Before: call ale#assert#SetUpLinterTest('cpp', 'cppcheck') let b:command_tail = ' -q --language=c++ --template=' . ale#Escape('{file}:{line}:{column}: {severity}:{inconclusive:inconclusive:} {message} [{id}]\\n{code}') . ' --enable=style -I' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir)) .' %t' After: " Remove a test file we might open for some tests. if &buftype != 'nofile' set nomodified set buftype=nofile endif unlet! b:rel_file_path unlet! b:command_tail call ale#assert#TearDownLinterTest() Execute(The executable should be configurable): AssertLinter 'cppcheck', ale#Escape('cppcheck') . b:command_tail let b:ale_cpp_cppcheck_executable = 'foobar' AssertLinterCwd '' AssertLinter 'foobar', ale#Escape('foobar') . b:command_tail Execute(cppcheck for C++ should detect compile_commands.json files): let b:rel_file_path = '../test-files/cppcheck/one/foo.cpp' call ale#test#SetFilename(b:rel_file_path) AssertLinterCwd ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../test-files/cppcheck/one') AssertLinter 'cppcheck', ale#Escape('cppcheck') \ . ' -q --language=c++' \ . ' --template=' . ale#Escape('{file}:{line}:{column}: {severity}:{inconclusive:inconclusive:} {message} [{id}]\\n{code}') \ . ' --project=' . ale#Escape('compile_commands.json') \ . ' --file-filter=' . ale#Escape(ale#test#GetFilename(b:rel_file_path)) \ . ' --enable=style %t' Execute(cppcheck for C++ should detect compile_commands.json files in build directories): let b:rel_file_path = '../test-files/cppcheck/with_build_dir/foo.cpp' call ale#test#SetFilename(b:rel_file_path) AssertLinterCwd ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../test-files/cppcheck/with_build_dir') AssertLinter 'cppcheck', ale#Escape('cppcheck') \ . ' -q --language=c++' \ . ' --template=' . ale#Escape('{file}:{line}:{column}: {severity}:{inconclusive:inconclusive:} {message} [{id}]\\n{code}') \ . ' --project=' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify('build/compile_commands.json')) \ . ' --file-filter=' . ale#Escape(ale#test#GetFilename(b:rel_file_path)) \ . ' --enable=style %t' Execute(cppcheck for C++ should include file dir if compile_commands.json file is not found): call ale#test#SetFilename('../test-files/cppcheck/foo.cpp') AssertLinter 'cppcheck', \ ale#Escape('cppcheck') \ . ' -q --language=c++' \ . ' --template=' . ale#Escape('{file}:{line}:{column}: {severity}:{inconclusive:inconclusive:} {message} [{id}]\\n{code}') \ . ' --enable=style' \ . ' -I' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../test-files/cppcheck')) \ . ' %t' Execute(cppcheck for C++ header should include file dir and not use compile_commands.json): call ale#test#SetFilename('../test-files/cppcheck/one/foo.hpp') AssertLinter 'cppcheck', \ ale#Escape('cppcheck') \ . ' -q --language=c++' \ . ' --template=' . ale#Escape('{file}:{line}:{column}: {severity}:{inconclusive:inconclusive:} {message} [{id}]\\n{code}') \ . ' -I' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../test-files/cppcheck/one')) \ . ' --suppress=unusedStructMember' \ . ' --enable=style' \ . ' %t' Execute(cppcheck for C++ should ignore compile_commands.json file if buffer is modified): call ale#test#SetFilename('../test-files/cppcheck/one/foo.cpp') set buftype= set modified AssertLinterCwd ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../test-files/cppcheck/one') AssertLinter 'cppcheck', ale#Escape('cppcheck') \ . ' -q --language=c++' \ . ' --template=' . ale#Escape('{file}:{line}:{column}: {severity}:{inconclusive:inconclusive:} {message} [{id}]\\n{code}') \ . ' --enable=style' \ . ' -I' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../test-files/cppcheck/one')) \ . ' %t'