" repeat.vim - Let the repeat command repeat plugin maps " Maintainer: Tim Pope " Version: 1.2 " GetLatestVimScripts: 2136 1 :AutoInstall: repeat.vim " Installation: " Place in either ~/.vim/plugin/repeat.vim (to load at start up) or " ~/.vim/autoload/repeat.vim (to load automatically as needed). " " License: " Copyright (c) Tim Pope. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. " See :help license " " Developers: " Basic usage is as follows: " " silent! call repeat#set("\MappingToRepeatCommand",3) " " The first argument is the mapping that will be invoked when the |.| key is " pressed. Typically, it will be the same as the mapping the user invoked. " This sequence will be stuffed into the input queue literally. Thus you must " encode special keys by prefixing them with a backslash inside double quotes. " " The second argument is the default count. This is the number that will be " prefixed to the mapping if no explicit numeric argument was given. The " value of the v:count variable is usually correct and it will be used if the " second parameter is omitted. If your mapping doesn't accept a numeric " argument and you never want to receive one, pass a value of -1. " " Make sure to call the repeat#set function _after_ making changes to the " file. " " For mappings that use a register and want the same register used on " repetition, use: " " silent! call repeat#setreg("\MappingToRepeatCommand", v:register) " " This function can (and probably needs to be) called before making changes to " the file (as those typically clear v:register). Therefore, the call sequence " in your mapping will look like this: " " nnoremap MyMap " \ :execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\Plug>MyMap", v:register)' " \ call MyFunction(v:register, ...) " \ silent! call repeat#set("\Plug>MyMap") if exists("g:loaded_repeat") || &cp || v:version < 800 finish endif let g:loaded_repeat = 1 let g:repeat_tick = -1 let g:repeat_reg = ['', ''] " Special function to avoid spurious repeats in a related, naturally repeating " mapping when your repeatable mapping doesn't increase b:changedtick. function! repeat#invalidate() autocmd! repeat_custom_motion let g:repeat_tick = -1 endfunction function! repeat#set(sequence,...) let g:repeat_sequence = a:sequence let g:repeat_count = a:0 ? a:1 : v:count let g:repeat_tick = b:changedtick augroup repeat_custom_motion autocmd! autocmd CursorMoved let g:repeat_tick = b:changedtick | autocmd! repeat_custom_motion augroup END endfunction function! repeat#setreg(sequence,register) let g:repeat_reg = [a:sequence, a:register] endfunction function! s:default_register() let values = split(&clipboard, ',') if index(values, 'unnamedplus') != -1 return '+' elseif index(values, 'unnamed') != -1 return '*' else return '"' endif endfunction function! repeat#run(count) let s:errmsg = '' try if g:repeat_tick == b:changedtick let r = '' if g:repeat_reg[0] ==# g:repeat_sequence && !empty(g:repeat_reg[1]) " Take the original register, unless another (non-default, we " unfortunately cannot detect no vs. a given default register) " register has been supplied to the repeat command (as an " explicit override). let regname = v:register ==# s:default_register() ? g:repeat_reg[1] : v:register if regname ==# '=' " This causes a re-evaluation of the expression on repeat, which " is what we want. let r = '"=' . getreg('=', 1) . "\" else let r = '"' . regname endif endif let c = g:repeat_count let s = g:repeat_sequence let cnt = c == -1 ? "" : (a:count ? a:count : (c ? c : '')) call feedkeys(s, 'i') call feedkeys(r . cnt, 'ni') else call feedkeys((a:count ? a:count : '') . '.', 'ni') endif catch /^Vim(normal):/ let s:errmsg = v:errmsg return 0 endtry return 1 endfunction function! repeat#errmsg() return s:errmsg endfunction function! repeat#wrap(command,count) let foldopen = &foldopen =~# 'undo\|all' ? 'zv' : '' let preserve = g:repeat_tick == b:changedtick ? ":let g:repeat_tick = b:changedtick\r" : '' return (a:count ? a:count : '') . a:command . preserve . foldopen endfunction nnoremap (RepeatDot) :if !repeat#run(v:count)echoerr repeat#errmsg()endif nmap