"============================================================================= " File: explorer.vim " Author: M A Aziz Ahmed (aziz@acorn-networks.com) " Last Change: Sun Mar 31 11:00 PM 2002 PST " Version: 2.5 " Additions by Mark Waggoner (waggoner@aracnet.com) et al. "----------------------------------------------------------------------------- " This file implements a file explorer. Latest version available at: " http://www.freespeech.org/aziz/vim/ " Updated version available at: " http://www.aracnet.com/~waggoner "----------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Normally, this file will reside in the plugins directory and be " automatically sourced. If not, you must manually source this file " using :source explorer.vim " " To use it, just edit a directory (vi dirname) or type :Explore to " launch the file explorer in the current window, or :Sexplore to split " the current window and launch explorer there. " " If the current buffer is modified, the window is always split. " " It is also possible to delete files and rename files within explorer. " See :help file-explorer for more details " "----------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Update history removed, it's not very interesting. " Contributors were: Doug Potts, Bram Moolenaar, Thomas Köhler " " This is a modified version to be compatible with winmanager.vim. " Changes by Srinath Avadhanula "============================================================================= " Has this already been loaded? if exists("loaded_winfileexplorer") finish endif let loaded_winfileexplorer=1 " Line continuation used here let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim "--- " Default settings for global configuration variables " Split vertically instead of horizontally? if !exists("g:explVertical") let g:explVertical=0 endif " How big to make the window? Set to "" to avoid resizing if !exists("g:explWinSize") let g:explWinSize=15 endif " When opening a new file/directory, split below current window (or " above)? 1 = below, 0 = to above if !exists("g:explSplitBelow") let g:explSplitBelow = &splitbelow endif " Split to right of current window (or to left)? " 1 = to right, 0 = to left if !exists("g:explSplitRight") let g:explSplitRight = &splitright endif " Start the first explorer window... " Defaults to be the same as explSplitBelow if !exists("g:explStartBelow") let g:explStartBelow = g:explSplitBelow endif " Start the first explorer window... " Defaults to be the same as explSplitRight if !exists("g:explStartRight") let g:explStartRight = g:explSplitRight endif " Show detailed help? if !exists("g:explDetailedHelp") let g:explDetailedHelp=0 endif " Show file size and dates? if !exists("g:explDetailedList") let g:explDetailedList=0 endif " Format for the date if !exists("g:explDateFormat") let g:explDateFormat="%d %b %Y %H:%M" endif " Files to hide if !exists("g:explHideFiles") let g:explHideFiles='' endif " Field to sort by if !exists("g:explSortBy") let g:explSortBy='name' endif " Segregate directories? 1, 0, or -1 if !exists("g:explDirsFirst") let g:explDirsFirst=1 endif " Segregate items in suffixes option? 1, 0, or -1 if !exists("g:explSuffixesLast") let g:explSuffixesLast=1 endif " Include separator lines between directories, files, and suffixes? if !exists("g:explUseSeparators") let g:explUseSeparators=0 endif " whether or not to take over the functioning of the default file-explorer " plugin if !exists("g:defaultExplorer") let g:defaultExplorer = 1 end if !exists('g:favDirs') if exists('$HOME') let s:favDirs = expand('$HOME').'/' end else if exists('$HOME') let s:favDirs = g:favDirs."\/\n".expand('$HOME') end end let s:favDirs = substitute(s:favDirs, '\', '/', 'g') let s:favDirs = substitute(s:favDirs, '\/\/', '\/', 'g') " -- stuff used by winmanager let g:FileExplorer_title = "[File List]" function! FileExplorer_Start() let b:displayMode = "winmanager" if exists('s:lastDirectoryDisplayed') call s:EditDir(s:lastDirectoryDisplayed) else call s:EditDir(expand("%:p:h")) end if exists('s:lastCursorRow') exe s:lastCursorRow exe 'normal! '.s:lastCursorColumn.'|' end endfunction function! FileExplorer_IsValid() return 1 endfunction function! FileExplorer_WrapUp() let s:lastCursorRow = line('.') let s:lastCursorColumn = virtcol('.') let s:lastDirectoryDisplayed = b:completePath endfunction " --- end winmanager specific stuff (for now) "--- " script variables - these are the same across all " explorer windows " characters that must be escaped for a regular expression let s:escregexp = '/*^$.~\' " characters that must be escaped for filenames if has("dos16") || has("dos32") || has("win16") || has("win32") || has("os2") let s:escfilename = ' %#' else let s:escfilename = ' \%#' endif " A line to use for separating sections let s:separator='"---------------------------------------------------' "--- " Create commands " commenting stuff for beta version release " if !exists(':Explore') " command -n=? -complete=dir Explore :call s:StartExplorer(0, '') " endif " if !exists(':Sexplore') " command -n=? -complete=dir Sexplore :call s:StartExplorer(1, '') " endif " "--- " Start the explorer using the preferences from the global variables " function! s:StartExplorer(split, start_dir) let startcmd = "edit" if a:start_dir != "" let fname=a:start_dir else let fname = expand("%:p:h") endif if fname == "" let fname = getcwd() endif " Create a variable to use if splitting vertically let splitMode = "" if g:explVertical == 1 let splitMode = "vertical" endif " Save the user's settings for splitbelow and splitright let savesplitbelow = &splitbelow let savesplitright = &splitright if a:split || &modified let startcmd = splitMode . " " . g:explWinSize . "new " . fname let &splitbelow = g:explStartBelow let &splitright = g:explStartRight else let startcmd = "edit " . fname endif silent execute startcmd let &splitbelow = savesplitbelow let &splitright = savesplitright endfunction "--- " This is the main entry for 'editing' a directory " function! s:EditDir(...) " depending on the number of arguments, this function has either been called " by winmanager or by doing "e dirname" or :Explore if a:0 == 0 " Get out of here right away if this isn't a directory! let name = expand("%") if name == "" let name = expand("%:p") endif elseif a:0 >= 1 let name = a:1 set modifiable 1,$d_ end if a:0 >= 2 let forceReDisplay = a:2 else let forceReDisplay = 0 end if !isdirectory(name) return endif " Turn off the swapfile, set the buffer type so that it won't get " written, and so that it will get deleted when it gets hidden. setlocal modifiable setlocal noswapfile setlocal buftype=nowrite setlocal bufhidden=delete " Don't wrap around long lines setlocal nowrap " Get the complete path to the directory to look at with a slash at " the end let b:completePath = s:Path(name) let s:lastDirectoryDisplayed = b:completePath " Save the directory we are currently in and chdir to the directory " we are editing so that we can get a real path to the directory, " eliminating things like ".." let origdir= s:Path(getcwd()) exe "chdir" escape(b:completePath,s:escfilename) let b:completePath = s:Path(getcwd()) exe "chdir" escape(origdir,s:escfilename) " Add a slash at the end if b:completePath !~ '/$' let b:completePath = b:completePath . '/' endif " escape special characters for exec commands let b:completePathEsc=escape(b:completePath,s:escfilename) let b:parentDirEsc=substitute(b:completePathEsc, '/[^/]*/$', '/', 'g') " Set filter for hiding files let b:filterFormula=substitute(g:explHideFiles, '\([^\\]\),', '\1\\|', 'g') if b:filterFormula != '' let b:filtering="\nNot showing: " . b:filterFormula else let b:filtering="" endif " added to allow directory caching " s:numFileBuffers is an array containing the names of the directories " visited. if !exists("s:numFileBuffers") let s:numFileBuffers = 0 end let i = 1 while i <= s:numFileBuffers exec 'let diri = s:dir_'.i if diri == b:completePath " if we are on a previously displayed directory which is being redrawn " forcibly, then skip the stage of pasting from memory ... if !forceReDisplay let oldRep=&report let save_sc = &sc set report=10000 nosc 1,$d _ exec 'put=s:FileList_'.i 0d 0 let b:maxFileLen = 0 /^"=/+1,$g/^/call s:MarkDirs() call s:CleanUpHistory() call s:PrintFavDirs() 0 /^"=/+1 call s:CleanUpHistory() let &report=oldRep let &sc = save_sc end " ... merely remember the variable number and break. let s:currentFileNumberDisplayed = i break endif let i = i+1 endwhile " No need for any insertmode abbreviations, since we don't allow " insertions anyway! iabc " Long or short listing? Use the global variable the first time " explorer is called, after that use the script variable as set by " the interactive user. if exists("s:longlist") let w:longlist = s:longlist else let w:longlist = g:explDetailedList endif " Show keyboard shortcuts? if exists("s:longhelp") let w:longhelp = s:longhelp else let w:longhelp = g:explDetailedHelp endif " Set the sort based on the global variables the first time. If you " later change the sort order, it will be retained in the s:sortby " variable for the next time you open explorer let w:sortdirection=1 let w:sortdirlabel = "" let w:sorttype = "" if exists("s:sortby") let sortby=s:sortby else let sortby=g:explSortBy endif if sortby =~ "reverse" let w:sortdirection=-1 let w:sortdirlabel = "reverse " endif if sortby =~ "date" let w:sorttype = "date" elseif sortby =~ "size" let w:sorttype = "size" else let w:sorttype = "name" endif call s:SetSuffixesLast() " Set up syntax highlighting " Something wrong with the evaluation of the conditional though... if has("syntax") && exists("g:syntax_on") && !has("syntax_items") syn match browseSynopsis "^\"[ -].*" syn match favoriteDirectory "^+ .*$" syn match browseDirectory "[^\"+].*/ " syn match browseDirectory "[^\"+].*/$" syn match browseCurDir "^\"= .*$" syn match browseSortBy "^\" Sorted by .*$" contains=browseSuffixInfo syn match browseSuffixInfo "(.*)$" contained syn match browseFilter "^\" Not Showing:.*$" syn match browseFiletime "«\d\+$" exec('syn match browseSuffixes "' . b:suffixesHighlight . '"') "hi def link browseSynopsis PreProc hi def link browseSynopsis Special hi def link browseDirectory Directory hi def link browseCurDir Statement hi def link favoriteDirectory Type hi def link browseSortBy String hi def link browseSuffixInfo Type hi def link browseFilter String hi def link browseFiletime Ignore hi def link browseSuffixes Type endif " Set up mappings for this buffer let cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim if exists("b:displayMode") && b:displayMode == "winmanager" " when called in winmanager mode, the argument movefirst assumes the role " of whether or not to split a window. nnoremap :call EditEntry(0,"winmanager") nnoremap :call EditEntry(1,"winmanager") nnoremap - :call EditDir(b:parentDirEsc) nnoremap <2-leftmouse> :call EditEntry(0,"winmanager") nnoremap C :call EditDir(getcwd(),1):call RestoreFileDisplay() nnoremap :call EditDir(b:completePath,1):call RestoreFileDisplay() nnoremap nnoremap f :call AddToFavDir() else nnoremap :call EditEntry("","edit") nnoremap - :exec ("silent e " . b:parentDirEsc) nnoremap o :call OpenEntry() nnoremap O :call OpenEntryPrevWindow() nnoremap <2-leftmouse> :call DoubleClick() endif nnoremap p :call EditEntry("","pedit") nnoremap a :call ShowAllFiles():call RestoreFileDisplay() nnoremap R :call RenameFile() nnoremap D :. call DeleteFile():call RestoreFileDisplay() vnoremap D :call DeleteFile():call RestoreFileDisplay() nnoremap i :call ToggleLongList():call RestoreFileDisplay() nnoremap s :call SortSelect():call RestoreFileDisplay() nnoremap r :call SortReverse():call RestoreFileDisplay() nnoremap ? :call ToggleHelp() nnoremap a :call ShowAllFiles():call RestoreFileDisplay() nnoremap R :call RenameFile() nnoremap c :exec "cd ".b:completePathEsc:pwd let &cpo = cpo_save " If directory is already loaded, don't open it again! if line('$') > 1 setlocal nomodifiable return endif " Show the files call s:ShowDirectory() call s:PrintFavDirs() " prevent the buffer from being modified setlocal nomodifiable " remember the contents of this directory if its been displayed for the " first time for fast redraw later. if we have reached here bcause of a " forcible redraw, do not create a new s:dir_i variable. if !forceReDisplay let s:numFileBuffers = s:numFileBuffers + 1 let s:currentFileNumberDisplayed = s:numFileBuffers exe 'let s:dir_'.s:currentFileNumberDisplayed.' = b:completePath' end 0 /^"=/+1 call s:CleanUpHistory() call s:RestoreFileDisplay() endfunction "--- " If this is the only window, open file in a new window " Otherwise, open file in the most recently visited window " function! s:OpenEntryPrevWindow() " Figure out if there are any other windows let n = winnr() wincmd p " No other window? Then open a new one if n == winnr() call s:OpenEntry() " Other windows exist else " Check if the previous buffer is modified - ask if they want to " save! let bufname = bufname(winbufnr(winnr())) if &modified let action=confirm("Save Changes in " . bufname . "?","&Yes\n&No\n&Cancel") " Yes - try to save - if there is an error, cancel if action == 1 let v:errmsg = "" silent w if v:errmsg != "" echoerr "Unable to write buffer!" wincmd p return endif " No, abandon changes elseif action == 2 set nomodified echomsg "Warning, abandoning changes in " . bufname " Cancel (or any other result), don't do the open else wincmd p return endif endif wincmd p call s:EditEntry("wincmd p","edit") endif endfunction " " save the contents of the currently displayed file listing into the current " s:dir_i variable " function! s:RestoreFileDisplay() let oldRep=&report let save_sc = &sc set report=10000 nosc let presLine = line('.') let saverega = @a normal! ggVG"ay exec 'let s:FileList_'.s:currentFileNumberDisplayed.' = @a' let @a = saverega let &report=oldRep let &sc = save_sc exe presLine endfunction "--- " Open a file or directory in a new window. " Use g:explSplitBelow and g:explSplitRight to decide where to put the " split window, and resize the original explorer window if it is " larger than g:explWinSize " function! s:OpenEntry() " Are we on a line with a file name? let l = getline(".") if l =~ '^"' return endif " Copy window settings to script settings let s:sortby=w:sortdirlabel . w:sorttype let s:longhelp = w:longhelp let s:longlist = w:longlist " Get the window number of the explorer window let n = winnr() " Save the user's settings for splitbelow and splitright let savesplitbelow=&splitbelow let savesplitright=&splitright " Figure out how to do the split based on the user's preferences. " We want to split to the (left,right,top,bottom) of the explorer " window, but we want to extract the screen real-estate from the " window next to the explorer if possible. " " 'there' will be set to a command to move from the split window " back to the explorer window " " 'back' will be set to a command to move from the explorer window " back to the newly split window " " 'right' and 'below' will be set to the settings needed for " splitbelow and splitright IF the explorer is the only window. " if g:explVertical if g:explSplitRight let there="wincmd h" let back ="wincmd l" let right=1 let below=0 else let there="wincmd l" let back ="wincmd h" let right=0 let below=0 endif else if g:explSplitBelow let there="wincmd k" let back ="wincmd j" let right=0 let below=1 else let there="wincmd j" let back ="wincmd k" let right=0 let below=0 endif endif " Get the file name let fn=s:GetFullFileName() " Attempt to go to adjacent window exec(back) " If no adjacent window, set splitright and splitbelow appropriately if n == winnr() let &splitright=right let &splitbelow=below else " found adjacent window - invert split direction let &splitright=!right let &splitbelow=!below endif " Create a variable to use if splitting vertically let splitMode = "" if g:explVertical == 1 let splitMode = "vertical" endif " Is it a directory? If so, get a real path to it instead of " relative path if isdirectory(fn) let origdir= s:Path(getcwd()) exe "chdir" escape(fn,s:escfilename) let fn = s:Path(getcwd()) exe "chdir" escape(origdir,s:escfilename) endif " Open the new window exec("silent " . splitMode." sp " . escape(fn,s:escfilename)) " resize the explorer window if it is larger than the requested size exec(there) if g:explWinSize =~ '[0-9]\+' && winheight("") > g:explWinSize exec("silent ".splitMode." resize ".g:explWinSize) endif exec(back) " Restore splitmode settings let &splitbelow=savesplitbelow let &splitright=savesplitright endfunction "--- " Double click with the mouse " function s:DoubleClick() if expand("") =~ '[\\/]$' call s:EditEntry("","edit") " directory: open in this window else call s:OpenEntryPrevWindow() " file: open in another window endif endfun "--- " Open file or directory in the same window as the explorer is " currently in " function! s:EditEntry(movefirst,editcmd) " Are we on a line with a file name? let l = getline(".") if l =~ '^"' return endif " Copy window settings to script settings let s:sortby=w:sortdirlabel . w:sorttype let s:longhelp = w:longhelp let s:longlist = w:longlist " Get the file name let fn=s:GetFullFileName() if isdirectory(fn) let origdir= s:Path(getcwd()) exe "chdir" escape(fn,s:escfilename) let fn = s:Path(getcwd()) exe "chdir" escape(origdir,s:escfilename) endif " if its the original explorer using this function, then proceed as before. if !(exists("b:displayMode") && b:displayMode == "winmanager") " Move to desired window if needed exec(a:movefirst) " Edit the file/dir exec(a:editcmd . " " . escape(fn,s:escfilename)) " otherwise if its winmanager which called it, then do things the winmanager " way, i.e, open directories in the same buffer and open files in the last " visited file editing area (splitting if necessary) else if isdirectory(fn) " callinng EditDir ensures that things are displayed in the same buffer. call s:EditDir(fn) else " this function is provided by winmanager. it takes focus to the last " visited buffer in the file editing area and then opens the new file in " its place, while taking into consideration whether that buffer was " modified, or whether the user wants to force a split each time, etc. call WinManagerFileEdit(fn, a:movefirst) end end endfunction "--- " Create a regular expression out of the suffixes option for sorting " and set a string to indicate whether we are sorting with the " suffixes at the end (or the beginning) " function! s:SetSuffixesLast() let b:suffixesRegexp = '\(' . substitute(escape(&suffixes,s:escregexp),',','\\|','g') . '\)$' let b:suffixesHighlight = '^[^"].