" txtbrowser.vim: Utilities to browser plain text file. " Release: 1.3.5 " Maintainer: ypguo " Last modified: 2011.08.07 " License: GPL. " ****************** Do not modify after this line ************************ " Line continuation used here let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim scriptencoding utf-8 if exists("g:txtbrowser_version") finish "stop loading the script endif let g:txtbrowser_version = "1.3.4" "=Options=========================================================== " User defined web dictionary if !exists('TxtBrowser_Dict_Url') let TxtBrowser_Dict_Url = 'http://www.google.com/dictionary?aq=f&langpair=en|zh-CN&q=text&hl=zh-CN' endif " User defined Search Engine. if !exists('Txtbrowser_Search_Engine') let Txtbrowser_Search_Engine = 'http://www.google.com/search?hl=zh-CN&source=hp&q=text&btnG=Google+%E6%90%9C%E7%B4%A2&lr=&aq=f&oq=' endif "=================================================================== "Default map: if ("" == maparg("s", "n")) nmap