"CLASS: MenuItem "============================================================ let s:MenuItem = {} let g:NERDTreeMenuItem = s:MenuItem "FUNCTION: MenuItem.All() {{{1 "get all top level menu items function! s:MenuItem.All() if !exists('s:menuItems') let s:menuItems = [] endif return s:menuItems endfunction "FUNCTION: MenuItem.AllEnabled() {{{1 "get all top level menu items that are currently enabled function! s:MenuItem.AllEnabled() let toReturn = [] for i in s:MenuItem.All() if i.enabled() call add(toReturn, i) endif endfor return toReturn endfunction "FUNCTION: MenuItem.Create(options) {{{1 "make a new menu item and add it to the global list function! s:MenuItem.Create(options) let newMenuItem = copy(self) let newMenuItem.text = a:options['text'] let newMenuItem.shortcut = a:options['shortcut'] let newMenuItem.children = [] let newMenuItem.isActiveCallback = -1 if has_key(a:options, 'isActiveCallback') let newMenuItem.isActiveCallback = a:options['isActiveCallback'] endif let newMenuItem.callback = -1 if has_key(a:options, 'callback') let newMenuItem.callback = a:options['callback'] endif if has_key(a:options, 'parent') call add(a:options['parent'].children, newMenuItem) else call add(s:MenuItem.All(), newMenuItem) endif return newMenuItem endfunction "FUNCTION: MenuItem.CreateSeparator(options) {{{1 "make a new separator menu item and add it to the global list function! s:MenuItem.CreateSeparator(options) let standard_options = { 'text': '--------------------', \ 'shortcut': -1, \ 'callback': -1 } let options = extend(a:options, standard_options, 'force') return s:MenuItem.Create(options) endfunction "FUNCTION: MenuItem.CreateSubmenu(options) {{{1 "make a new submenu and add it to global list function! s:MenuItem.CreateSubmenu(options) let standard_options = { 'callback': -1 } let options = extend(a:options, standard_options, 'force') return s:MenuItem.Create(options) endfunction "FUNCTION: MenuItem.enabled() {{{1 "return 1 if this menu item should be displayed " "delegates off to the isActiveCallback, and defaults to 1 if no callback was "specified function! s:MenuItem.enabled() if self.isActiveCallback != -1 return type(self.isActiveCallback) == type(function('tr')) ? self.isActiveCallback() : {self.isActiveCallback}() endif return 1 endfunction "FUNCTION: MenuItem.execute() {{{1 "perform the action behind this menu item, if this menuitem has children then "display a new menu for them, otherwise deletegate off to the menuitem's "callback function! s:MenuItem.execute() if len(self.children) let mc = g:NERDTreeMenuController.New(self.children) call mc.showMenu() else if self.callback != -1 if type(self.callback) == type(function('tr')) call self.callback() else call {self.callback}() endif endif endif endfunction "FUNCTION: MenuItem.isSeparator() {{{1 "return 1 if this menuitem is a separator function! s:MenuItem.isSeparator() return self.callback == -1 && self.children == [] endfunction "FUNCTION: MenuItem.isSubmenu() {{{1 "return 1 if this menuitem is a submenu function! s:MenuItem.isSubmenu() return self.callback == -1 && !empty(self.children) endfunction " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: