# Contributing Guidelines The easiest method to contribute to this project is by providing feedback, requesting a feature or reporting a bug. Prior to opening an issue, check the existing ones, as there might be one that already covers your points. When you need to open a new one, provide as much information as you can, especially for bug reports. ## Pull Requests Do you feel like contributing code? Awesome! Find an open issue you want to tackle (can be one of your own), then open a pull request following [these guidelines][pr-guidelines]. Make sure to **test your changes thoroughly** and, if needed, * update the documentation in `doc/cmake.txt` * generate help tags with `vim -u NONE -c "helptags doc | q"` * update the README * update the "Unreleased" section in the CHANGELOG ## Coding Style In case you are planning to submit a pull request, please keep your changes minimal and maintain a clear coding style. Name your functions and variables sensibly, comment non-obvious lines of code and match the formatting style of the rest of the code (indentation, line width, spacing, etc.). This project adheres to the [Google Vimscript Style Guide][style-guide], with a few exceptions: * use four spaces for indents (not two) * indent continued lines by eight spaces (not four) You can use [Vint][vint] and run `vint .` in the repository root to check the code against the above style guide. [pr-guidelines]: https://opensource.guide/how-to-contribute/#opening-a-pull-request [style-guide]: https://google.github.io/styleguide/vimscriptguide.xml [vint]: https://github.com/Vimjas/vint