*copilot.txt* GitHub Copilot - Your AI pair programmer GETTING STARTED *copilot* Invoke `:Copilot setup` to authenticate and enable GitHub Copilot. Suggestions are displayed inline and can be accepted by pressing . If inline suggestions do not appear to be working, invoke `:Copilot status` to verify Copilot is enabled and not experiencing any issues. COMMANDS *:Copilot* *:Copilot_disable* :Copilot disable Globally disable GitHub Copilot inline suggestions. *:Copilot_enable* :Copilot enable Re-enable GitHub Copilot after :Copilot disable. *:Copilot_setup* :Copilot setup Authenticate and enable GitHub Copilot. *:Copilot_signout* :Copilot signout Sign out of GitHub Copilot. *:Copilot_status* :Copilot status Check if GitHub Copilot is operational for the current buffer and report on any issues. *:Copilot_panel* :Copilot panel Open a window with up to 10 completions for the current buffer. Use to accept a completion. Maps are also provided for [[ and ]] to jump from completion to completion. This is the default command if :Copilot is called without an argument. *:Copilot_version* :Copilot version Show version information. *:Copilot_feedback* :Copilot feedback Open the website for providing GitHub Copilot feedback. Be sure to include |:Copilot_version| output when reporting a bug. OPTIONS *copilot-options* *g:copilot_filetypes* g:copilot_filetypes A dictionary mapping file types to their enabled status. Most file types are enabled by default, so generally this is used for opting out. > let g:copilot_filetypes = { \ 'xml': v:false, \ } < Disabling all file types can be done by setting the special key "*". File types can then be turned back on individually. > let g:copilot_filetypes = { \ '*': v:false, \ 'python': v:true, \ } < *b:copilot_enabled* b:copilot_enabled Set to v:false to disable GitHub Copilot for the current buffer. Or set to v:true to force enabling it, overriding g:copilot_filetypes. *g:copilot_node_command* g:copilot_node_command Tell Copilot what `node` binary to use with g:copilot_node_command. This is useful if the `node` in your PATH is an unsupported version. > let g:copilot_node_command = \ "~/.nodenv/versions/18.18.0/bin/node" < *g:copilot_proxy* g:copilot_proxy Tell Copilot what proxy server to use. > let g:copilot_proxy = 'http://localhost:3128' < If this is not set, Copilot will use the value of environment variables like $HTTPS_PROXY. *g:copilot_proxy_strict_ssl* g:copilot_proxy_strict_ssl Corporate proxies sometimes use a man-in-the-middle SSL certificate which is incompatible with GitHub Copilot. To work around this, SSL certificate verification can be disabled: > let g:copilot_proxy_strict_ssl = v:false < You can also tell Node.js to disable SSL verification by setting the $NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable to "0". *g:copilot_workspace_folders* g:copilot_workspace_folders A list of "workspace folders" or project roots that Copilot may use to improve to improve the quality of suggestions. > let g:copilot_workspace_folders = \ ["~/Projects/myproject"] < You can also set b:workspace_folder for an individual buffer and newly seen values will be added automatically. MAPS *copilot-maps* *copilot-i_* Copilot.vim uses to accept the current suggestion. If you have an existing map, that will be used as the fallback when no suggestion is displayed. *copilot#Accept()* If you'd rather use a key that isn't , define an map that calls copilot#Accept(). Here's an example with CTRL-J: > imap