" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " From "go list -h". function! go#tool#ValidFiles(...) let l:list = ["GoFiles", "CgoFiles", "IgnoredGoFiles", "CFiles", "CXXFiles", \ "MFiles", "HFiles", "FFiles", "SFiles", "SwigFiles", "SwigCXXFiles", \ "SysoFiles", "TestGoFiles", "XTestGoFiles"] " Used as completion if len(a:000) > 0 let l:list = filter(l:list, 'strpart(v:val, 0, len(a:1)) == a:1') endif return l:list endfunction function! go#tool#Files(...) abort if len(a:000) > 0 let source_files = a:000 else let source_files = ['GoFiles'] endif let combined = '' for sf in source_files " Strip dot in case people used ":GoFiles .GoFiles". let sf = substitute(sf, '^\.', '', '') " Make sure the passed options are valid. if index(go#tool#ValidFiles(), sf) == -1 echoerr "unknown source file variable: " . sf endif if go#util#IsWin() let combined .= '{{range $f := .' . sf . '}}{{$.Dir}}\{{$f}}{{printf \"\n\"}}{{end}}{{range $f := .CgoFiles}}{{$.Dir}}\{{$f}}{{printf \"\n\"}}{{end}}' else let combined .= "{{range $f := ." . sf . "}}{{$.Dir}}/{{$f}}{{printf \"\\n\"}}{{end}}{{range $f := .CgoFiles}}{{$.Dir}}/{{$f}}{{printf \"\\n\"}}{{end}}" endif endfor let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#ExecInDir(['go', 'list', '-tags', go#config#BuildTags(), '-f', l:combined]) return split(l:out, '\n') endfunction function! go#tool#Deps() abort if go#util#IsWin() let format = '{{range $f := .Deps}}{{$f}}{{printf \"\n\"}}{{end}}' else let format = "{{range $f := .Deps}}{{$f}}\n{{end}}" endif let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#ExecInDir(['go', 'list', '-tags', go#config#BuildTags(), '-f', l:format]) return split(l:out, '\n') endfunction function! go#tool#Imports() abort let imports = {} if go#util#IsWin() let format = '{{range $f := .Imports}}{{$f}}{{printf \"\n\"}}{{end}}' else let format = "{{range $f := .Imports}}{{$f}}{{printf \"\\n\"}}{{end}}" endif let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#ExecInDir(['go', 'list', '-tags', go#config#BuildTags(), '-f', l:format]) if l:err != 0 echo out return imports endif for package_path in split(out, '\n') let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#ExecInDir(['go', 'list', '-tags', go#config#BuildTags(), '-f', '{{.Name}}', l:package_path]) if l:err != 0 echo out return imports endif let package_name = substitute(l:out, '\n$', '', '') let imports[package_name] = package_path endfor return imports endfunction function! go#tool#Info(showstatus) abort let l:mode = go#config#InfoMode() if l:mode == 'guru' call go#guru#DescribeInfo(a:showstatus) elseif l:mode == 'gopls' if !go#config#GoplsEnabled() call go#util#EchoError("go_info_mode is 'gopls', but gopls is disabled") return endif call go#lsp#Info(a:showstatus) else call go#util#EchoError('go_info_mode value: '. l:mode .' is not valid. Valid values are: [guru, gopls]') endif endfunction function! go#tool#PackageName() abort let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#ExecInDir(['go', 'list', '-tags', go#config#BuildTags(), '-f', '{{.Name}}']) if l:err != 0 return -1 endif return split(out, '\n')[0] endfunction " Exists checks whether the given importpath exists or not. It returns 0 if " the importpath exists under GOPATH. function! go#tool#Exists(importpath) abort let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#ExecInDir(['go', 'list', a:importpath]) if l:err != 0 return -1 endif return 0 endfunction function! go#tool#List(package_path) abort let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#ExecInDir(['go', 'list', '-tags', go#config#BuildTags(), '-f', '{{.ImportPath}}', a:package_path]) if l:err != 0 return -1 endif return split(out, '\n') endfunction function! go#tool#DescribeBalloon() let l:fname = fnamemodify(bufname(v:beval_bufnr), ':p') let l:winid = win_getid() call win_gotoid(bufwinid(v:beval_bufnr)) let [l:line, l:col] = go#lsp#lsp#Position(v:beval_lnum, v:beval_col) call go#lsp#Hover(l:fname, l:line, l:col, funcref('s:balloon', [])) call win_gotoid(l:winid) return '' endfunction function! s:balloon(msg) let l:msg = a:msg if has('balloon_eval') if has('balloon_multiline') let l:msg = join(a:msg, "\n") endif endif call balloon_show(l:msg) endfunction " restore Vi compatibility settings let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et