" ( ) motions " { } motions " s for sentence " p for paragraph " < > " t for tag function! go#textobj#Comment(mode) abort let l:fname = expand('%:p') try if &modified let l:tmpname = tempname() call writefile(go#util#GetLines(), l:tmpname) let l:fname = l:tmpname endif let l:cmd = ['motion', \ '-format', 'json', \ '-file', l:fname, \ '-offset', go#util#OffsetCursor(), \ '-mode', 'comment', \ ] let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#Exec(l:cmd) if l:err call go#util#EchoError(l:out) return endif finally if exists("l:tmpname") call delete(l:tmpname) endif endtry let l:result = json_decode(l:out) if type(l:result) != 4 || !has_key(l:result, 'comment') return endif let l:info = l:result.comment call cursor(l:info.startLine, l:info.startCol) " Adjust cursor to exclude start comment markers. Try to be a little bit " clever when using multi-line '/*' markers. if a:mode is# 'i' " trim whitespace so matching below works correctly let l:line = substitute(getline('.'), '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') " //text if l:line[:2] is# '// ' call cursor(l:info.startLine, l:info.startCol+3) " // text elseif l:line[:1] is# '//' call cursor(l:info.startLine, l:info.startCol+2) " /* " text elseif l:line =~# '^/\* *$' call cursor(l:info.startLine+1, 0) " /* " * text if getline('.')[:2] is# ' * ' call cursor(l:info.startLine+1, 4) " /* " *text elseif getline('.')[:1] is# ' *' call cursor(l:info.startLine+1, 3) endif " /* text elseif l:line[:2] is# '/* ' call cursor(l:info.startLine, l:info.startCol+3) " /*text elseif l:line[:1] is# '/*' call cursor(l:info.startLine, l:info.startCol+2) endif endif normal! v " Exclude trailing newline. if a:mode is# 'i' let l:info.endCol -= 1 endif call cursor(l:info.endLine, l:info.endCol) " Exclude trailing '*/'. if a:mode is# 'i' let l:line = getline('.') " text " */ if l:line =~# '^ *\*/$' call cursor(l:info.endLine - 1, len(getline(l:info.endLine - 1))) " text */ elseif l:line[-3:] is# ' */' call cursor(l:info.endLine, l:info.endCol - 3) " text*/ elseif l:line[-2:] is# '*/' call cursor(l:info.endLine, l:info.endCol - 2) endif endif endfunction " Select a function in visual mode. function! go#textobj#Function(mode) abort let l:fname = expand("%:p") if &modified let l:tmpname = tempname() call writefile(go#util#GetLines(), l:tmpname) let l:fname = l:tmpname endif let l:cmd = ['motion', \ '-format', 'vim', \ '-file', l:fname, \ '-offset', go#util#OffsetCursor(), \ '-mode', 'enclosing', \ ] if go#config#TextobjIncludeFunctionDoc() let l:cmd += ['-parse-comments'] endif let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#Exec(l:cmd) if l:err call go#util#EchoError(out) return endif " if exists, delete it as we don't need it anymore if exists("l:tmpname") call delete(l:tmpname) endif " convert our string dict representation into native Vim dictionary type let result = eval(out) if type(result) != 4 || !has_key(result, 'fn') return endif let info = result.fn if a:mode == 'a' " anonymous functions doesn't have associated doc. Also check if the user " want's to include doc comments for function declarations if has_key(info, 'doc') && go#config#TextobjIncludeFunctionDoc() call cursor(info.doc.line, info.doc.col) elseif info['sig']['name'] == '' && go#config#TextobjIncludeVariable() " one liner anonymous functions if info.lbrace.line == info.rbrace.line " jump to first nonblack char, to get the correct column call cursor(info.lbrace.line, 0 ) normal! ^ call cursor(info.func.line, col(".")) else call cursor(info.func.line, info.rbrace.col) endif else call cursor(info.func.line, info.func.col) endif normal! v call cursor(info.rbrace.line, info.rbrace.col) return endif " rest is inner mode, a:mode == 'i' " if the function is a one liner we need to select only that portion if info.lbrace.line == info.rbrace.line call cursor(info.lbrace.line, info.lbrace.col+1) normal! v call cursor(info.rbrace.line, info.rbrace.col-1) return endif call cursor(info.lbrace.line+1, 1) normal! V call cursor(info.rbrace.line-1, 1) endfunction " Get the location of the previous or next function. function! go#textobj#FunctionLocation(direction, cnt) abort let l:fname = expand("%:p") if &modified " Write current unsaved buffer to a temp file and use the modified content let l:tmpname = tempname() call writefile(go#util#GetLines(), l:tmpname) let l:fname = l:tmpname endif let l:cmd = ['motion', \ '-format', 'vim', \ '-file', l:fname, \ '-offset', go#util#OffsetCursor(), \ '-shift', a:cnt, \ '-mode', a:direction, \ ] if go#config#TextobjIncludeFunctionDoc() let l:cmd += ['-parse-comments'] endif let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#Exec(l:cmd) if l:err call go#util#EchoError(out) return endif " if exists, delete it as we don't need it anymore if exists("l:tmpname") call delete(l:tmpname) endif let l:result = json_decode(out) if type(l:result) != 4 || !has_key(l:result, 'fn') return 0 endif return l:result endfunction function! go#textobj#FunctionJump(mode, direction) abort " get count of the motion. This should be done before all the normal " expressions below as those reset this value(because they have zero " count!). We abstract -1 because the index starts from 0 in motion. let l:cnt = v:count1 - 1 " set context mark so we can jump back with '' or `` normal! m' " select already previously selected visual content and continue from there. " If it's the first time starts with the visual mode. This is needed so " after selecting something in visual mode, every consecutive motion " continues. if a:mode == 'v' normal! gv endif let l:result = go#textobj#FunctionLocation(a:direction, l:cnt) if l:result is 0 return endif " we reached the end and there are no functions. The usual [[ or ]] jumps to " the top or bottom, we'll do the same. if type(result) == 4 && has_key(result, 'err') && result.err == "no functions found" if a:direction == 'next' keepjumps normal! G else " 'prev' keepjumps normal! gg endif return endif let info = result.fn " if we select something ,select all function if a:mode == 'v' && a:direction == 'next' keepjumps call cursor(info.rbrace.line, 1) return endif if a:mode == 'v' && a:direction == 'prev' if has_key(info, 'doc') && go#config#TextobjIncludeFunctionDoc() keepjumps call cursor(info.doc.line, 1) else keepjumps call cursor(info.func.line, 1) endif return endif keepjumps call cursor(info.func.line, 1) endfunction " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et