priority -50 global !p def ada_case(word): out = word[0].upper() for i in range(1, len(word)): if word[i - 1] == '_': out = out + word[i].upper() else: out = out + word[i] return out def get_year(): import time return time.strftime("%Y") endglobal snippet wi "with" with $1;$0 endsnippet snippet pac "package" package ${1:`!p snip.rv = ada_case(snip.basename)`} is $0 end $1; endsnippet snippet pacb "package body" package body ${1:`!p snip.rv = ada_case(snip.basename)`} is $0 end $1; endsnippet snippet ent "entry ... when" entry $1($2) when $3 is begin $0 end $1; endsnippet snippet task "task" task $1 is entry $0 end $1; endsnippet snippet taskb "task body" task body $1 is $2 begin $0 end $1; endsnippet snippet acc "accept" accept $1($2) do $0 end $1; endsnippet snippet prot "protected type" protected type $1($2) is $0 end $1; endsnippet snippet prob "protected body" protected body $1 is $2 begin $0 end $1; endsnippet snippet gen "generic type" generic type $1 is $2;$0 endsnippet snippet ty "type" type $1 is $2;$0 endsnippet snippet tyd "type with default value" type $1 is $2 with Default_Value => $3;$0 endsnippet snippet subty "subtype" subtype $1 is $2;$0 endsnippet snippet dec "declare block" declare $1 begin $0 end; endsnippet snippet decn "declare named block" $1: declare $2 begin $0 end $1; endsnippet snippet ifex "if expression" if $1 then $2 else $0 endsnippet snippet casex "case expression" case $1 is when $2 => $3,$0 endsnippet snippet fora "for all" for all $1 ${2:in} $3 => $0 endsnippet snippet fors "for some" for some $1 ${2:in} $3 => $0 endsnippet snippet if "if" if $1 then $0 end if; endsnippet snippet ife "if ... else" if $1 then $2 else $0 end if; endsnippet snippet el "else" else $0 endsnippet snippet eif "elsif" elsif $1 then $0 endsnippet snippet wh "while" while $1 loop $0 end loop; endsnippet snippet nwh "named while" $1: while $2 loop $0 end loop $1; endsnippet snippet for "for" for ${1:I} in $2 loop $0 end loop; endsnippet snippet fore "for each" for $1 of $2 loop $0 end loop; endsnippet snippet nfor "named for" $1: for ${2:I} in $3 loop $0 end loop $1; endsnippet snippet nfore "named for each" $1: for $2 of $3 loop $0 end loop $1; endsnippet snippet proc "procedure" procedure $1($2) is $3 begin $0 end $1; endsnippet snippet procd "procedure declaration" procedure $1;$0 endsnippet snippet fun "function" function $1($2) return $3 is $4 begin $0 end $1; endsnippet snippet fune "expression function" function $1 return $2 is ($3);$0 endsnippet snippet fund "function declaration" function $1 return $2;$0 endsnippet snippet ret "extended return" return $1 do $0 end return; endsnippet snippet rec "record" record $0 end record; endsnippet snippet case "case" case $1 is when $2 => $3;$0 end case; endsnippet snippet whe "when" when $1 => $2;$0 endsnippet snippet wheo "when others" when others => $1;$0 endsnippet snippet lo "loop" loop $0 end loop; endsnippet snippet nlo "named loop" $1: loop $0 end loop $1; endsnippet snippet ex "exit when" exit when $1;$0 endsnippet snippet put "Ada.Text_IO.Put" Ada.Text_IO.Put($1);$0 endsnippet snippet putl "Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line" Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line($1);$0 endsnippet snippet get "Ada.Text_IO.Get" Ada.Text_IO.Get($1);$0 endsnippet snippet getl "Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line" Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line($1);$0 endsnippet snippet newline "Ada.Text_IO.New_Line" Ada.Text_IO.New_Line(${1:1});$0 endsnippet snippet gpl "GPL license header" -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU ${1}General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version ${2:3} of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU $1General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU $1General Public License -- along with this program; if not, see <>. -- -- Copyright (C) ${3:Author}, ${4:`!p snip.rv = get_year()`} $0 endsnippet snippet gplf "GPL file license header" -- This file is part of ${1:Program-Name}. -- -- $1 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU ${2}General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version ${3:3} of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- $1 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU $2General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU $2General Public License -- along with $1. If not, see <>. -- -- Copyright (C) ${4:Author}, ${5:`!p snip.rv = get_year()`} $0 endsnippet # vim:ft=snippets: