" Author: Kevin Locke " Description: pylama for python files call ale#Set('python_pylama_executable', 'pylama') call ale#Set('python_pylama_options', '') call ale#Set('python_pylama_use_global', get(g:, 'ale_use_global_executables', 0)) call ale#Set('python_pylama_auto_pipenv', 0) call ale#Set('python_pylama_auto_poetry', 0) call ale#Set('python_pylama_auto_uv', 0) call ale#Set('python_pylama_change_directory', 1) function! ale_linters#python#pylama#GetExecutable(buffer) abort if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_pipenv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pylama_auto_pipenv')) \ && ale#python#PipenvPresent(a:buffer) return 'pipenv' endif if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_poetry') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pylama_auto_poetry')) \ && ale#python#PoetryPresent(a:buffer) return 'poetry' endif if (ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_auto_uv') || ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pylama_auto_uv')) \ && ale#python#UvPresent(a:buffer) return 'uv' endif return ale#python#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'python_pylama', ['pylama']) endfunction function! ale_linters#python#pylama#RunWithVersionCheck(buffer) abort let l:executable = ale_linters#python#pylama#GetExecutable(a:buffer) let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$' \ ? ' run pylama' \ : '' let l:command = ale#Escape(l:executable) . l:exec_args . ' --version' return ale#semver#RunWithVersionCheck( \ a:buffer, \ l:executable, \ l:command, \ function('ale_linters#python#pylama#GetCommand'), \) endfunction function! ale_linters#python#pylama#GetCwd(buffer) abort if ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pylama_change_directory') " Pylama loads its configuration from the current directory only, and " applies file masks using paths relative to the current directory. " Run from project root, if found, otherwise buffer dir. let l:project_root = ale#python#FindProjectRoot(a:buffer) return !empty(l:project_root) ? l:project_root : '%s:h' endif return '' endfunction function! ale_linters#python#pylama#GetCommand(buffer, version) abort let l:executable = ale_linters#python#pylama#GetExecutable(a:buffer) let l:exec_args = l:executable =~? 'pipenv\|poetry\|uv$' \ ? ' run pylama' \ : '' " json format is added in version 8.1.4 " https://github.com/klen/pylama/blob/develop/Changelog let l:format_json_args = ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [8, 1, 4]) \ ? ' --format json' \ : '' " Note: Using %t to lint changes would be preferable, but many pylama " checks use surrounding paths (e.g. C0103 module name, E0402 relative " import beyond top, etc.). Neither is ideal. return ale#Escape(l:executable) . l:exec_args \ . ale#Pad(ale#Var(a:buffer, 'python_pylama_options')) \ . l:format_json_args \ . ' %s' endfunction function! ale_linters#python#pylama#Handle(buffer, version, lines) abort if empty(a:lines) return [] endif let l:output = ale#python#HandleTraceback(a:lines, 1) " First letter of error code is a pylint-compatible message type " http://pylint.pycqa.org/en/latest/user_guide/output.html#source-code-analysis-section " D is for Documentation (pydocstyle) let l:pylint_type_to_ale_type = { \ 'I': 'I', \ 'R': 'W', \ 'C': 'W', \ 'W': 'W', \ 'E': 'E', \ 'F': 'E', \ 'D': 'W', \} let l:pylint_type_to_ale_sub_type = { \ 'R': 'style', \ 'C': 'style', \ 'D': 'style', \} if ale#semver#GTE(a:version, [8, 1, 4]) try let l:errors = json_decode(join(a:lines, '')) catch return l:output endtry if empty(l:errors) return l:output endif for l:error in l:errors call add(l:output, { \ 'lnum': l:error['lnum'], \ 'col': l:error['col'], \ 'code': l:error['number'], \ 'type': get(l:pylint_type_to_ale_type, l:error['etype'], 'W'), \ 'sub_type': get(l:pylint_type_to_ale_sub_type, l:error['etype'], ''), \ 'text': printf('%s [%s]', l:error['message'], l:error['source']), \}) endfor else let l:pattern = '\v^.{-}:([0-9]+):([0-9]+): +%(([A-Z][0-9]+):? +)?(.*)$' for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches(a:lines, l:pattern) call add(l:output, { \ 'lnum': str2nr(l:match[1]), \ 'col': str2nr(l:match[2]), \ 'code': l:match[3], \ 'type': get(l:pylint_type_to_ale_type, l:match[3][0], 'W'), \ 'sub_type': get(l:pylint_type_to_ale_sub_type, l:match[3][0], ''), \ 'text': l:match[4], \}) endfor endif return l:output endfunction call ale#linter#Define('python', { \ 'name': 'pylama', \ 'executable': function('ale_linters#python#pylama#GetExecutable'), \ 'cwd': function('ale_linters#python#pylama#GetCwd'), \ 'command': function('ale_linters#python#pylama#RunWithVersionCheck'), \ 'callback': {buffer, lines -> ale#semver#RunWithVersionCheck( \ buffer, \ ale_linters#python#pylama#GetExecutable(buffer), \ '%e --version', \ {buffer, version -> ale_linters#python#pylama#Handle( \ buffer, \ l:version, \ lines)}, \ )}, \ 'lint_file': 1, \})