*\(' . substitute(escape(&suffixes,s:escregexp),',','\\|','g') . '\)\( \|$\)' if has("fname_case") let b:suffixesRegexp = '\C' . b:suffixesRegexp let b:suffixesHighlight = '\C' . b:suffixesHighlight else let b:suffixesRegexp = '\c' . b:suffixesRegexp let b:suffixesHighlight = '\c' . b:suffixesHighlight endif if g:explSuffixesLast > 0 && &suffixes != "" let b:suffixeslast=" (" . &suffixes . " at end of list)" elseif g:explSuffixesLast < 0 && &suffixes != "" let b:suffixeslast=" (" . &suffixes . " at start of list)" else let b:suffixeslast=" ('suffixes' mixed with files)" endif endfunction "--- " Show the header and contents of the directory " function! s:ShowDirectory() " Prevent a report of our actions from showing up let oldRep=&report let save_sc = &sc set report=10000 nosc "Delete all lines 1,$d _ " Add the header call s:AddHeader() $d _ " Display the files " Get a list of all the files let files = s:Path(glob(b:completePath."*")) if files != "" && files !~ '\n$' let files = files . "\n" endif " Add the dot files now, making sure "." is not included! let files = files . substitute(s:Path(glob(b:completePath.".*")), "[^\n]*/./\\=\n", '' , '') if files != "" && files !~ '\n$' let files = files . "\n" endif " Are there any files left after filtering? if files != "" normal! mt put =files let b:maxFileLen = 0 0 /^"=/+1,$g/^/call s:MarkDirs() call s:CleanUpHistory() normal! `t call s:AddFileInfo() endif normal! zz " Move to first directory in the listing 0 /^"=/+1 call s:CleanUpHistory() " Do the sort call s:SortListing("Loaded contents of ".b:completePath.". ") " Move to first directory in the listing 0 /^"=/+1 call s:CleanUpHistory() let &report=oldRep let &sc = save_sc endfunction function! s:AddToFavDir() if s:favDirs !~ "\\(^\\|\n\\)".b:completePath."\\(\n\\|$\\)" let s:favDirs = s:favDirs."\n".b:completePath else return endif let pos = (line('.')+1).' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|' call s:PrintFavDirs() exe pos endfunction "--- " Mark which items are directories - called once for each file name " must be used only when size/date is not displayed " function! s:MarkDirs() let oldRep=&report set report=1000 "Remove slashes if added s;/$;;e "Removes all the leading slashes and adds slashes at the end of directories s;^.*\\\([^\\]*\)$;\1;e s;^.*/\([^/]*\)$;\1;e "normal! ^ let currLine=getline(".") if isdirectory(b:completePath . currLine) s;$;/; let fileLen=strlen(currLine)+1 else let fileLen=strlen(currLine) if (b:filterFormula!="") && (currLine =~ b:filterFormula) " Don't show the file if it is to be filtered. d _ endif endif if fileLen > b:maxFileLen let b:maxFileLen=fileLen endif let &report=oldRep endfunction "--- " Make sure a path has proper form " function! s:Path(p) if has("dos16") || has("dos32") || has("win16") || has("win32") || has("os2") return substitute(a:p,'\\','/','g') else return a:p endif endfunction "--- " Extract the file name from a line in several different forms " function! s:GetFullFileNameEsc() return s:EscapeFilename(s:GetFullFileName()) endfunction function! s:GetFileNameEsc() return s:EscapeFilename(s:GetFileName()) endfunction function! s:EscapeFilename(name) return escape(a:name,s:escfilename) endfunction function! s:GetFullFileName() if getline('.') =~ '+ ' if match(getline('.'), '(.*)') > 0 return matchstr(getline('.'), '(\zs.*\ze)') else return strpart(getline('.'), 2, 1000) endif endif return s:ExtractFullFileName(getline(".")) endfunction function! s:GetFileName() return s:ExtractFileName(getline(".")) endfunction function! s:ExtractFullFileName(line) let fn=s:ExtractFileName(a:line) if fn == '/' return b:completePath else return b:completePath . s:ExtractFileName(a:line) endif endfunction function! s:ExtractFileName(line) return substitute(strpart(a:line,0,b:maxFileLen),'\s\+$','','') endfunction "--- " Get the size of the file function! s:ExtractFileSize(line) if (w:longlist==0) return getfsize(s:ExtractFileName(a:line)) else return strpart(a:line,b:maxFileLen+2,b:maxFileSizeLen); endif endfunction "--- " Get the date of the file as a number function! s:ExtractFileDate(line) if w:longlist==0 return getftime(s:ExtractFileName(a:line)) else return strpart(matchstr(strpart(a:line,b:maxFileLen+b:maxFileSizeLen+4),"«.