" Statusline """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " s:statuses is a global reference to all statuses. It stores the statuses per " import paths (map[string]status), where each status is unique per its " type. Current status dict is in form: " { " 'desc' : 'Job description', " 'state' : 'Job state, such as success, failure, etc..', " 'type' : 'Job type, such as build, test, etc..' " 'created_at' : 'Time it was created as seconds since 1st Jan 1970' " } let s:statuses = {} " timer_id for cleaner let s:timer_id = 0 " last_status stores the last generated text per status let s:last_status = "" " Show returns the current status of the job for 20 seconds (configurable). It " displays it in form of 'desc: [type|state]' if there is any state available, " if not it returns an empty string. This function should be plugged directly " into the statusline. function! go#statusline#Show() abort " lazy initialiation of the cleaner if !s:timer_id " clean every 60 seconds all statuses let interval = go#config#StatuslineDuration() let s:timer_id = timer_start(interval, function('go#statusline#Clear'), {'repeat': -1}) endif " nothing to show if empty(s:statuses) return '' endif let status_dir = expand('%:p:h') if !has_key(s:statuses, status_dir) return '' endif let status = s:statuses[status_dir] if !has_key(status, 'desc') || !has_key(status, 'state') || !has_key(status, 'type') return '' endif let status_text = printf("[%s|%s]", status.type, status.state) if empty(status_text) return '' endif " only update highlight if status has changed. if status_text != s:last_status if status.state =~ "success" || status.state =~ "finished" || status.state =~ "pass" hi goStatusLineColor cterm=bold ctermbg=76 ctermfg=22 elseif status.state =~ "started" || status.state =~ "analysing" || status.state =~ "compiling" hi goStatusLineColor cterm=bold ctermbg=208 ctermfg=88 elseif status.state =~ "failed" hi goStatusLineColor cterm=bold ctermbg=196 ctermfg=52 endif endif let s:last_status = status_text return status_text endfunction " Update updates (adds) the statusline for the given status_dir with the " given status dict. It overrides any previously set status. function! go#statusline#Update(status_dir, status) abort let a:status.created_at = reltime() let s:statuses[a:status_dir] = a:status " force to update the statusline, otherwise the user needs to move the " cursor exe 'let &ro = &ro' " before we stop the timer, check if we have any previous jobs to be cleaned " up. Otherwise every job will reset the timer when this function is called " and thus old jobs will never be cleaned call go#statusline#Clear(0) " also reset the timer, so the user has time to see it in the statusline. " Setting the timer_id to 0 will trigger a new cleaner routine. call timer_stop(s:timer_id) let s:timer_id = 0 endfunction " Clear clears all currently stored statusline data. The timer_id argument is " just a placeholder so we can pass it to a timer_start() function if needed. function! go#statusline#Clear(timer_id) abort for [status_dir, status] in items(s:statuses) let elapsed_time = reltimestr(reltime(status.created_at)) " strip whitespace let elapsed_time = substitute(elapsed_time, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') if str2nr(elapsed_time) > 10 call remove(s:statuses, status_dir) endif endfor if len(s:statuses) == 0 let s:statuses = {} endif " force to update the statusline, otherwise the user needs to move the " cursor exe 'let &ro = &ro' endfunction " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et