# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe 'Indenting *after* comments' do i <<~EOF # do IO.puts :test EOF i <<~EOF defmodule Foo do def run do list = File.read!("/path/to/file") |> String.split() # now start a new line # used to start here # but now starts here end end EOF i <<~EOF defmodule Foo do def run(task) when task in [:t1, :t2] do end # now starts a new line # use to start here # but now starts here end EOF i <<~EOF receive do {{:lock_ready, ^key}, ^pid} -> after # NOTE: @jbodah 2017-03-28: we should do some math to adjust the timeout timeout -> {:error, :timed_out_waiting_for_lock} end EOF it "bulk indenting comments" do expect(<<~EOF).to be_elixir_indentation defmodule Test do # SELECT * # FROM table # WHERE column = 123 # AND another_column = 456 end EOF end end