" Snippet definition parsing code function! s:sfile() abort return expand('') endfunction let s:parser_proto = {} let s:special_chars = "$`\n" function! s:new_parser(text) abort let ret = copy(s:parser_proto) let ret.input = a:text let ret.len = strlen(ret.input) let ret.pos = -1 let ret.indent = 0 let ret.value = [] let ret.vars = {} let ret.stored_lines = [] call ret.advance() return ret endfunction function! s:parser_advance(...) dict abort let self.pos += a:0 ? a:1 : 1 let self.next = self.input[self.pos] endfunction function! s:parser_same(tok) dict abort if self.next == a:tok call self.advance() return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction function! s:parser_id() dict abort if self.input[(self.pos):(self.pos+5)] == 'VISUAL' call self.advance(6) return 'VISUAL' elseif self.next =~ '\d' let end = matchend(self.input, '\d\+', self.pos) let res = strpart(self.input, self.pos, end - self.pos) call self.advance(end - self.pos) return +res " force conversion to Number endif return -1 endfunction function! s:parser_add_var(var) dict abort let id = a:var[0] if !has_key(self.vars, id) let self.vars[id] = { 'instances' : [] } endif call add(self.vars[id].instances, a:var) endfunction function! s:parser_var() dict abort let ret = [] if self.same('{') let id = self.id() if id >= 0 call add(ret, id) call extend(ret, self.varend()) endif else let id = self.id() if id >= 0 call add(ret, id) endif endif return ret endfunction function! s:parser_varend() dict abort let ret = [] if self.same(':') call extend(ret, self.placeholder()) elseif self.same('/') call add(ret, self.subst()) elseif self.next == '|' call add(ret, self.select()) endif call self.same('}') return ret endfunction function! s:parser_select() dict abort let items = [] while self.same('|') let str = self.text('|}') call s:mark_vars_in_select(str) call add(items, str) endwhile return ['select'] + items endfunction function! s:mark_vars_in_select(str) for item in a:str if type(item) == type([]) call add(item, { 'select' : 1 }) endif unlet! item " avoid E706 endfor endfunction function! s:parser_placeholder() dict abort let ret = self.text('}') return empty(ret) ? [''] : ret endfunction function! s:parser_subst() dict abort let ret = {} let ret.pat = self.pat() if self.same('/') let ret.sub = self.pat(1) endif if self.same('/') let ret.flags = self.pat(1) endif return ret endfunction function! s:parser_pat(...) dict abort let val = '' while self.pos < self.len if self.same('\') if self.next == '/' let val .= '/' call self.advance() elseif a:0 && self.next == '}' let val .= '}' call self.advance() else let val .= '\' endif elseif self.next == '/' || a:0 && self.next == '}' break else let val .= self.next call self.advance() endif endwhile return val endfunction function! s:parser_expr() dict abort let str = self.string('`') call self.same('`') return snipmate#util#eval(str) endfunction function! s:parser_string(till, ...) dict abort let val = '' let till = '\V\[' . escape(a:till, '\') . ']' while self.pos < self.len if self.same('\') if self.next != "\n" let val .= self.next endif call self.advance() elseif self.next =~# till break elseif self.next == "\t" let self.indent += 1 let val .= s:indent(1) call self.advance() else let val .= self.next call self.advance() endif endwhile return val endfunction function! s:join_consecutive_strings(list) abort let list = a:list let pos = 0 while pos + 1 < len(list) if type(list[pos]) == type('') && type(list[pos+1]) == type('') let list[pos] .= list[pos+1] call remove(list, pos + 1) else let pos += 1 endif endwhile endfunction function! s:parser_text(till) dict abort let ret = [] let till = '\V\[' . escape(a:till, '\') . ']' let target = ret while self.pos < self.len let lines = [] if self.same('$') let var = self.var() if !empty(var) if var[0] is# 'VISUAL' let lines = s:visual_placeholder(var, self.indent) " Remove trailing newline. See #245 if lines[-1] =~ '^\s*$' && self.next == "\n" call remove(lines, -1) endif elseif var[0] >= 0 call add(target, var) call self.add_var(var) endif endif elseif self.same('`') let lines = split(self.expr(), "\n", 1) else let lines = [self.string(a:till . s:special_chars)] endif if !empty(lines) call add(target, lines[0]) call extend(self.stored_lines, lines[1:-2]) " Don't change targets if there's only one line if exists("lines[1]") let target = [lines[-1]] endif endif " Empty lines are ignored if this is tested at the start of an iteration if self.next =~# till break endif endwhile call s:join_consecutive_strings(ret) if target isnot ret call s:join_consecutive_strings(target) call extend(self.stored_lines, target) endif return ret endfunction function! s:parser_line() dict abort let ret = [] if !empty(self.stored_lines) call add(ret, remove(self.stored_lines, 0)) else call extend(ret, self.text("\n")) call self.same("\n") endif let self.indent = 0 return ret endfunction function! s:parser_parse() dict abort while self.pos < self.len || !empty(self.stored_lines) let line = self.line() call add(self.value, line) endwhile endfunction function! s:indent(count) abort if &expandtab let shift = repeat(' ', snipmate#util#tabwidth()) else let shift = "\t" endif return repeat(shift, a:count) endfunction function! s:visual_placeholder(var, indent) abort let arg = get(a:var, 1, {}) if type(arg) == type({}) let pat = get(arg, 'pat', '') let sub = get(arg, 'sub', '') let flags = get(arg, 'flags', '') let content = split(substitute(get(b:, 'snipmate_visual', ''), pat, sub, flags), "\n", 1) else let content = split(get(b:, 'snipmate_visual', arg), "\n", 1) endif let indent = s:indent(a:indent) call map(content, '(v:key != 0) ? indent . v:val : v:val') return content endfunction function! s:parser_create_stubs() dict abort for [id, dict] in items(self.vars) " only instance is in a selection, so remove it if len(dict.instances) == 1 && type(dict.instances[0][-1]) == type({}) \ && dict.instances[0][-1] == { 'select' : 1 } call remove(self.vars, id) continue endif for i in dict.instances if len(i) > 1 && type(i[1]) != type({}) if !has_key(dict, 'placeholder') if type(i[1]) == type([]) && i[1][0] == 'select' let dict.placeholder = i[1][1] let dict.items = i[1][1:] let i[1] = dict.placeholder call add(i, dict) else let dict.placeholder = i[1:] call add(i, dict) endif else unlet i[1:] call s:create_mirror_stub(i, dict) endif else call s:create_mirror_stub(i, dict) endif endfor if !has_key(dict, 'placeholder') let dict.placeholder = [] let j = 0 while len(dict.instances[j]) > 2 let j += 1 endwhile let oldstub = remove(dict.instances[j], 1, -1)[-1] call add(dict.instances[j], '') call add(dict.instances[j], dict) call filter(dict.mirrors, 'v:val isnot oldstub') endif unlet dict.instances endfor endfunction function! s:create_mirror_stub(mirror, dict) let mirror = a:mirror let dict = a:dict let stub = get(mirror, 1, {}) if stub == { 'select' : 1 } unlet mirror[1:] else call add(mirror, stub) let dict.mirrors = get(dict, 'mirrors', []) call add(dict.mirrors, stub) endif endfunction function! snipmate#parse#snippet(text, ...) abort let parser = s:new_parser(a:text) call parser.parse() if !(a:0 && a:1) call parser.create_stubs() endif unlet! b:snipmate_visual return [parser.value, parser.vars] endfunction call extend(s:parser_proto, snipmate#util#add_methods(s:sfile(), 'parser', \ [ 'advance', 'same', 'id', 'add_var', 'var', 'varend', \ 'line', 'string', 'create_stubs', 'pat', 'select', \ 'placeholder', 'subst', 'expr', 'text', 'parse', \ ]), 'error')