#!/bin/bash set -e echo 'Installing Awesome Vim from '$1 cd $1 VIMRC="\" DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE \" Add your own customizations in $1/my_configs.vim \" See $1/README.md \"How to include your own stuff\" for further options. set runtimepath+=$1 source $1/vimrcs/basic.vim source $1/vimrcs/filetypes.vim source $1/vimrcs/plugins_config.vim source $1/vimrcs/extended.vim let files = glob(\"$1/my_configs/*.vim\", 1, 1) if empty(files) try source $1/my_configs.vim catch endtry else for file in files try execute 'source' fnameescape(file) catch endtry endfor endif" if [ "$2" = "--all" ]; then USERS=$(ls -l /home | awk '{if(NR>1)print $9}') for user in $USERS; do homepath=$(eval echo "~$user") IFS='' echo $VIMRC > ${homepath}/.vimrc unset IFS echo "Installed the Ultimate Vim configuration for user $user successfully! Enjoy :-)" done echo "Installed the Ultimate Vim configuration successfully! Enjoy :-)" exit 0 else SELECTED_USERS=${@:2} echo "Selected users: $SELECTED_USERS" for user in $SELECTED_USERS; do homepath=$(eval echo "~$user") IFS='' echo $VIMRC > ${homepath}/.vimrc unset IFS echo "Installed the Ultimate Vim configuration for user $user successfully! Enjoy :-)" done exit 0 fi