import { getHighlightItems, parseMarkdown, parseDocuments } from '../../markdown/index' import { Documentation } from '../../types' describe('getHighlightItems', () => { it('should get highlights in single line', async () => { let res = getHighlightItems('this line has highlights', 0, [10, 15]) expect(res).toEqual([{ colStart: 10, colEnd: 15, lnum: 0, hlGroup: 'CocUnderline' }]) }) it('should get highlights when active end extended', async () => { let res = getHighlightItems('this line', 0, [5, 30]) expect(res).toEqual([{ colStart: 5, colEnd: 9, lnum: 0, hlGroup: 'CocUnderline' }]) }) it('should get highlights across line', async () => { let res = getHighlightItems('this line\nhas highlights', 0, [5, 15]) expect(res).toEqual([{ colStart: 5, colEnd: 9, lnum: 0, hlGroup: 'CocUnderline' }, { colStart: 0, colEnd: 5, lnum: 1, hlGroup: 'CocUnderline' }]) res = getHighlightItems('a\nb\nc\nd', 0, [2, 5]) expect(res).toEqual([ { colStart: 0, colEnd: 1, lnum: 1, hlGroup: 'CocUnderline' }, { colStart: 0, colEnd: 1, lnum: 2, hlGroup: 'CocUnderline' }, { colStart: 0, colEnd: 0, lnum: 3, hlGroup: 'CocUnderline' } ]) }) }) describe('parseMarkdown', () => { it('should parse code blocks', async () => { let content = ` \`\`\`js var global = globalThis \`\`\` \`\`\`ts let str:string \`\`\` \`\`\`bash if \`\`\` ` let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.lines).toEqual([ 'var global = globalThis', '', 'let str:string', '', 'if' ]) expect([ { filetype: 'javascript', startLine: 0, endLine: 1 }, { filetype: 'typescript', startLine: 2, endLine: 3 }, { filetype: 'sh', startLine: 4, endLine: 5 }, ]) }) it('should merge empty lines', async () => { let content = ` ![img]( ![img]( [link]( [link](javascript:void(0)) ` let res = parseMarkdown(content, { excludeImages: true }) expect(res.lines).toEqual([ 'link', '', 'link:' ]) }) it('should parse html code block', async () => { let content = ` example: \`\`\`html
\`\`\` ` let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.lines).toEqual(['example:', '', '
']) expect([{ filetype: 'html', startLine: 2, endLine: 3 }]) }) it('should compose empty lines', async () => { let content = 'foo\n\n\nbar\n\n\n' let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.lines).toEqual(['foo', '', 'bar']) }) it('should merge lines', async () => { let content = 'first\nsecond' let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.lines).toEqual(['first', 'second']) }) it('should parse ansi highlights', async () => { let content = '__foo__\n[link](link)' let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.lines).toEqual(['foo', 'link']) expect(res.highlights).toEqual([ { hlGroup: 'CocBold', lnum: 0, colStart: 0, colEnd: 3 }, { hlGroup: 'CocUnderline', lnum: 1, colStart: 0, colEnd: 4 } ]) }) it('should exclude images by option', async () => { let content = 'head\n![img](img)\ncontent ![img](img) ![img](img)' let res = parseMarkdown(content, { excludeImages: false }) expect(res.lines).toEqual(['head', '![img](img)', 'content ![img](img) ![img](img)']) content = 'head\n![img](img)\ncontent ![img](img) ![img](img)' res = parseMarkdown(content, { excludeImages: true }) expect(res.lines).toEqual(['head', 'content']) }) it('should render hr', async () => { let content = 'foo\n***\nbar' let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.lines).toEqual(['foo', '', '───', 'bar']) }) it('should render deleted text', async () => { let content = '~foo~' let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.highlights).toEqual([ { hlGroup: 'CocStrikeThrough', lnum: 0, colStart: 0, colEnd: 3 } ]) }) it('should render br', async () => { let content = 'a \nb' let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.lines).toEqual(['a', 'b']) }) it('should render code span', async () => { let content = '`foo`' let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.highlights).toEqual([ { hlGroup: 'CocMarkdownCode', lnum: 0, colStart: 0, colEnd: 3 } ]) }) it('should render html', async () => { let content = '
' let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.lines).toEqual(['foo']) }) it('should render checkbox', async () => { let content = '- [x] first\n- [ ] second' let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.lines).toEqual([ ' * [X] first', ' * [ ] second' ]) }) it('should render numbered list', async () => { let content = '1. one\n2. two\n3. three' let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.lines).toEqual([ ' 1. one', ' 2. two', ' 3. three' ]) }) it('should render nested list', async () => { let content = '- foo\n- bar\n - one\n - two' let res = parseMarkdown(content, {}) expect(res.lines).toEqual([ ' * foo', ' * bar', ' * one', ' * two' ]) }) }) describe('parseDocuments', () => { it('should parse documents with diagnostic filetypes', async () => { let docs = [{ filetype: 'Error', content: 'Error text' }, { filetype: 'Warning', content: 'Warning text' }] let res = parseDocuments(docs) expect(res.lines).toEqual([ 'Error text', '─', 'Warning text' ]) expect([ { hlGroup: 'CocErrorFloat', startLine: 0, endLine: 1 }, { hlGroup: 'CocWarningFloat', startLine: 2, endLine: 3 } ]) }) it('should parse markdown document with filetype document', async () => { let docs = [{ filetype: 'typescript', content: 'const workspace' }, { filetype: 'markdown', content: '**header**' }] let res = parseDocuments(docs) expect(res.lines).toEqual([ 'const workspace', '─', 'header' ]) expect(res.highlights).toEqual([{ hlGroup: 'CocBold', lnum: 2, colStart: 0, colEnd: 6 }]) expect([ { filetype: 'typescript', startLine: 0, endLine: 1 } ]) }) it('should parse document with highlights', async () => { let docs: Documentation[] = [{ filetype: 'txt', content: 'foo' }, { filetype: 'txt', content: 'foo bar', highlights: [{ lnum: 0, colStart: 4, colEnd: 7, hlGroup: 'String' }] }] let res = parseDocuments(docs) let { highlights } = res expect(highlights).toEqual([{ lnum: 2, colStart: 4, colEnd: 7, hlGroup: 'String' }]) }) it('should parse documents with active highlights', async () => { let docs = [{ filetype: 'javascript', content: 'func(foo, bar)', active: [5, 8] }, { filetype: 'javascript', content: 'func()', active: [15, 20] }] let res = parseDocuments(docs as any) expect(res.highlights).toEqual([{ colStart: 5, colEnd: 8, lnum: 0, hlGroup: 'CocUnderline' } ]) }) })