import { Neovim } from '@chemzqm/neovim' import { Disposable } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol' import CommandsHandler from '../../handler/commands' import commandManager from '../../commands' import { disposeAll } from '../../util' import helper from '../helper' let nvim: Neovim let commands: CommandsHandler let disposables: Disposable[] = [] beforeAll(async () => { await helper.setup() nvim = helper.nvim commands = (helper.plugin as any).handler.commands }) afterAll(async () => { await helper.shutdown() }) beforeEach(async () => { await helper.createDocument() }) afterEach(async () => { disposeAll(disposables) await helper.reset() }) describe('Commands', () => { describe('addVimCommand', () => { it('should register global vim commands', async () => { await commandManager.executeCommand('vim.config') await helper.wait(50) let bufname = await'bufname', ['%']) expect(bufname).toMatch('coc-settings.json') let list = commands.getCommandList() expect(list.includes('vim.config')).toBe(true) }) it('should add vim command with title', async () => { commands.addVimCommand({ id: 'list', cmd: 'CocList', title: 'list of coc.nvim' }) let res = commandManager.titles.get('vim.list') expect(res).toBe('list of coc.nvim') commandManager.unregister('vim.list') }) }) describe('getCommands', () => { it('should get command items', async () => { let res = commands.getCommands() let idx = res.findIndex(o => == 'workspace.showOutput') expect(idx != -1).toBe(true) }) }) describe('repeat', () => { it('should repeat command', async () => { // let buf = await nvim.buffer await'setline', [1, ['a', 'b', 'c']]) await'cursor', [1, 1]) commands.addVimCommand({ id: 'remove', cmd: 'normal! dd' }) await commands.runCommand('vim.remove') await helper.wait(50) let res = await'getline', [1, '$']) expect(res).toEqual(['b', 'c']) await commands.repeat() await helper.wait(50) res = await'getline', [1, '$']) expect(res).toEqual(['c']) }) }) describe('runCommand', () => { it('should open command list without id', async () => { await commands.runCommand() await helper.wait(100) let bufname = await'bufname', ['%']) expect(bufname).toBe('list:///commands') }) }) })