 'None': value = msg else: value = "(e:%s) %s" % (encoding, msg) return value def parseNode1(self, p): fullname = p.get('fullname') if fullname == None: fullname = p.get('name') val = None if p.text != None: val = self.decode_string(p.text, p.get('encoding')) return (fullname, val) def parseNode2(self, p): fullname_node = p.find('{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}fullname') fullname = self.decode_string(fullname_node.text, fullname_node.get('encoding')) value_node = p.find('{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}value') val = None if value_node != None and value_node.text != None: val = self.decode_string(value_node.text, value_node.get('encoding')) return (fullname, val) def parseProperty(self, p, level, parser, command = None): (fullname, val) = parser(p) if command == 'eval': if dbgPavim.fileType == 'php': fullname = "$evalResult" if (fullname == None) else ('$evalResult->%s'%(fullname)) else: fullname = "evalResult" if (fullname == None) else ('evalResult->%s'%(fullname)) else: fullname = "" if (fullname == None) else fullname tp = p.get('type') children = p.get('children') properties = p.findall('{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}property') size = p.get('size') if size == None: size = p.get('numchildren') size = ('[%s]' % (size)) if size != None else "" if val != None: value = "(%s%s) '%s'" % (tp, size, val) elif tp == "null": value = "(null)" else: if tp == "object": tp = tp+"|"+p.get('classname') if children == "1" and len(properties) == 0: value = "(%s%s)+" % (tp, size) else: value = "(%s%s)" % (tp, size) out = ('%s%s = %s;' % (" "*level, fullname.ljust(32-level), value)) for pp in properties: out += '\n'+self.parseProperty(pp, level+2, parser, command) return out def render(self, xml, lineno = 0): command = xml.get('command') level = 0 out = "" if lineno > 0: line = self.buffer[lineno-1] del self.buffer[lineno-1] lineno -= 1 level = len(line)-len(line.lstrip()) elif command != None and command != 'eval': out += ("\n%sby %s\n" % (self.commenter, xml.get('command'))) properties = xml.findall('{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}property') if properties[0].find('{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}fullname') != None: parser = getattr(self, 'parseNode2') else: parser = getattr(self, 'parseNode1') for p in properties: out += self.parseProperty(p, level, parser, command) if lineno == 0: out += "\n" self.write(out, lineno) def on_create(self): self.commenter = '// ' if dbgPavim.fileType == 'php': self.write(' :python dbgPavim.debugSession.watch_execute()') self.command('set noai nocin') self.command('set wrap fdm=manual fmr={{{,}}} ft=%s fdl=1' % (dbgPavim.fileType)) def input(self, mode, arg = ''): if arg == '%v%': arg = vim.eval('@v') self.prepare() line = self.buffer[-1] if line[:len(mode)+1] == self.commenter+'=> '+mode+':': self.buffer[-1] = line + arg else: self.buffer.append(self.commenter+'=> '+mode+': '+arg) self.command('normal G') def get_command(self): line = self.buffer[-1] if line[0:11] == self.commenter+'=> exec:': print "exec does not supported by xdebug now." return ('none', '') #return ('exec', line[11:].strip(' ')) elif line[0:11] == self.commenter+'=> eval:': return ('eval', line[11:].strip(' ')) else: return ('none', '') class HelpWindow(VimWindow): def __init__(self, name = 'HELP__WINDOW'): VimWindow.__init__(self, name) def before_create(self): pass def on_create(self): if vim.eval('g:dbgPavimLang') == 'cn' : self.write( \ '[ Function Keys ] | [ Command Mode ] \n' + \ ' 打开帮助窗口 | :Bp [arg] 切换断点[中断条件] \n' + \ ' 逐语句调试 | :Up 切换至上一个文件 \n' + \ ' 逐过程调试 | :Dn 切换至下一个文件 \n' + \ ' 运行至断点 | :Bl 查看所有断点 \n' + \ ' 开始调试 | :Pg 输出当前变量 \n' + \ ' 退出调试 | :Bc 清除所有断点 \n' + \ ' 监视变量 | :Bu 恢复Bc清除的所有断点 \n' + \ ' 切换自动调试模式 | \n' + \ ' 切换监视窗口 | \n' + \ ' 切换断点 | \n' + \ ' 输出所有变量 | \n' + \ ' 输出当前变量 | \n' + \ ' 获取帮助和最新版本,请访问 https://github.com/brookhong/DBGPavim \n' + \ '') else : self.write( \ '[ Function Keys ] | [ Command Mode ] \n' + \ ' toggle help window | :Bp toggle breakpoint \n' + \ ' step into | :Up stack up \n' + \ ' step over | :Dn stack down \n' + \ ' step out | :Bl list breakpoints \n' + \ ' run | :Pg property get \n' + \ ' quit debugging | :Bc disable all breakpoints \n' + \ ' eval | :Bu enabled all breakpoints \n' + \ ' toggle dbgPavimBreakAtEntry | \n' + \ ' toggle layout | \n' + \ ' toggle breakpoint | \n' + \ ' get all context | \n' + \ ' get property at cursor | \n' + \ ' \n' + \ ' For more instructions and latest version, \n' + \ ' pleae refer to https://github.com/brookhong/DBGPavim \n' + \ '') self.command('1') class ConsoleWindow(VimWindow): def __init__(self, name = 'CONSOLE__WINDOW'): VimWindow.__init__(self, name) def before_create(self): pass def on_create(self): vim.command('setlocal autoread') class DebugUI: """ DEBUGUI class """ (NORMAL, DEBUG) = (0,1) def __init__(self, stackwinRatio, watchwinRatio): """ initialize object """ self.watchwin = WatchWindow() self.stackwin = StackWindow() self.stackwinRatio = stackwinRatio self.watchwinRatio = watchwinRatio self.stackwinHeight = 1 self.watchwinWidth = 1 self.helpwin = None self.mode = DebugUI.NORMAL self.file = None self.line = None self.winbuf = {} self.cursign = None self.sessfile = os.getenv("HOME").replace("\\","/")+"/.dbgpavim.session" self.clilog = os.getenv("HOME").replace("\\","/")+"/.dbgpavim.cli" self.cliwin = None self.backup_ssop = vim.eval('&ssop') def debug_mode(self): """ change mode to debug """ if self.mode == DebugUI.DEBUG: return dbgPavim.fileType = vim.eval('&ft') vim.command('let g:dbgPavimTab=tabpagenr()') self.mode = DebugUI.DEBUG # save session vim.command('set ssop-=tabpages') vim.command('mksession! ' + self.sessfile) for i in range(1, len(vim.windows)+1): vim.command(str(i)+'wincmd w') self.winbuf[i] = vim.eval('bufnr("%")') # save buffer number, mksession does not do job perfectly # when buffer is not saved at all. vim.command('silent topleft new') # create srcview window (winnr=1) for i in range(2, len(vim.windows)+1): vim.command(str(i)+'wincmd w') vim.command('hide') self.create() vim.command('1wincmd w') # goto srcview window(nr=1, top-left) self.cursign = '1' self.set_highlight() def normal_mode(self): """ restore mode to normal """ if self.mode == DebugUI.NORMAL: return vim.command('exec "normal ".g:dbgPavimTab."gt"') vim.command('unlet g:dbgPavimTab') vim.command('sign unplace 1') vim.command('sign unplace 2') # destory all created windows self.destroy() # restore session vim.command('source ' + self.sessfile) vim.command("let &ssop=\""+self.backup_ssop+"\"") os.remove(self.sessfile) self.set_highlight() self.winbuf.clear() self.file = None self.line = None self.mode = DebugUI.NORMAL self.cursign = None self.cliwin = None def create(self): """ create windows """ self.totalW = int(vim.eval('winwidth(0)')) self.totalH = int(vim.eval('winheight(0)')) self.stackwinHeight = int(self.totalH*self.stackwinRatio) self.watchwinWidth = int(self.totalW*self.watchwinRatio) self.stackwin.create('botright '+str(self.stackwinHeight)+' new') if self.cliwin: self.cliwin.create('vertical new') self.watchwin.create('vertical belowright '+str(self.watchwinWidth)+' new') def reLayout(self): if self.stackwin.getHeight() != self.stackwinHeight or self.watchwin.getWidth() != self.watchwinWidth: self.stackwin.command("resize "+str(self.stackwinHeight)) self.watchwin.command("vertical resize "+str(self.watchwinWidth)) else: vim.command("wincmd _") vim.command("wincmd |") def set_highlight(self): """ set vim highlight of debugger sign """ vim.command("highlight DbgCurrent term=reverse ctermfg=White ctermbg=Red gui=reverse") vim.command("highlight DbgBreakPt term=reverse ctermfg=White ctermbg=Green gui=reverse") def help(self): if self.helpwin: self.helpwin.destroy() self.helpwin = None else: self.helpwin = HelpWindow('HELP__WINDOW') self.stackwin.focus() self.helpwin.create('vertical new') def update_cli(self): self.cliwin.focus() vim.command('e') vim.command('normal G') def destroy(self): """ destroy windows """ self.watchwin.destroy() self.stackwin.destroy() if self.cliwin: self.cliwin.destroy() def go_srcview(self): vim.command('1wincmd w') def next_sign(self): if self.cursign == '1': return '2' else: return '1' def set_srcview(self, file, line): """ set srcview windows to file:line and replace current sign """ if file == self.file and self.line == line: return if file != self.file: self.file = file self.go_srcview() vim.command('silent edit ' + file) if self.mode == DebugUI.DEBUG: if line == 0: line = 1 nextsign = self.next_sign() vim.command('sign place ' + nextsign + ' name=current line='+str(line)+' file='+file) vim.command('sign unplace ' + self.cursign) vim.command('sign jump ' + nextsign + ' file='+file) self.cursign = nextsign if self.cliwin: self.update_cli() else: vim.command(': ' + str(line)) self.line = line class DbgSession: def __init__(self, sock, address): self.latestRes = None self.msgid = 0 self.sock = sock self.isWinServer = 0 self.bptsetlst = {} self.bptsetids = {} self.last_command = 'None' self.address = address self.retries = 0 def jump(self, fn, line): vim.command("e +"+str(line)+" "+str(fn)) def handle_response_breakpoint_set(self, res): """handle tag """ tid = res.get('transaction_id') if tid != None: tid = int(tid) bno = self.bptsetlst[tid] del self.bptsetlst[tid] self.bptsetids[bno] = res.get('id') def getbid(self, bno): """ get Debug Server's breakpoint numbered with bno """ if bno in self.bptsetids: return self.bptsetids[bno] return None def recv_data(self,len): c = self.sock.recv(len) if c == '': # LINUX come here raise EOFError, 'Socket Closed' return c def recv_length(self): #print '* recv len' length = '' while 1: c = self.recv_data(1) #print ' GET(',c, ':', ord(c), ') : length=', len(c) if c == '\0': return int(length) if c.isdigit(): length = length + c def recv_null(self): while 1: c = self.recv_data(1) if c == '\0': return def recv_body(self, to_recv): body = '' while to_recv > 0: buf = self.recv_data(to_recv) to_recv -= len(buf) body = body + buf return body def recv_msg(self): length = self.recv_length() body = self.recv_body(length) self.recv_null() return body def send_msg(self, cmd): DBGPavimTrace(str(self.msgid)+">"*16+self.address+"\n"+cmd) self.sock.send(cmd + '\0') def handle_recvd_msg(self, res): DBGPavimTrace(str(self.msgid)+"<"*16+self.address+"\n"+res) resDom = ET.fromstring(res) if resDom.tag == "{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}response": if resDom.get('command') == "breakpoint_set": self.handle_response_breakpoint_set(resDom) if resDom.get('command') == "stop": self.close() elif resDom.tag == "{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}init": [fn, self.isWinServer] = getFilePath(resDom.get('fileuri')) return resDom def send_command(self, cmd, arg1 = '', arg2 = ''): self.msgid = self.msgid + 1 self.retries = 0 line = cmd + ' -i ' + str(self.msgid) if arg1 != '': line = line + ' ' + arg1 if arg2 != '': line = line + ' -- ' + base64.encodestring(arg2)[0:-1] self.send_msg(line) return self.msgid def ack_command(self): try: self.latestRes = self.recv_msg() resDom = self.handle_recvd_msg(self.latestRes) tid = resDom.get('transaction_id') if tid != None and int(tid) != int(self.msgid): DBGPavimTrace("Unexpected msg %s when waiting for msg %d from %s" % (tid, self.msgid, self.address) ) if self.retries: DBGPavimTrace("Retried %d times for msg %d from %s" % (self.retries, self.msgid, self.address) ) return resDom except socket.timeout, e: self.retries = self.retries+1 return None except socket.error, e: DBGPavimTrace("Exception when recv_msg %d from %s: %s" % (self.msgid, self.address, e[0]) ) return None def command(self, cmd, arg1 = '', arg2 = '', extra = '0'): if cmd == 'eval': if dbgPavim.fileType == 'php': arg2 = '$evalResult=(%s)' %(arg2) else: arg2 = 'evalResult=(%s)' %(arg2) self.send_command(cmd, arg1, arg2) self.last_command = cmd+'('+arg1+','+arg2+','+extra+')' return self.ack_command() def getExtra(self): extra = "" if self.last_command != None: t = self.last_command.split(',') extra = t[-1][:-1] return extra def close(self): if self.sock: self.sock.close() self.sock = None def init(self): if self.latestRes != None: return self.ack_command() for bno in dbgPavim.breakpt.list(): fn = dbgPavim.remotePathOf(dbgPavim.breakpt.getfile(bno)) msgid = self.send_command('breakpoint_set', \ '-t line -f ' + fn + ' -n ' + str(dbgPavim.breakpt.getline(bno)) + ' -s enabled', \ dbgPavim.breakpt.getexp(bno)) self.bptsetlst[msgid] = bno self.ack_command() class DbgSessionWithUI(DbgSession): def __init__(self, sock, address): self.status = None self.ui = dbgPavim.ui self.msgid = 0 self.stacks = [] self.curstack = 0 self.laststack = 0 DbgSession.__init__(self,sock,address) def copyFromParent(self, ss): self.latestRes = ss.latestRes self.msgid = ss.msgid self.isWinServer = ss.isWinServer self.sock = ss.sock self.address = ss.address self.bptsetlst = ss.bptsetlst self.bptsetids = ss.bptsetids def init(self): self.command('feature_set', '-n max_children -v ' + dbgPavim.maxChildren) self.command('feature_set', '-n max_data -v ' + dbgPavim.maxData) self.command('feature_set', '-n max_depth -v ' + dbgPavim.maxDepth) def start(self): self.sock.settimeout(30) dbgPavim.updateStatusLine() self.ui.debug_mode() if self.latestRes != None: self.handle_recvd_msg(self.latestRes) self.init() self.command('stack_get') else: DbgSession.init(self) self.init() self.command('step_into') if dbgPavim.fileType == 'php': self.command('property_get', "-d %d -n $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']" % (self.laststack)) self.ui.go_srcview() def send_msg(self, cmd): """ send message """ self.sock.send(cmd + '\0') # log message DBGPavimTrace(str(self.msgid)+">"*16+self.address+"\n"+cmd) def handle_recvd_msg(self, txt): # log messages txt = txt.replace('\n','') DBGPavimTrace(str(self.msgid)+"<"*16+self.address+"\n"+txt) resDom = ET.fromstring(txt) tag = resDom.tag.replace("{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}","") """ call appropraite message handler member function, handle_XXX() """ try: handler = getattr(self, 'handle_' + tag) handler(resDom) except AttributeError: print 'Exception when DBGPavim.handle_'+tag+'()' DBGPavimTrace(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) DBGPavimTrace("".join(traceback.format_tb( sys.exc_info()[2]))) self.ui.go_srcview() return resDom def handle_response(self, res): """ call appropraite response message handler member function, handle_response_XXX() """ errors = res.find('{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}error') if errors != None: self.handle_response_error(res) return command = res.get('command') try: handler = getattr(self, 'handle_response_' + command) except AttributeError: print 'Exception when DBGPavim.handle_response_'+command+'()' DBGPavimTrace(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) DBGPavimTrace("".join(traceback.format_tb( sys.exc_info()[2]))) return handler(res) return def handle_response_stop(self, res): dbgPavim.handle_exception() def handle_init(self, res): """handle tag Xdebug Derick Rethans http://xdebug.org Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Derick Rethans """ [fn, self.isWinServer] = getFilePath(res.get('fileuri')) fn = dbgPavim.localPathOf(fn) self.ui.set_srcview(fn, 1) def handle_response_error(self, res): """ handle tag """ DBGPavimTrace(ET.tostring(res)) errors = res.findall('{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}error') for e in errors: error_msg = e.find('{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}message') self.ui.watchwin.write(self.ui.watchwin.commenter+'Error when '+self.last_command+': '+error_msg.text) def handle_response_stack_get(self, res): """handle tag for windows """ stacks = res.findall('{urn:debugger_protocol_v1}stack') if len(stacks)>0: self.curstack = 0 self.laststack = len(stacks) - 1 self.stacks = [] for s in stacks: [fn, win] = getFilePath(s.get('filename')) fn = dbgPavim.localPathOf(fn) wr = s.get('where') if wr == None: wr = "{main}" self.stacks.append( {'file': fn, \ 'line': int(s.get('lineno')), \ 'where': wr, \ 'level': int(s.get('level')) } ) self.ui.stackwin.clean() self.ui.stackwin.highlight_stack(self.curstack) self.ui.stackwin.render(stacks) self.ui.set_srcview( self.stacks[self.curstack]['file'], self.stacks[self.curstack]['line'] ) def handle_response_step_out(self, res): """handle tag """ if res.get('reason') == 'ok': self.status = res.get('status') return else: print res.toprettyxml() def handle_response_step_over(self, res): """handle tag """ if res.get('reason') == 'ok': self.status = res.get('status') return else: print res.toprettyxml() def handle_response_step_into(self, res): """handle tag """ if res.get('reason') == 'ok': self.status = res.get('status') return else: print res.toprettyxml() def handle_response_run(self, res): """handle tag """ self.status = res.get('status') def handle_response_eval(self, res): """handle tag """ self.ui.watchwin.render(res) def handle_response_property_get(self, res): """handle tag """ lineno = self.getExtra() self.ui.watchwin.render(res, int(lineno)) def handle_response_context_get(self, res): """handle tag """ self.ui.watchwin.render(res) def handle_response_feature_set(self, res): """handle tag """ #self.ui.watchwin.render(res) def handle_response_default(self, res): """handle tag """ print res.toprettyxml() def handle_response_breakpoint_remove(self, res): """handle tag """ def go(self, stack): if stack >= 0 and stack <= self.laststack: self.curstack = stack self.ui.stackwin.highlight_stack(self.curstack) self.ui.set_srcview(self.stacks[self.curstack]['file'], self.stacks[self.curstack]['line']) def jump(self, fn, line): self.ui.set_srcview(fn, line) def up(self): if self.curstack > 0: self.curstack -= 1 self.ui.stackwin.highlight_stack(self.curstack) self.ui.set_srcview(self.stacks[self.curstack]['file'], self.stacks[self.curstack]['line']) def down(self): if self.curstack < self.laststack: self.curstack += 1 self.ui.stackwin.highlight_stack(self.curstack) self.ui.set_srcview(self.stacks[self.curstack]['file'], self.stacks[self.curstack]['line']) def property_get(self, name): if string.find(name,' ') != -1: name = "\"" + name +"\"" self.command('property_get', '-d %d -n %s' % (self.curstack, name)) def expandVar(self, name): (row, col) = vim.current.window.cursor if string.find(name,' ') != -1: name = "\"" + name +"\"" self.command('property_get', '-d %d -n %s' % (self.curstack, name), '', str(row)) def watch_execute(self): """ execute command in watch window """ (cmd, expr) = self.ui.watchwin.get_command() if cmd == 'exec': self.command('exec', '', expr) print cmd, '--', expr elif cmd == 'eval': self.command('eval', '', expr) print cmd, '--', expr else: print "no commands", cmd, expr class DbgSilentClient(Thread): def __init__(self, ss): self.session = ss Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): self.session.init() self.session.sock.settimeout(1) self.session.send_command('run') count = 600 while dbgPavim.running and count > 0: resDom = self.session.ack_command() if resDom != None: status = resDom.get('status') if status == "stopping": self.session.command("stop") elif status == "break": dbgPavim.debugListener.newSession(self.session) break count = count-1 class DbgListener(Thread): (LISTEN,CLOSED) = (0,1) """ DBGp Procotol class """ def __init__(self, port): self.port = port self.session_queue = [] self._status = self.CLOSED self.lock = Lock() Thread.__init__(self) def start(self): Thread.start(self) time.sleep(0.1) dbgPavim.updateStatusLine() def pendingCount(self): self.lock.acquire() c = len(self.session_queue) self.lock.release() return c def newSession(self, ss): if not isinstance(ss, DbgSessionWithUI): s = DbgSessionWithUI(None,"") s.copyFromParent(ss) ss = s self.lock.acquire() self.session_queue.append(ss) c = str(len(self.session_queue)) self.lock.release() dbgPavim.updateStatusLine() if dbgPavim.dbgPavimOnce: self.stop(False) print c+" pending connection(s) to be debug, press "+dbgPavim.dbgPavimKeyRun+" to continue." def nextSession(self): session = None self.lock.acquire() if len(self.session_queue) > 0: session = self.session_queue.pop(0) self.lock.release() dbgPavim.updateStatusLine() print "" return session def stop(self, closeConnection = True): self.lock.acquire() try: if self._status == self.LISTEN: client = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) client.connect ( ( '', self.port ) ) client.close() finally: if closeConnection: for s in self.session_queue: s.send_command('detach') s.sock.close() del self.session_queue[:] self._status = self.CLOSED self.lock.release() dbgPavim.updateStatusLine() def status(self): self.lock.acquire() s = self._status self.lock.release() return s def run(self): global dbgPavim self.lock.acquire() serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) serv.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) serv.settimeout(None) try: serv.bind(('', self.port)) except socket.error, e: print "Can not bind to port "+str(self.port)+', Socket Error '+str(e[0]) self.lock.release() return print "" serv.listen(5) self._status = self.LISTEN self.lock.release() while 1: (sock, address) = serv.accept() adr = '%s:%d' % (address[0], address[1]) DBGPavimTrace('# Connection from %s\n' % adr) s = self.status() if s == self.LISTEN: if dbgPavim.breakAtEntry: self.newSession(DbgSessionWithUI(sock, adr)) else: client = DbgSilentClient(DbgSession(sock, adr)) client.start() else: break serv.close() class BreakPoint: """ Breakpoint class """ def __init__(self): """ initalize """ self.dictionaries = {} self.startbno = 10000 self.maxbno = self.startbno def clear(self): """ clear of breakpoint number """ self.dictionaries.clear() self.maxbno = self.startbno def add(self, file, line, exp = ''): """ add break point at file:line """ self.maxbno = self.maxbno + 1 self.dictionaries[self.maxbno] = { 'file':file, 'line':line, 'exp':exp } return self.maxbno def remove(self, bno): """ remove break point numbered with bno """ del self.dictionaries[bno] def find(self, file, line): """ find break point and return bno(breakpoint number) """ signs = vim.eval('Signs()') for k in signs.keys(): if signs[k][0] == file and signs[k][1] == line: bno = int(k) self.dictionaries[bno]['file'] = file self.dictionaries[bno]['line'] = line return bno return None def getfile(self, bno): """ get file name of breakpoint numbered with bno """ return self.dictionaries[bno]['file'] def getline(self, bno): """ get line number of breakpoint numbered with bno """ return self.dictionaries[bno]['line'] def getexp(self, bno): """ get expression of breakpoint numbered with bno """ return self.dictionaries[bno]['exp'] def list(self): """ return list of breakpoint number """ return self.dictionaries.keys() class AsyncRunner(Thread): def __init__(self, cmd, logfile): self.cmd = cmd self.logfile = logfile Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): log = open(self.logfile, "w") subprocess.check_call(self.cmd, stdin=None, stdout=log, stderr=log, shell=True) log.close() os.remove(self.logfile) class DBGPavim: """ Main DBGPavim class """ def __init__(self): """ initialize DBGPavim """ self.loadSettings() self.debugListener = DbgListener(self.port) self.debugSession = DbgSession(None,"") vim.command('sign unplace *') self.normal_statusline = vim.eval('&statusline') self.statusline="%<%f\ %h%m%r\ %=%-10.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P\ %=%{(g:dbgPavimBreakAtEntry==1)?'bae':'bap'}" self.breakpt = BreakPoint() self.breakold = BreakPoint() self.ui = DebugUI(0.3, 0.4) self.watchList = [] self.evalList = [] self.running = True def updateStatusLine(self): status = self.debugListener.status() c = self.debugListener.pendingCount() if c > 0: sl = self.statusline+"%{'-PEND-"+str(c)+"'}" elif self.debugSession.sock != None: sl = self.statusline+"%{'-CONN'}" elif status == DbgListener.LISTEN: sl = self.statusline+"%{'-LISN-"+str(self.port)+"'}" else: sl = self.normal_statusline vim.command("let &statusline=\""+sl+"\"") def loadSettings(self): self.port = int(vim.eval('g:dbgPavimPort')) self.dbgPavimKeyRun = vim.eval('g:dbgPavimKeyRun') self.maxChildren = vim.eval('g:dbgPavimMaxChildren') self.maxData = vim.eval('g:dbgPavimMaxData') self.maxDepth = vim.eval('g:dbgPavimMaxDepth') self.breakAtEntry = int(vim.eval('g:dbgPavimBreakAtEntry')) self.showContext = int(vim.eval('g:dbgPavimShowContext')) self.pathMap = vim.eval('g:dbgPavimPathMap') self.dbgPavimOnce = int(vim.eval('g:dbgPavimOnce')) for m in self.pathMap: m[0] = m[0].replace("\\","/") m[1] = m[1].replace("\\","/") def remotePathOf(self,lpath): for m in self.pathMap: l = len(m[0]) if l and lpath[0:l] == m[0]: return m[1]+lpath[l:] fn = lpath if fn[:7] != "file://": fn = fn.replace("\\","/") if fn[1] == ':': fn = "file:///"+fn else: fn = "file://"+fn lpath = fn return lpath def localPathOf(self,rpath): for m in self.pathMap: l = len(m[1]) if l and rpath[0:l] == m[1]: return m[0]+rpath[l:] return rpath def setMaxChildren(self): self.maxChildren = vim.eval('g:dbgPavimMaxChildren') if self.debugSession.sock != None: self.debugSession.command('feature_set', '-n max_children -v ' + self.maxChildren) def setMaxDepth(self): self.maxDepth = vim.eval('g:dbgPavimMaxDepth') if self.debugSession.sock != None: self.debugSession.command('feature_set', '-n max_depth -v ' + self.maxDepth) def setMaxData(self): self.maxData = vim.eval('g:dbgPavimMaxData') if self.debugSession.sock != None: self.debugSession.command('feature_set', '-n max_data -v ' + self.maxData) def handle_exception(self): DBGPavimTrace(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) DBGPavimTrace("".join(traceback.format_tb( sys.exc_info()[2]))) errno = sys.exc_info()[0] session = self.debugListener.nextSession() if errno == socket.timeout: if session != None: print "socket timeout, switch to another session." ss = DbgSession(self.debugSession.sock, self.debugSession.address) ss.latestRes = self.debugSession.latestRes client = DbgSilentClient(ss) client.start() self.debugSession = session self.debugSession.start() else: print "socket timeout, try again or press F6 to stop debugging." else: #errno == socket.error: self.debugSession.close() if session != None: self.debugSession = session self.debugSession.start() else: self.ui.normal_mode() self.updateStatusLine() def step(self): self.debugSession.command('stack_get') if self.showContext: self.debugSession.command('context_get', ('-d %d' % self.debugSession.curstack)) for var in self.watchList: self.debugSession.command('property_get', "-d %d -n %s" % (self.debugSession.curstack, var)) for expr in self.evalList: self.debugSession.command('eval', '', expr) def command(self, msg, arg1 = '', arg2 = ''): try: if self.debugSession.sock == None: print 'No debug session started.' else: self.debugSession.command(msg, arg1, arg2) if self.debugSession.status != 'stopping': self.step() else: self.debugSession.command('stop') except: self.handle_exception() def context(self): self.debugSession.command('context_get', ('-d %d' % self.debugSession.curstack)) def watch_input(self, cmd, arg = ''): self.debugSession.ui.watchwin.input(cmd, arg) def watch(self, name = ''): if name == '': self.showContext = not self.showContext else: if name in self.watchList: self.watchList.remove(name) else: self.watchList.append(name) def eval(self, name = ''): if name == '': print "Please follow an expression that you'd like to be evaluated automatically after each step." else: if name in self.evalList: self.evalList.remove(name) else: self.evalList.append(name) def listWatch(self): if self.showContext: print '*CONTEXT*' for var in self.watchList: print var for exp in self.evalList: print exp+'(eval)' def property(self, name = ''): try: if self.debugSession.sock == None: print 'No debug session started.' else: if name == '': name = vim.eval('expand("")') elif name == '%v%': name = vim.eval('@v') name = string.replace(name,'"','\'') if self.fileType == 'php' and name[0] != '$': name = '$'+name self.debugSession.property_get(name) except: self.handle_exception() def up(self): try: if self.debugSession.sock == None: print 'No debug session started.' else: self.debugSession.up() except: self.handle_exception() def down(self): try: if self.debugSession.sock == None: print 'No debug session started.' else: self.debugSession.down() except: self.handle_exception() def run(self): """ start debugger or continue """ try: status = self.debugListener.status() session = self.debugListener.nextSession() if session != None: self.debugSession = session self.debugSession.start() else: if self.debugSession.sock != None: self.debugSession.command('run') if self.debugSession.status == 'stopping': self.debugSession.command("stop") elif self.debugSession.status != 'stopped': self.step() elif status == DbgListener.CLOSED: self.running = True self.loadSettings() self.debugListener = DbgListener(self.port) self.debugListener.start() except: self.handle_exception() def cli(self, args): vim.command("let g:dbgPavimBreakAtEntry=1") self.ui.cliwin = ConsoleWindow(self.ui.clilog) filetype = vim.eval('&filetype') filename = vim.eval('expand("%")') if filename: cmd = ' '+filename+' '+args if filetype == 'php': if vim.eval('CheckXdebug()') == '0': cmd = 'php -dxdebug.remote_autostart=1 -dxdebug.remote_port='+str(self.port)+cmd elif filetype == 'python': if vim.eval('CheckPydbgp()') == '0': cmd = 'pydbgp -u -d '+str(self.port)+cmd if cmd[0] != ' ': self.run() ar = AsyncRunner(cmd, self.ui.clilog) ar.start() time.sleep(0.4) #vim.eval('feedkeys("\\'+self.dbgPavimKeyRun+'")') else: print "Only python and php file debugging are integrated for now." else: print "You need open one python or php file first." def list(self): vim.command("lgetexpr []") inCount = 0 for bno in self.breakpt.list(): inCount = inCount + 1 if self.breakpt.getexp(bno) != '': vim.command("lad '"+"\|condition: "+self.breakpt.getexp(bno)+" \| "+self.breakpt.getfile(bno)+":"+str(self.breakpt.getline(bno))+":1'") else: vim.command("lad '"+self.breakpt.getfile(bno)+":"+str(self.breakpt.getline(bno))+":1'") vim.command("lw") if inCount > 0 : vim.command("wincmd j") vim.command("resize 10") def clear(self): for bno in self.breakpt.list(): self.breakold.add(self.breakpt.getfile(bno), self.breakpt.getline(bno), self.breakpt.getexp(bno)) vim.command('sign unplace ' + str(bno)) id = self.debugSession.getbid(bno) if self.debugSession.sock != None and id != None: self.debugSession.command('breakpoint_remove', '-d ' + str(id)) self.breakpt.remove(bno) def unclear(self): for bno in self.breakold.list(): row = self.breakold.getline(bno) file = self.breakold.getfile(bno) exp = self.breakold.getexp(bno) self.breakold.remove(bno) inbno = self.breakpt.find(file, str(row)) if inbno == None: inbno = self.breakpt.add(file, row, exp) vim.command('sign place ' + str(inbno) + ' name=breakpt line=' + str(row) + ' file=' + file) if self.debugSession.sock != None: fn = dbgPavim.remotePathOf(self.breakpt.getfile(inbno)) msgid = self.debugSession.send_command('breakpoint_set', \ '-t line -f ' + fn + ' -n ' + str(self.breakpt.getline(inbno)), \ self.breakpt.getexp(inbno)) self.debugSession.bptsetlst[msgid] = inbno self.debugSession.ack_command() def mark(self, exp = ''): (row, col) = vim.current.window.cursor file = vim.current.buffer.name bno = self.breakpt.find(file, str(row)) if bno != None: self.breakpt.remove(bno) vim.command('sign unplace ' + str(bno)) id = self.debugSession.getbid(bno) if self.debugSession.sock != None and id != None: self.debugSession.command('breakpoint_remove', '-d ' + str(id)) else: bno = self.breakpt.add(file, row, exp) vim.command('sign place ' + str(bno) + ' name=breakpt line=' + str(row) + ' file=' + file) if self.debugSession.sock != None: fn = dbgPavim.remotePathOf(self.breakpt.getfile(bno)) msgid = self.debugSession.send_command('breakpoint_set', \ '-t line -f ' + fn + ' -n ' + str(self.breakpt.getline(bno)), \ self.breakpt.getexp(bno)) self.debugSession.bptsetlst[msgid] = bno self.debugSession.ack_command() def quit(self): self.running = False if self.debugSession.sock: self.debugSession.send_command('detach') self.ui.normal_mode() self.debugSession.close() self.debugListener.stop() def dbgPavim_init(): global dbgPavim dbgPavim = DBGPavim() error_msg = { \ # 000 Command parsing errors 0 : """no error""", \ 1 : """parse error in command""", \ 2 : """duplicate arguments in command""", \ 3 : """invalid options (ie, missing a required option)""", \ 4 : """Unimplemented command""", \ 5 : """Command not available (Is used for async commands. For instance if the engine is in state "run" than only "break" and "status" are available). """, \ # 100 : File related errors 100 : """can not open file (as a reply to a "source" command if the requested source file can't be opened)""", \ 101 : """stream redirect failed """, \ # 200 Breakpoint, or code flow errors 200 : """breakpoint could not be set (for some reason the breakpoint could not be set due to problems registering it)""", \ 201 : """breakpoint type not supported (for example I don't support 'watch' yet and thus return this error)""", \ 202 : """invalid breakpoint (the IDE tried to set a breakpoint on a line that does not exist in the file (ie "line 0" or lines past the end of the file)""", \ 203 : """no code on breakpoint line (the IDE tried to set a breakpoint on a line which does not have any executable code. The debugger engine is NOT required to """ + \ """return this type if it is impossible to determine if there is code on a given location. (For example, in the PHP debugger backend this will only be """ + \ """returned in some special cases where the current scope falls into the scope of the breakpoint to be set)).""", \ 204 : """Invalid breakpoint state (using an unsupported breakpoint state was attempted)""", \ 205 : """No such breakpoint (used in breakpoint_get etc. to show that there is no breakpoint with the given ID)""", \ 206 : """Error evaluating code (use from eval() (or perhaps property_get for a full name get))""", \ 207 : """Invalid expression (the expression used for a non-eval() was invalid) """, \ # 300 Data errors 300 : """Can not get property (when the requested property to get did not exist, this is NOT used for an existing but uninitialized property, which just gets the """ + \ """type "uninitialised" (See: PreferredTypeNames)).""", \ 301 : """Stack depth invalid (the -d stack depth parameter did not exist (ie, there were less stack elements than the number requested) or the parameter was < 0)""", \ 302 : """Context invalid (an non existing context was requested) """, \ # 900 Protocol errors 900 : """Encoding not supported""", \ 998 : """An internal exception in the debugger occurred""", \ 999 : """Unknown error """ \ }