" This package sets some language specific options. " Since it needs to find out which options the user used with the babel " package, it needs to wait till latex-suite is done scanning packages. It " then catches the LatexSuiteScannedPackages event which " Tex_pack_updateall() throws at which time g:Tex_pack_detected and " g:Tex_babel_options contain the necessary information. let g:TeX_package_option_babel = \ 'afrikaans,' \.'bahasa,' \.'basque,' \.'breton,' \.'bulgarian,' \.'catalan,' \.'croatian,' \.'chech,' \.'danish,' \.'dutch,' \.'english,USenglish,american,UKenglish,british,canadian,' \.'esperanto,' \.'estonian,' \.'finnish,' \.'french,francais,canadien,acadian,' \.'galician,' \.'austrian,german,germanb,ngerman,naustrian,' \.'greek,polutonikogreek,' \.'hebrew,' \.'magyar,hungarian,' \.'icelandic,' \.'irish,' \.'italian,' \.'latin,' \.'lowersorbian,' \.'samin,' \.'norsk,nynorsk,' \.'polish,' \.'portuges,portuguese,brazilian,brazil,' \.'romanian,' \.'russian,' \.'scottish,' \.'spanish,' \.'slovak,' \.'slovene,' \.'swedish,' \.'serbian,' \.'turkish,' \.'ukrainian,' \.'uppersorbian,' \.'welsh' let g:TeX_package_babel = \ 'bra:selectlanguage,' \.'env:otherlanguage,' \.'env:otherlanguage*,' \.'env:hyphenrules,' \.'brd:foreignlanguage,' \.'spe:iflanguage{<+name+>}{<+true+>}{<+false+>},' \.'languagename,' \.'bra:useshorthands,' \.'brd:defineshorthand,' \.'brd:aliasshorthand,' \.'bra:languageshorthans,' \.'bra:shorthandon,' \.'bra:shorthandoff,' \.'brd:languageattribute' " vim:ft=vim:ff=unix: if exists('s:doneOnce') finish endif let s:doneOnce = 1 augroup LatexSuite au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteScannedPackages \ call Tex_Debug('babel: catching LatexSuiteScannedPackages event') | \ call s:SetQuotes() augroup END let s:path = expand(':p:h') " SetQuotes: sets quotes for various languages {{{ " Description: function! SetQuotes() if g:Tex_package_detected =~ '\' if g:Tex_babel_options =~ '\' exec 'so '.s:path.'/german' elseif g:Tex_babel_options =~ '\' exec 'so '.s:path.'/ngerman' endif endif endfunction " }}} " vim:ft=vim:ff=unix: