"============================================================================== "File: zenroom2.vim "Description: Emulates iA Writer environment when editing Markdown, reStructuredText " or text files. "Maintainer: Amir Salihefendic "Version: 0.2 "Last Change: 2013-12-29 "License: BSD "============================================================================== if exists( "g:loaded_zenroom2_plugin" ) finish endif let g:loaded_zenroom2_plugin = 1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Plugin Configuration " " Save the current `background` value for reset later let s:save_background = "" " Save the current `textwidth'` value for reset later let s:save_textwidth = "" function! s:markdown_room() if exists( "&background" ) let s:save_background = &background endif if exists( "&textwidth'" ) let s:save_textwidth' = &textwidth' endif set background=light set linespace=8 set textwidth=80 hi Normal guibg=gray95 hi NonText guifg=gray95 hi FoldColumn guibg=gray95 ctermbg=bg hi CursorLine guibg=gray90 hi Title gui=bold guifg=gray25 hi MarkdownHeadingDelimiter gui=bold guifg=gray25 hi htmlSpecialChar guifg=black hi markdownError guifg=black hi markdownBold gui=bold guifg=gray25 hi markdownItalic guifg=gray25 gui=underline hi markdownUrl guifg=#2fb3a6 hi markdownAutomaticLink guifg=#2fb3a6 hi markdownLinkText guifg=#317849 hi markdownUrlTitle guifg=#317849 hi markdownBlockquote guifg=#317849 gui=bold hi markdownId guifg=#2fb3a6 hi markdownIdDeclaration guifg=#317849 gui=bold hi markdownListMarker guifg=#317849 hi Cursor guibg=#15abdd if has('gui_running') let l:highlightbgcolor = "guibg=#f2f2f2" let l:highlightfgbgcolor = "guifg=#f2f2f2" . " " . l:highlightbgcolor else let l:highlightbgcolor = "ctermbg=bg" let l:highlightfgbgcolor = "ctermfg=bg" . " " . l:highlightbgcolor endif exec( "hi Normal " . l:highlightbgcolor ) exec( "hi VertSplit " . l:highlightfgbgcolor ) exec( "hi NonText " . l:highlightfgbgcolor ) exec( "hi StatusLine " . l:highlightfgbgcolor ) exec( "hi StatusLineNC " . l:highlightfgbgcolor ) endfunction function! g:zenroom_goyo_before() if !has("gui_running") return endif if &filetype == "markdown" || &filetype == "rst" || &filetype == "text" call s:markdown_room() endif endfunction function! g:zenroom_goyo_after() if !has("gui_running") return endif if &filetype == "markdown" || &filetype == "rst" || &filetype == "text" set linespace=0 if s:save_textwidth != "" exec( "set textwidth=" . s:save_textwidth ) endif if s:save_background != "" exec( "set background=" . s:save_background ) endif endif endfunction let g:goyo_callbacks = [ function('g:zenroom_goyo_before'), function('g:zenroom_goyo_after') ]