*"),1) + 0 endif endfunction "--- " Add the header with help information " function! s:AddHeader() let save_f=@f 1 if w:longhelp==1 let @f="\" : open file or directory\n" \."\" o : open new window for file/directory\n" \."\" O : open file in previously visited window\n" \."\" p : preview the file\n" \."\" i : toggle size/date listing\n" \."\" s : select sort field r : reverse sort\n" \."\" - : go up one level c : cd to this dir\n" \."\" R : rename file D : delete file\n" \."\" f : add current directory to favourites\n" \."\" :help file-explorer for detailed help\n" else let @f="\" Press ? for keyboard shortcuts\n" endif let @f=@f."\" Sorted by ".w:sortdirlabel.w:sorttype.b:suffixeslast.b:filtering."\n" let @f=@f."\"= ".b:completePath."\n" put! f let @f=save_f endfunction function! s:PrintFavDirs() if !exists('s:favDirs') return end setlocal modifiable 0 if search('^"=') exe 'silent! 1,'.line('.').' g/^+ .*$/d _' else call s:CleanUpHistory() setlocal nomodifiable nomodified return endif call s:CleanUpHistory() let favDirs = s:favDirs let favDirs = substitute(favDirs, "\\(^\\|\n\\)", '\1+ ', 'g') let favDirs = substitute(favDirs, '$', "\n", '') 0 call search('^"=') silent! put!=favDirs silent! g/^+ /s/\v^\+ (.*)\/([^\/]+\/=)$/+ \2 (\1\/\2) call s:CleanUpHistory() call s:CleanUpHistory() setlocal nomodifiable nomodified endfunction "--- " Show the size and date for each file " function! s:AddFileInfo() let save_sc = &sc set nosc " Mark our starting point normal! mt call s:RemoveSeparators() " Remove all info 0 /^"=/+1,$g/^/call setline(line("."),s:GetFileName()) call s:CleanUpHistory() " Add info if requested if w:longlist==1 " Add file size and calculate maximum length of file size field let b:maxFileSizeLen = 0 0 /^"=/+1,$g/^/let fn=s:GetFullFileName() | \let fileSize=getfsize(fn) | \let fileSizeLen=strlen(fileSize) | \if fileSizeLen > b:maxFileSizeLen | \ let b:maxFileSizeLen = fileSizeLen | \endif | \exec "normal! ".(b:maxFileLen-strlen(getline("."))+2)."A \" | \exec 's/$/'.fileSize.'/' call s:CleanUpHistory() " Right justify the file sizes and " add file modification date 0 /^"=/+1,$g/^/let fn=s:GetFullFileName() | \exec "normal! A \$b".(b:maxFileLen+b:maxFileSizeLen-strlen(getline("."))+3)."i \\"_x" | \exec 's/$/ '.escape(s:FileModDate(fn), '/').'/' call s:CleanUpHistory() setlocal nomodified endif call s:AddSeparators() " return to start normal! `t let &sc = save_sc endfunction "---- " Get the modification time for a file " function! s:FileModDate(name) let filetime=getftime(a:name) if filetime > 0 return strftime(g:explDateFormat,filetime) . " «" . filetime else return "" endif endfunction "--- " Delete a file or files " function! s:DeleteFile() range let oldRep = &report let &report = 1000 let filesDeleted = 0 let stopDel = 0 let delAll = 0 let currLine = a:firstline let lastLine = a:lastline setlocal modifiable while ((currLine <= lastLine) && (stopDel==0)) exec(currLine) let fileName=s:GetFullFileName() if isdirectory(fileName) echo fileName." : Directory deletion not supported yet" let currLine = currLine + 1 else if delAll == 0 let sure=input("Delete ".fileName." (y/n/a/q)? ") if sure=="a" let delAll = 1 endif endif if (sure=="y") || (sure=="a") let success=delete(fileName) if success!=0 exec (" ") echo "\nCannot delete ".fileName let currLine = currLine + 1 else d _ let filesDeleted = filesDeleted + 1 let lastLine = lastLine - 1 endif elseif sure=="q" let stopDel = 1 elseif sure=="n" let currLine = currLine + 1 endif endif endwhile echo "\n".filesDeleted." files deleted" let &report = oldRep setlocal nomodified setlocal nomodifiable endfunction "--- " Rename a file " function! s:RenameFile() let fileName=s:GetFullFileName() setlocal modifiable if isdirectory(fileName) echo "Directory renaming not supported yet" elseif filereadable(fileName) let altName=input("Rename ".fileName." to : ") echo " " if altName=="" setlocal nomodifiable return endif let success=rename(fileName, b:completePath.altName) if success!