" mapped to :GoAddTags function! go#tags#Add(start, end, count, ...) abort let fname = fnamemodify(expand("%"), ':p:gs?\\?/?') let offset = 0 if a:count == -1 let offset = go#util#OffsetCursor() endif let test_mode = 0 call call("go#tags#run", [a:start, a:end, offset, "add", fname, test_mode] + a:000) endfunction " mapped to :GoRemoveTags function! go#tags#Remove(start, end, count, ...) abort let fname = fnamemodify(expand("%"), ':p:gs?\\?/?') let offset = 0 if a:count == -1 let offset = go#util#OffsetCursor() endif let test_mode = 0 call call("go#tags#run", [a:start, a:end, offset, "remove", fname, test_mode] + a:000) endfunction " run runs gomodifytag. This is an internal test so we can test it function! go#tags#run(start, end, offset, mode, fname, test_mode, ...) abort " do not split this into multiple lines, somehow tests fail in that case let args = {'mode': a:mode,'start': a:start,'end': a:end,'offset': a:offset,'fname': a:fname,'cmd_args': a:000} if &modified let args["modified"] = 1 endif let l:result = s:create_cmd(args) if has_key(result, 'err') call go#util#EchoError(result.err) return -1 endif if &modified let filename = expand("%:p:gs!\\!/!") let content = join(go#util#GetLines(), "\n") let in = filename . "\n" . strlen(content) . "\n" . content let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#Exec(l:result.cmd, in) else let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#Exec(l:result.cmd) endif if l:err != 0 call go#util#EchoError(out) return endif if a:test_mode exe 'edit ' . a:fname endif call s:write_out(out) if a:test_mode exe 'write! ' . a:fname endif endfunc " write_out writes back the given output to the current buffer func s:write_out(out) abort " not a json output if a:out[0] !=# '{' return endif " nothing to do if empty(a:out) || type(a:out) != type("") return endif let result = json_decode(a:out) if type(result) != type({}) call go#util#EchoError(printf("malformed output from gomodifytags: %s", a:out)) return endif let lines = result['lines'] let start_line = result['start'] let end_line = result['end'] let index = 0 for line in range(start_line, end_line) call setline(line, lines[index]) let index += 1 endfor if has_key(result, 'errors') let l:winnr = winnr() let l:listtype = go#list#Type("GoModifyTags") call go#list#ParseFormat(l:listtype, "%f:%l:%c:%m", result['errors'], "gomodifytags") call go#list#Window(l:listtype, len(result['errors'])) "prevent jumping to quickfix list exe l:winnr . "wincmd w" endif endfunc " create_cmd returns a dict that contains the command to execute gomodifytags func s:create_cmd(args) abort if !exists("*json_decode") return {'err': "requires 'json_decode'. Update your Vim/Neovim version."} endif let bin_path = go#path#CheckBinPath('gomodifytags') if empty(bin_path) return {'err': "gomodifytags does not exist"} endif let l:start = a:args.start let l:end = a:args.end let l:offset = a:args.offset let l:mode = a:args.mode let l:cmd_args = a:args.cmd_args let l:modifytags_transform = go#config#AddtagsTransform() " start constructing the command let cmd = [bin_path] call extend(cmd, ["-format", "json"]) call extend(cmd, ["-file", a:args.fname]) call extend(cmd, ["-transform", l:modifytags_transform]) if has_key(a:args, "modified") call add(cmd, "-modified") endif if l:offset != 0 call extend(cmd, ["-offset", l:offset]) else let range = printf("%d,%d", l:start, l:end) call extend(cmd, ["-line", range]) endif if l:mode == "add" let l:tags = [] let l:options = [] if !empty(l:cmd_args) for item in l:cmd_args let splitted = split(item, ",") " tag only if len(splitted) == 1 call add(l:tags, splitted[0]) endif " options only if len(splitted) == 2 call add(l:tags, splitted[0]) call add(l:options, printf("%s=%s", splitted[0], splitted[1])) endif endfor endif " construct options if !empty(l:options) call extend(cmd, ["-add-options", join(l:options, ",")]) else " default value if empty(l:tags) let l:tags = ["json"] endif " construct tags call extend(cmd, ["-add-tags", join(l:tags, ",")]) endif elseif l:mode == "remove" if empty(l:cmd_args) call add(cmd, "-clear-tags") else let l:tags = [] let l:options = [] for item in l:cmd_args let splitted = split(item, ",") " tag only if len(splitted) == 1 call add(l:tags, splitted[0]) endif " options only if len(splitted) == 2 call add(l:options, printf("%s=%s", splitted[0], splitted[1])) endif endfor " construct tags if !empty(l:tags) call extend(cmd, ["-remove-tags", join(l:tags, ",")]) endif " construct options if !empty(l:options) call extend(cmd, ["-remove-options", join(l:options, ",")]) endif endif else return {'err': printf("unknown mode: %s", l:mode)} endif return {'cmd': cmd} endfunc " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et