" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim scriptencoding utf-8 let s:lspfactory = {} function! s:lspfactory.get() dict abort if !has_key(self, 'current') || empty(self.current) let self.current = s:newlsp() endif return self.current endfunction function! s:lspfactory.reset() dict abort if has_key(self, 'current') call remove(self, 'current') endif endfunction function! s:newlsp() abort if !go#util#has_job() " TODO(bc): start the server in the background using a shell that waits for the right output before returning. call go#util#EchoError('This feature requires either Vim 8.0.0087 or newer with +job or Neovim.') return endif " job is the job used to talk to the backing instance of gopls. " ready is 0 until the initialize response has been received. 1 afterwards. " queue is messages to send after initialization " last_request_id is id of the most recently sent request. " buf is unprocessed/incomplete responses " handlers is a mapping of request ids to dictionaries of functions. " request id -> {start, requestComplete, handleResult, error} " * start is a function that takes no arguments " * requestComplete is a function that takes 1 argument. The parameter will be 1 " if the call was succesful. " * handleResult takes a single argument, the result message received from gopls " * error takes a single argument, the error message received from gopls. " The error method is optional. let l:lsp = { \ 'job': '', \ 'ready': 0, \ 'queue': [], \ 'last_request_id': 0, \ 'buf': '', \ 'handlers': {}, \ } function! l:lsp.readMessage(data) dict abort let l:responses = [] let l:rest = a:data while 1 " Look for the end of the HTTP headers let l:body_start_idx = matchend(l:rest, "\r\n\r\n") if l:body_start_idx < 0 " incomplete header break endif " Parse the Content-Length header. let l:header = l:rest[:l:body_start_idx - 4] let l:length_match = matchlist( \ l:header, \ '\vContent-Length: *(\d+)' \) if empty(l:length_match) " TODO(bc): shutdown gopls? throw "invalid JSON-RPC header:\n" . l:header endif " get the start of the rest let l:rest_start_idx = l:body_start_idx + str2nr(l:length_match[1]) if len(l:rest) < l:rest_start_idx " incomplete response body break endif if go#util#HasDebug('lsp') let g:go_lsp_log = add(go#config#LspLog(), "<-\n" . l:rest[:l:rest_start_idx - 1]) endif let l:body = l:rest[l:body_start_idx : l:rest_start_idx - 1] let l:rest = l:rest[l:rest_start_idx :] try " add the json body to the list. call add(l:responses, json_decode(l:body)) catch " TODO(bc): log the message and/or show an error message. finally " intentionally left blank. endtry endwhile return [l:rest, l:responses] endfunction function! l:lsp.handleMessage(ch, data) dict abort let self.buf .= a:data let [self.buf, l:responses] = self.readMessage(self.buf) " TODO(bc): handle notifications (e.g. window/showMessage). for l:response in l:responses if has_key(l:response, 'id') && has_key(self.handlers, l:response.id) try let l:handler = self.handlers[l:response.id] let l:winid = win_getid(winnr()) " Always set the active window to the window that was active when " the request was sent. Among other things, this makes sure that " the correct window's location list will be populated when the " list type is 'location' and the user has moved windows since " sending the reques. call win_gotoid(l:handler.winid) if has_key(l:response, 'error') call l:handler.requestComplete(0) if has_key(l:handler, 'error') call call(l:handler.error, [l:response.error.message]) else call go#util#EchoError(l:response.error.message) endif call win_gotoid(l:winid) return endif call l:handler.requestComplete(1) call call(l:handler.handleResult, [l:response.result]) call win_gotoid(l:winid) finally call remove(self.handlers, l:response.id) endtry endif endfor endfunction function! l:lsp.handleInitializeResult(result) dict abort let self.ready = 1 " TODO(bc): send initialized message to the server? " send messages queued while waiting for ready. for l:item in self.queue call self.sendMessage(l:item.data, l:item.handler) endfor " reset the queue let self.queue = [] endfunction function! l:lsp.sendMessage(data, handler) dict abort if !self.last_request_id " TODO(bc): run a server per module and one per GOPATH? (may need to " keep track of servers by rootUri). let l:wd = go#util#ModuleRoot() if l:wd == -1 call go#util#EchoError('could not determine appropriate working directory for gopls') return endif if l:wd == '' let l:wd = getcwd() endif let l:msg = self.newMessage(go#lsp#message#Initialize(l:wd)) let l:state = s:newHandlerState('') let l:state.handleResult = funcref('self.handleInitializeResult', [], l:self) let self.handlers[l:msg.id] = l:state call l:state.start() call self.write(l:msg) endif if !self.ready call add(self.queue, {'data': a:data, 'handler': a:handler}) return endif let l:msg = self.newMessage(a:data) if has_key(l:msg, 'id') let self.handlers[l:msg.id] = a:handler endif call a:handler.start() call self.write(l:msg) endfunction " newMessage returns a message constructed from data. data should be a dict " with 2 or 3 keys: notification, method, and optionally params. function! l:lsp.newMessage(data) dict abort let l:msg = { \ 'method': a:data.method, \ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', \ } if !a:data.notification let self.last_request_id += 1 let l:msg.id = self.last_request_id endif if has_key(a:data, 'params') let l:msg.params = a:data.params endif return l:msg endfunction function! l:lsp.write(msg) dict abort let l:body = json_encode(a:msg) let l:data = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen(l:body) . "\r\n\r\n" . l:body if go#util#HasDebug('lsp') let g:go_lsp_log = add(go#config#LspLog(), "->\n" . l:data) endif if has('nvim') call chansend(self.job, l:data) return endif call ch_sendraw(self.job, l:data) endfunction function! l:lsp.exit_cb(job, exit_status) dict abort call s:lspfactory.reset() endfunction " explicitly bind close_cb to state so that within it, self will always refer function! l:lsp.close_cb(ch) dict abort " TODO(bc): does anything need to be done here? endfunction function! l:lsp.err_cb(ch, msg) dict abort if go#util#HasDebug('lsp') let g:go_lsp_log = add(go#config#LspLog(), "<-stderr\n" . a:msg) endif endfunction " explicitly bind callbacks to l:lsp so that within it, self will always refer " to l:lsp instead of l:opts. See :help Partial for more information. let l:opts = { \ 'in_mode': 'raw', \ 'out_mode': 'raw', \ 'err_mode': 'nl', \ 'noblock': 1, \ 'err_cb': funcref('l:lsp.err_cb', [], l:lsp), \ 'out_cb': funcref('l:lsp.handleMessage', [], l:lsp), \ 'close_cb': funcref('l:lsp.close_cb', [], l:lsp), \ 'exit_cb': funcref('l:lsp.exit_cb', [], l:lsp), \ 'cwd': getcwd(), \} let l:bin_path = go#path#CheckBinPath("gopls") if empty(l:bin_path) return endif " TODO(bc): output a message indicating which directory lsp is going to " start in. let l:lsp.job = go#job#Start([l:bin_path], l:opts) " TODO(bc): send the initialize message now? return l:lsp endfunction function! s:noop(...) abort endfunction function! s:newHandlerState(statustype) abort let l:state = { \ 'winid': win_getid(winnr()), \ 'statustype': a:statustype, \ 'jobdir': getcwd(), \ } " explicitly bind requestComplete to state so that within it, self will " always refer to state. See :help Partial for more information. let l:state.requestComplete = funcref('s:requestComplete', [], l:state) " explicitly bind start to state so that within it, self will " always refer to state. See :help Partial for more information. let l:state.start = funcref('s:start', [], l:state) return l:state endfunction function! s:requestComplete(ok) abort dict if self.statustype == '' return endif if go#config#EchoCommandInfo() let prefix = '[' . self.statustype . '] ' if a:ok call go#util#EchoSuccess(prefix . "SUCCESS") else call go#util#EchoError(prefix . "FAIL") endif endif let status = { \ 'desc': 'last status', \ 'type': self.statustype, \ 'state': "success", \ } if !a:ok let status.state = "failed" endif if has_key(self, 'started_at') let elapsed_time = reltimestr(reltime(self.started_at)) " strip whitespace let elapsed_time = substitute(elapsed_time, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') let status.state .