=0 echo "Cannot rename ".fileName. " to ".altName else echo "Renamed ".fileName." to ".altName let oldRep=&report set report=1000 " e! " instead of generating a bufEnter event if we use e!, use EditDir. It " doesnt matter that EditDir() is called with more than 0 arguments " whether or not winmanager is active because at this location, we have " a buffer open anyway. call s:EditDir(b:completePath, 1) let &report=oldRep endif endif setlocal nomodified setlocal nomodifiable call s:RestoreFileDisplay() endfunction "--- " Toggle between short and long help " function! s:ToggleHelp() if exists("w:longhelp") && w:longhelp==0 let w:longhelp=1 let s:longhelp=1 else let w:longhelp=0 let s:longhelp=0 endif " Allow modification setlocal modifiable call s:UpdateHeader() " Disallow modification setlocal nomodifiable endfunction "--- " Update the header " function! s:UpdateHeader() let oldRep=&report set report=10000 " Save position normal! mt " Remove old header 0 1,/^"=/ d _ call s:CleanUpHistory() " Add new header call s:AddHeader() " Go back where we came from if possible 0 if line("'t") != 0 normal! `t endif let &report=oldRep setlocal nomodified endfunction "--- " Toggle long vs. short listing " function! s:ToggleLongList() setlocal modifiable if exists("w:longlist") && w:longlist==1 let w:longlist=0 let s:longlist=0 else let w:longlist=1 let s:longlist=1 endif call s:AddFileInfo() setlocal nomodifiable endfunction "--- " Show all files - remove filtering " function! s:ShowAllFiles() setlocal modifiable let b:filterFormula="" let b:filtering="" call s:ShowDirectory() setlocal nomodifiable endfunction "--- " Figure out what section we are in " function! s:GetSection() let fn=s:GetFileName() let section="file" if fn =~ '/$' let section="directory" elseif fn =~ b:suffixesRegexp let section="suffixes" endif return section endfunction "--- " Remove section separators " function! s:RemoveSeparators() if !g:explUseSeparators return endif 0 silent! exec '/^"=/+1,$g/^' . s:separator . "/d _" call s:CleanUpHistory() endfunction "--- " Add section separators " between directories and files if they are separated " between files and 'suffixes' files if they are separated function! s:AddSeparators() if !g:explUseSeparators return endif 0 /^"=/+1 call s:CleanUpHistory() let lastsec=s:GetSection() +1 .,$g/^/let sec=s:GetSection() | \if g:explDirsFirst != 0 && sec != lastsec && \ (lastsec == "directory" || sec == "directory") | \ exec "normal! I" . s:separator . "\n\" | \elseif g:explSuffixesLast != 0 && sec != lastsec && \ (lastsec == "suffixes" || sec == "suffixes") | \ exec "normal! I" . s:separator . "\n\" | \endif | \let lastsec=sec endfunction "--- " General string comparison function " function! s:StrCmp(line1, line2, direction) if a:line1 < a:line2 return -a:direction elseif a:line1 > a:line2 return a:direction else return 0 endif endfunction "--- " Function for use with Sort(), to compare the file names " Default sort is to put in alphabetical order, but with all directory " names before all file names " function! s:FileNameCmp(line1, line2, direction) let f1=s:ExtractFileName(a:line1) let f2=s:ExtractFileName(a:line2) " Put directory names before file names if (g:explDirsFirst != 0) && (f1 =~ '\/$') && (f2 !~ '\/$') return -g:explDirsFirst elseif (g:explDirsFirst != 0) && (f1 !~ '\/$') && (f2 =~ '\/$') return g:explDirsFirst elseif (g:explSuffixesLast != 0) && (f1 =~ b:suffixesRegexp) && (f2 !~ b:suffixesRegexp) return g:explSuffixesLast elseif (g:explSuffixesLast != 0) && (f1 !~ b:suffixesRegexp) && (f2 =~ b:suffixesRegexp) return -g:explSuffixesLast else return s:StrCmp(f1,f2,a:direction) endif endfunction "--- " Function for use with Sort(), to compare the file modification dates " Default sort is to put NEWEST files first. Reverse will put oldest " files first " function! s:FileDateCmp(line1, line2, direction) let f1=s:ExtractFileName(a:line1) let f2=s:ExtractFileName(a:line2) let t1=s:ExtractFileDate(a:line1) let t2=s:ExtractFileDate(a:line2) " Put directory names before file names if (g:explDirsFirst != 0) && (f1 =~ '\/$') && (f2 !~ '\/$') return -g:explDirsFirst elseif (g:explDirsFirst != 0) && (f1 !~ '\/$') && (f2 =~ '\/$') return g:explDirsFirst elseif (g:explSuffixesLast != 0) && (f1 =~ b:suffixesRegexp) && (f2 !~ b:suffixesRegexp) return g:explSuffixesLast elseif (g:explSuffixesLast != 0) && (f1 !~ b:suffixesRegexp) && (f2 =~ b:suffixesRegexp) return -g:explSuffixesLast elseif t1 > t2 return -a:direction elseif t1 < t2 return a:direction else return s:StrCmp(f1,f2,1) endif endfunction "--- " Function for use with Sort(), to compare the file sizes " Default sort is to put largest files first. Reverse will put " smallest files first " function! s:FileSizeCmp(line1, line2, direction) let f1=s:ExtractFileName(a:line1) let f2=s:ExtractFileName(a:line2) let s1=s:ExtractFileSize(a:line1) let s2=s:ExtractFileSize(a:line2) if (g:explDirsFirst != 0) && (f1 =~ '\/$') && (f2 !~ '\/$') return -g:explDirsFirst elseif (g:explDirsFirst != 0) && (f1 !~ '\/$') && (f2 =~ '\/$') return g:explDirsFirst elseif (g:explSuffixesLast != 0) && (f1 =~ b:suffixesRegexp) && (f2 !~ b:suffixesRegexp) return g:explSuffixesLast elseif (g:explSuffixesLast != 0) && (f1 !~ b:suffixesRegexp) && (f2 =~ b:suffixesRegexp) return -g:explSuffixesLast elseif s1 > s2 return -a:direction elseif s1 < s2 return a:direction else return s:StrCmp(f1,f2,1) endif endfunction "--- " Sort lines. SortR() is called recursively. " function! s:SortR(start, end, cmp, direction) " Bottom of the recursion if start reaches end if a:start >= a:end return endif " let partition = a:start - 1 let middle = partition let partStr = getline((a:start + a:end) / 2) let i = a:start while (i <= a:end) let str = getline(i) exec "let result = " . a:cmp . "(str, partStr, " . a:direction . ")" if result <= 0 " Need to put it before the partition. Swap lines i and partition. let partition = partition + 1 if result == 0 let middle = partition endif if i != partition let str2 = getline(partition) call setline(i, str2) call setline(partition, str) endif endif let i = i + 1 endwhile " Now we have a pointer to the "middle" element, as far as partitioning " goes, which could be anywhere before the partition. Make sure it is at " the end of the partition. if middle != partition let str = getline(middle) let str2 = getline(partition) call setline(middle, str2) call setline(partition, str) endif call s:SortR(a:start, partition - 1, a:cmp,a:direction) call s:SortR(partition + 1, a:end, a:cmp,a:direction) endfunction "--- " To Sort a range of lines, pass the range to Sort() along with the name of a " function that will compare two lines. " function! s:Sort(cmp,direction) range call s:SortR(a:firstline, a:lastline, a:cmp, a:direction) endfunction "--- " Reverse the current sort order " function! s:SortReverse() if exists("w:sortdirection") && w:sortdirection == -1 let w:sortdirection = 1 let w:sortdirlabel = "" else let w:sortdirection = -1 let w:sortdirlabel = "reverse " endif let s:sortby=w:sortdirlabel . w:sorttype call s:SortListing("") endfunction "--- " Toggle through the different sort orders " function! s:SortSelect() " Select the next sort option if !exists("w:sorttype") let w:sorttype="name" elseif w:sorttype == "name" let w:sorttype="size" elseif w:sorttype == "size" let w:sorttype="date" else let w:sorttype="name" endif let s:sortby=w:sortdirlabel . w:sorttype call s:SortListing("") endfunction "--- " Sort the file listing " function! s:SortListing(msg) " Save the line we start on so we can go back there when done " sorting let startline = getline(".") let col=col(".") let lin=line(".") " Allow modification setlocal modifiable " Send a message about what we're doing " Don't really need this - it can cause hit return prompts " echo a:msg . "Sorting by" . w:sortdirlabel . w:sorttype " Create a regular expression out of the suffixes option in case " we need it. call s:SetSuffixesLast() " Remove section separators call s:RemoveSeparators() " Do the sort 0 if w:sorttype == "size" /^"=/+1,$call s:Sort("s:FileSizeCmp",w:sortdirection) elseif w:sorttype == "date" /^"=/+1,$call s:Sort("s:FileDateCmp",w:sortdirection) else /^"=/+1,$call s:Sort("s:FileNameCmp",w:sortdirection) endif call s:CleanUpHistory() " Replace the header with updated information call s:UpdateHeader() " Restore section separators call s:AddSeparators() " Return to the position we started on 0 if search('\m^'.escape(startline,s:escregexp),'W') <= 0 execute lin endif execute "normal!" col . "|" " Disallow modification setlocal nomodified setlocal nomodifiable endfunction if !g:defaultExplorer let loaded_explorer = 1 "--- " Create commands if !exists(':Explore') command -n=? -complete=dir Explore :call s:StartExplorer(0, '') endif if !exists(':Sexplore') command -n=? -complete=dir Sexplore :call s:StartExplorer(1, '') endif " NOTE: This is a special command NOT to be used by users. Its here for " communication between winmanager and explorer.vim. This command only works " if you are currently 'editing' a directory, in which case, you dont need " this anyway. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. if !exists(':ExploreInCurrentWindow') command -n=? -complete=dir ExploreInCurrentWindow :call EditDir() endif end " CleanUpHistory function! CleanUpHistory() call histdel("/", -1) let @/ = histget("/", -1) endfunction " restore 'cpo' let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: ts=4:noet:sw=4