Before: runtime ale_linters/clojure/clj_kondo.vim After: call ale#linter#Reset() Execute(the clojure clj-kondo handler should be able to handle errors): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'lnum': 123, \ 'col': 44, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'text': 'error: Unexpected )', \ }, \ ], \ ale_linters#clojure#clj_kondo#HandleCljKondoFormat(0, [ \ 'test.clj:123:44: error: Unexpected )', \ ]) Execute(the clojure clj-kondo handler should be able to handle warnings): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'lnum': 654, \ 'col': 321, \ 'type': 'W', \ 'text': 'warning: inline def', \ } \ ], \ ale_linters#clojure#clj_kondo#HandleCljKondoFormat(0, [ \ 'test.clj:654:321: warning: inline def' \ ]) Execute(the clojure clj-kondo handler should be able to handle exceptions): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'lnum': 123, \ 'col': 321, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'text': 'Exception: something horrible happen', \ } \ ], \ ale_linters#clojure#clj_kondo#HandleCljKondoFormat(0, [ \ 'test.clj:123:321: Exception: something horrible happen' \ ]) Execute(the clojure clj-kondo handler should be able to handle errors from stdin): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'lnum': 16, \ 'col': 1, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'text': 'error: Unexpected )', \ }, \ ], \ ale_linters#clojure#clj_kondo#HandleCljKondoFormat(0, [ \ ':16:1: error: Unexpected )', \ ]) Execute(the clojure clj-kondo handler should be able to handle windows files): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'lnum': 123, \ 'col': 44, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'text': 'error: Unexpected )', \ } \ ], \ ale_linters#clojure#clj_kondo#HandleCljKondoFormat(0, [ \ 'C:\my\operating\system\is\silly\core.clj:123:44: error: Unexpected )', \ ]) Execute(the clojure clj-kondo handler should be able to lines without row/col): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'lnum': 0, \ 'col': 0, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'text': 'error: Unexpected )', \ }, \ ], \ ale_linters#clojure#clj_kondo#HandleCljKondoFormat(0, [ \ 'test.clj::: error: Unexpected )', \ ])