global !p import vim # Tests for the existence of a variable declared by Vim's filetype detection # suggesting the type of shell script of the current file def testShell(scope, shell): return vim.eval("exists('" + scope + ":is_" + shell + "')") # Loops over the possible variables, checking for global variables # first since they indicate an override by the user. def getShell(): for scope in ["g", "b"]: for shell in ["bash", "sh", "kornshell"]: if testShell(scope, shell) == "1": if shell == "kornshell": return "ksh" return shell return "sh" endglobal ########################################################################### # TextMate Snippets # ########################################################################### snippet #! `!p snip.rv = '#!/bin/' + getShell() + "\n\n" ` endsnippet snippet !env "#!/usr/bin/env (!env)" `!p snip.rv = '#!/usr/bin/env ' + getShell() + "\n\n" ` endsnippet snippet temp "Tempfile" ${1:TMPFILE}="$(mktemp -t ${2:`!p snip.rv = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z]', '_', snip.fn) or "untitled" `})" ${3:${4/(.+)/trap "/}${4:rm -f '$${1/.*\s//}'}${4/(.+)/" 0 # EXIT\n/}${5/(.+)/trap "/}${5:rm -f '$${1/.*\s//}'; exit 1}${5/(.+)/" 2 # INT\n/}${6/(.+)/trap "/}${6:rm -f '$${1/.*\s//}'; exit 1}${6/(.+)/" 1 15 # HUP TERM\n/}} endsnippet snippet case "case .. esac (case)" case ${1:word} in ${2:pattern} ) $0;; esac endsnippet snippet elif "elif .. (elif)" elif ${2:[[ ${1:condition} ]]}; then ${0:#statements} endsnippet snippet for "for ... done (for)" for (( i = 0; i < ${1:10}; i++ )); do ${0:#statements} done endsnippet snippet forin "for ... in ... done (forin)" for ${1:i}${2/.+/ in /}${2:words}; do ${0:#statements} done endsnippet snippet here "here document (here)" <<-${2:'${1:TOKEN}'} $0 ${1/['"`](.+)['"`]/$1/} endsnippet snippet if "if ... then (if)" if ${2:[[ ${1:condition} ]]}; then ${0:#statements} fi endsnippet snippet until "until ... (done)" until ${2:[[ ${1:condition} ]]}; do ${0:#statements} done endsnippet snippet while "while ... (done)" while ${2:[[ ${1:condition} ]]}; do ${0:#statements} done endsnippet # vim:ft=snippets: