=============================================================================== ALE Dart Integration *ale-dart-options* =============================================================================== analysis_server *ale-dart-analysis_server* Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install Dart via whatever means. `analysis_server` will be included in the SDK. In case that `dart` is not in your path, try to set the executable option to its absolute path. : > " Set the executable path for dart to the absolute path to it. let g:ale_dart_analysis_server_executable = '/usr/local/bin/dart' < Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- g:ale_dart_analysis_server_executable *g:ale_dart_analysis_server_executable* *b:ale_dart_analysis_server_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'dart'` This variable can be set to change the path of dart. g:ale_dart_analysis_server_enable_language_server *g:ale_dart_analysis_server_enable_language_server* *b:ale_dart_analysis_server_enable_language_server* Type: |Number| Default: `1` When set to `1`, ALE will use the new `dart language-server` command, available from Dart version 2.16.0, to launch the language server. When set to `0`, ALE will instead use the deprecated `./snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot --lsp` command used by older versions of Dart. =============================================================================== dart-analyze *ale-dart-analyze* Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing Dart should probably ensure that `dart` is in your `$PATH`. In case it is not, try to set the executable option to its absolute path. : > " Set the executable path for dart to the absolute path to it. let g:ale_dart_format_executable = '/usr/lib/dart/bin/dart' > Install Dart via whatever means. `dart analyze` will be included in the SDK. Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- g:ale_dart_analyze_executable *g:ale_dart_analyze_executable* *b:ale_dart_analyze_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'dart'` This variable can be set to specify an absolute path to the format executable (or to specify an alternate executable). =============================================================================== dart-format *ale-dart-format* Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing Dart should probably ensure that `dart` is in your `$PATH`. In case it is not, try to set the executable option to its absolute path. : > " Set the executable path for dart to the absolute path to it. let g:ale_dart_format_executable = '/usr/lib/dart/bin/dart' > Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- g:ale_dart_format_executable *g:ale_dart_format_executable* *b:ale_dart_format_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'dart'` This variable can be set to specify an absolute path to the format executable (or to specify an alternate executable). g:ale_dart_format_options *g:ale_dart_format_options* *b:ale_dart_format_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` This variable can be set to pass additional options to the dart format fixer. =============================================================================== dartfmt *ale-dart-dartfmt* Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing Dart should probably ensure that `dartfmt` is in your `$PATH`. In case it is not, try to set the executable option to its absolute path. : > " Set the executable path for dartfmt to the absolute path to it. let g:ale_dart_dartfmt_executable = '/usr/lib/dart/bin/dartfmt' > Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- g:ale_dart_dartfmt_executable *g:ale_dart_dartfmt_executable* *b:ale_dart_dartfmt_executable* Type: |String| Default: `''` This variable can be set to specify an absolute path to the dartfmt executable (or to specify an alternate executable). g:ale_dart_dartfmt_options *g:ale_dart_dartfmt_options* *b:ale_dart_dartfmt_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` This variable can be set to pass additional options to the dartfmt fixer. =============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:ft=help:norl: