" Author: w0rp " Description: Preview windows for showing whatever information in. " Open a preview window and show some lines in it. " A second argument can be passed as a Dictionary with options. They are... " " filetype - The filetype to use, defaulting to 'ale-preview' " stay_here - If 1, stay in the window you came from. function! ale#preview#Show(lines, ...) abort let l:options = get(a:000, 0, {}) silent pedit ALEPreviewWindow wincmd P setlocal modifiable setlocal noreadonly setlocal nobuflisted setlocal buftype=nofile setlocal bufhidden=wipe :%d call setline(1, a:lines) setlocal nomodifiable setlocal readonly let &l:filetype = get(l:options, 'filetype', 'ale-preview') if get(l:options, 'stay_here') wincmd p endif endfunction " Close the preview window if the filetype matches the given one. function! ale#preview#CloseIfTypeMatches(filetype) abort for l:win in getwininfo() let l:wintype = gettabwinvar(l:win.tabnr, l:win.winnr, '&filetype') if l:wintype is# a:filetype silent! pclose! endif endfor endfunction " Show a location selection preview window, given some items. " Each item should have 'filename', 'line', and 'column' keys. function! ale#preview#ShowSelection(item_list) abort let l:lines = [] " Create lines to display to users. for l:item in a:item_list call add( \ l:lines, \ l:item.filename \ . ':' . l:item.line \ . ':' . l:item.column, \) endfor call ale#preview#Show(l:lines, {'filetype': 'ale-preview-selection'}) let b:ale_preview_item_list = a:item_list endfunction function! s:Open(open_in_tab) abort let l:item_list = get(b:, 'ale_preview_item_list', []) let l:item = get(l:item_list, getcurpos()[1] - 1, {}) if empty(l:item) return endif if !a:open_in_tab :q! endif call ale#util#Open( \ l:item.filename, \ l:item.line, \ l:item.column, \ {'open_in_tab': a:open_in_tab}, \) endfunction function! ale#preview#OpenSelectionInBuffer() abort call s:Open(0) endfunction function! ale#preview#OpenSelectionInTab() abort call s:Open(1) endfunction