" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim function! go#fillstruct#FillStruct() abort let l:mode = go#config#FillStructMode() if l:mode is 'gopls' call go#lsp#FillStruct() return endif let l:cmd = ['fillstruct', \ '-file', bufname(''), \ '-offset', go#util#OffsetCursor(), \ '-line', line('.')] " Needs: https://github.com/davidrjenni/reftools/pull/14 "\ '-tags', go#config#BuildTags()] let l:buildtags = go#config#BuildTags() if l:buildtags isnot '' let l:cmd += ['-tags', l:buildtags] endif " Read from stdin if modified. if &modified call add(l:cmd, '-modified') let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#Exec(l:cmd, go#util#archive()) else let [l:out, l:err] = go#util#Exec(l:cmd) endif if l:err call go#util#EchoError(l:out) return endif try let l:json = json_decode(l:out) catch call go#util#EchoError(l:out) return endtry " Output is array: "[ " {"start": 92, "end": 106, "code": "mail.Address{\n\tName: \"\",\n\tAddress: \"\",\n}"}, " {...second struct...} " ] let l:pos = getpos('.') try for l:struct in l:json let l:code = split(l:struct['code'], "\n") " Add any code before/after the struct. exe l:struct['start'] . 'go' let l:code[0] = getline('.')[:col('.')-1] . l:code[0] exe l:struct['end'] . 'go' let l:code[len(l:code)-1] .= getline('.')[col('.'):] " Indent every line except the first one; makes it look nice. let l:indent = repeat("\t", indent('.') / &tabstop) for l:i in range(1, len(l:code)-1) let l:code[l:i] = l:indent . l:code[l:i] endfor " Out with the old ... exe 'normal! ' . l:struct['start'] . 'gov' . l:struct['end'] . 'gox' " ... in with the new. call setline('.', l:code[0]) call append('.', l:code[1:]) endfor finally call setpos('.', l:pos) endtry endfunction " restore Vi compatibility settings let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et