" Author: w0rp " Description: Generic fixer functions for Python. " Add blank lines before control statements. function! ale#fixers#generic_python#AddLinesBeforeControlStatements(buffer, lines) abort let l:new_lines = [] let l:last_indent_size = 0 let l:last_line_is_blank = 0 for l:line in a:lines let l:indent_size = len(matchstr(l:line, '^ *')) if !l:last_line_is_blank \&& l:indent_size <= l:last_indent_size \&& match(l:line, '\v^ *(return|if|for|while|break|continue)') >= 0 call add(l:new_lines, '') endif call add(l:new_lines, l:line) let l:last_indent_size = l:indent_size let l:last_line_is_blank = empty(split(l:line)) endfor return l:new_lines endfunction " This function breaks up long lines so that autopep8 or other tools can " fix the badly-indented code which is produced as a result. function! ale#fixers#generic_python#BreakUpLongLines(buffer, lines) abort " Default to a maximum line length of 79 let l:max_line_length = 79 let l:conf = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'setup.cfg') " Read the maximum line length from setup.cfg if !empty(l:conf) for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches( \ readfile(l:conf), \ '\v^ *max-line-length *\= *(\d+)', \) let l:max_line_length = str2nr(l:match[1]) endfor endif let l:new_list = [] for l:line in a:lines if len(l:line) > l:max_line_length && l:line !~# '# *noqa' let l:line = substitute(l:line, '\v([(,])([^)])', '\1\n\2', 'g') let l:line = substitute(l:line, '\v([^(])([)])', '\1,\n\2', 'g') for l:split_line in split(l:line, "\n") call add(l:new_list, l:split_line) endfor else call add(l:new_list, l:line) endif endfor return l:new_list endfunction