#!/bin/bash # travis-test.sh: Script for running editorconfig-vim tests under Travis CI. # Copyright (c) 2019 Chris White. All rights reserved. # Licensed Apache, version 2.0 or any later version, at your option. # Error exit; debug output set -vxEeuo pipefail # Permit `travis-test.sh plugin` if TEST_WHICH is unset if [[ ( ! "${TEST_WHICH:-}" ) && "${1:-}" ]]; then export TEST_WHICH="$1" fi if [[ ! "${TEST_WHICH:-}" ]]; then cat <<EOT Usage: $0 \$WHICH or: TEST_WHICH=\$WHICH $0 Run automated tests of editorconfig-vim \$WHICH can be "core" or "plugin". EOT exit 2 fi if [[ "$TEST_WHICH" = 'plugin' ]]; then # test plugin # If not running from Travis, do what Travis would have # done for us. if [[ ! "${BUNDLE_GEMFILE:-}" ]]; then here="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" &>/dev/null ; pwd)" export BUNDLE_GEMFILE="${here}/plugin/Gemfile" # Install into tests/plugin/vendor. Don't clear it first, # since you can clear it yourself if you're running from a # dev environment. bundle install --jobs=3 --retry=3 --deployment fi # Use the standalone Vimscript EditorConfig core to test the plugin's # external_command mode export EDITORCONFIG_VIM_EXTERNAL_CORE=tests/core/editorconfig bundle exec rspec tests/plugin/spec/editorconfig_spec.rb elif [[ "$TEST_WHICH" = 'core' ]]; then # test core cd tests/core mkdir -p build # May already exist if running from a dev env cd build cmake .. ctest . --output-on-failure -VV -C Debug # -C Debug: for Visual Studio builds, you have to specify # a configuration. else echo 'Invalid TEST_WHICH value' 1>&2 exit 1 fi