= printf(" (%ss)", elapsed_time) endif call go#statusline#Update(self.jobdir, status) endfunction function! s:start() abort dict if self.statustype != '' let status = { \ 'desc': 'current status', \ 'type': self.statustype, \ 'state': "started", \ } call go#statusline#Update(self.jobdir, status) endif let self.started_at = reltime() endfunction " go#lsp#Definition calls gopls to get the definition of the identifier at " line and col in fname. handler should be a dictionary function that takes a " list of strings in the form 'file:line:col: message'. handler will be " attached to a dictionary that manages state (statuslines, sets the winid, " etc.) function! go#lsp#Definition(fname, line, col, handler) abort call go#lsp#DidChange(a:fname) let l:lsp = s:lspfactory.get() let l:state = s:newHandlerState('definition') let l:state.handleResult = funcref('s:definitionHandler', [function(a:handler, [], l:state)], l:state) let l:msg = go#lsp#message#Definition(fnamemodify(a:fname, ':p'), a:line, a:col) call l:lsp.sendMessage(l:msg, l:state) endfunction function! s:definitionHandler(next, msg) abort dict " gopls returns a []Location; just take the first one. let l:msg = a:msg[0] let l:args = [[printf('%s:%d:%d: %s', go#path#FromURI(l:msg.uri), l:msg.range.start.line+1, l:msg.range.start.character+1, 'lsp does not supply a description')]] call call(a:next, l:args) endfunction " go#lsp#Type calls gopls to get the type definition of the identifier at " line and col in fname. handler should be a dictionary function that takes a " list of strings in the form 'file:line:col: message'. handler will be " attached to a dictionary that manages state (statuslines, sets the winid, " etc.) function! go#lsp#TypeDef(fname, line, col, handler) abort call go#lsp#DidChange(a:fname) let l:lsp = s:lspfactory.get() let l:state = s:newHandlerState('type definition') let l:msg = go#lsp#message#TypeDefinition(fnamemodify(a:fname, ':p'), a:line, a:col) let l:state.handleResult = funcref('s:typeDefinitionHandler', [function(a:handler, [], l:state)], l:state) call l:lsp.sendMessage(l:msg, l:state) endfunction function! s:typeDefinitionHandler(next, msg) abort dict " gopls returns a []Location; just take the first one. let l:msg = a:msg[0] let l:args = [[printf('%s:%d:%d: %s', go#path#FromURI(l:msg.uri), l:msg.range.start.line+1, l:msg.range.start.character+1, 'lsp does not supply a description')]] call call(a:next, l:args) endfunction function! go#lsp#DidOpen(fname) abort if get(b:, 'go_lsp_did_open', 0) return endif if !filereadable(a:fname) return endif let l:lsp = s:lspfactory.get() let l:msg = go#lsp#message#DidOpen(fnamemodify(a:fname, ':p'), join(go#util#GetLines(), "\n") . "\n") let l:state = s:newHandlerState('') let l:state.handleResult = funcref('s:noop') call l:lsp.sendMessage(l:msg, l:state) let b:go_lsp_did_open = 1 endfunction function! go#lsp#DidChange(fname) abort " DidChange is called even when fname isn't open in a buffer (e.g. via " go#lsp#Info); don't report the file as open or as having changed when it's " not actually a buffer. if bufnr(a:fname) == -1 return endif call go#lsp#DidOpen(a:fname) if !filereadable(a:fname) return endif let l:lsp = s:lspfactory.get() let l:msg = go#lsp#message#DidChange(fnamemodify(a:fname, ':p'), join(go#util#GetLines(), "\n") . "\n") let l:state = s:newHandlerState('') let l:state.handleResult = funcref('s:noop') call l:lsp.sendMessage(l:msg, l:state) endfunction function! go#lsp#DidClose(fname) abort if !filereadable(a:fname) return endif if !get(b:, 'go_lsp_did_open', 0) return endif let l:lsp = s:lspfactory.get() let l:msg = go#lsp#message#DidClose(fnamemodify(a:fname, ':p')) let l:state = s:newHandlerState('') let l:state.handleResult = funcref('s:noop') call l:lsp.sendMessage(l:msg, l:state) let b:go_lsp_did_open = 0 endfunction function! go#lsp#Completion(fname, line, col, handler) abort call go#lsp#DidChange(a:fname) let l:lsp = s:lspfactory.get() let l:msg = go#lsp#message#Completion(a:fname, a:line, a:col) let l:state = s:newHandlerState('completion') let l:state.handleResult = funcref('s:completionHandler', [function(a:handler, [], l:state)], l:state) let l:state.error = funcref('s:completionErrorHandler', [function(a:handler, [], l:state)], l:state) call l:lsp.sendMessage(l:msg, l:state) endfunction function! s:completionHandler(next, msg) abort dict " gopls returns a CompletionList. let l:matches = [] let l:start = -1 for l:item in a:msg.items let l:start = l:item.textEdit.range.start.character let l:match = {'abbr': l:item.label, 'word': l:item.textEdit.newText, 'info': '', 'kind': go#lsp#completionitemkind#Vim(l:item.kind)} if has_key(l:item, 'detail') let l:match.info = l:item.detail if go#lsp#completionitemkind#IsFunction(l:item.kind) || go#lsp#completionitemkind#IsMethod(l:item.kind) let l:match.info = printf('func %s %s', l:item.label, l:item.detail) endif endif if has_key(l:item, 'documentation') let l:match.info .= "\n\n" . l:item.documentation endif let l:matches = add(l:matches, l:match) endfor let l:args = [l:start, l:matches] call call(a:next, l:args) endfunction function! s:completionErrorHandler(next, error) abort dict call call(a:next, [[]]) endfunction function! go#lsp#Hover(fname, line, col, handler) abort call go#lsp#DidChange(a:fname) let l:lsp = s:lspfactory.get() let l:msg = go#lsp#message#Hover(a:fname, a:line, a:col) let l:state = s:newHandlerState('') let l:state.handleResult = funcref('s:hoverHandler', [function(a:handler, [], l:state)], l:state) let l:state.error = funcref('s:noop') call l:lsp.sendMessage(l:msg, l:state) endfunction function! s:hoverHandler(next, msg) abort dict let l:content = split(a:msg.contents.value, '; ') if len(l:content) > 1 let l:curly = stridx(l:content[0], '{') let l:content = extend([l:content[0][0:l:curly]], map(extend([l:content[0][l:curly+1:]], l:content[1:]), '"\t" . v:val')) let l:content[len(l:content)-1] = '}' endif let l:args = [l:content] call call(a:next, l:args) endfunction function! go#lsp#Info(showstatus) let l:fname = expand('%:p') let [l:line, l:col] = getpos('.')[1:2] call go#lsp#DidChange(l:fname) let l:lsp = s:lspfactory.get() if a:showstatus let l:state = s:newHandlerState('info') else let l:state = s:newHandlerState('') endif let l:state.handleResult = funcref('s:infoDefinitionHandler', [function('s:info', []), a:showstatus], l:state) let l:state.error = funcref('s:noop') let l:msg = go#lsp#message#Definition(l:fname, l:line, l:col) call l:lsp.sendMessage(l:msg, l:state) endfunction function! s:infoDefinitionHandler(next, showstatus, msg) abort dict " gopls returns a []Location; just take the first one. let l:msg = a:msg[0] let l:fname = go#path#FromURI(l:msg.uri) let l:line = l:msg.range.start.line+1 let l:col = l:msg.range.start.character+1 let l:lsp = s:lspfactory.get() let l:msg = go#lsp#message#Hover(l:fname, l:line, l:col) if a:showstatus let l:state = s:newHandlerState('info') else let l:state = s:newHandlerState('') endif let l:state.handleResult = funcref('s:hoverHandler', [function('s:info', [], l:state)], l:state) let l:state.error = funcref('s:noop') call l:lsp.sendMessage(l:msg, l:state) endfunction function! s:info(content) abort dict let l:content = a:content[0] " strip off the method set and fields of structs and interfaces. if l:content =~# '^type [^ ]\+ \(struct\|interface\)' let l:content = substitute(l:content, '{.*', '', '') endif call go#util#ShowInfo(l:content) endfunction " restore Vi compatibility settings let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et