" cache.vim " @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim]) " @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037 " @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) " @Created: 2007-06-30. " @Last Change: 2012-05-11. " @Revision: 0.1.192 " |tlib#cache#Purge()|: Remove cache files older than N days. TLet g:tlib#cache#purge_days = 31 " Purge the cache every N days. Disable automatic purging by setting " this value to a negative value. TLet g:tlib#cache#purge_every_days = 31 " The encoding used for the purge-cache script. " Default: 'enc' TLet g:tlib#cache#script_encoding = &enc " Whether to run the directory removal script: " 0 ... No " 1 ... Query user " 2 ... Yes TLet g:tlib#cache#run_script = 1 " If non-nil, don't display a message that files were deleted from the " cache. TLet g:tlib#cache#silent = 0 " A list of regexps that are matched against partial filenames of the " cached files. If a regexp matches, the file won't be removed by " |tlib#cache#Purge()|. TLet g:tlib#cache#dont_purge = ['[\/]\.last_purge$'] " :display: tlib#cache#Dir(?mode = 'bg') " The default cache directory. function! tlib#cache#Dir(...) "{{{3 TVarArg ['mode', 'bg'] let dir = tlib#var#Get('tlib_cache', mode) if empty(dir) let dir = tlib#file#Join([tlib#dir#MyRuntime(), 'cache']) endif return dir endf " :def: function! tlib#cache#Filename(type, ?file=%, ?mkdir=0, ?dir='') function! tlib#cache#Filename(type, ...) "{{{3 " TLogDBG 'bufname='. bufname('.') let dir = a:0 >= 3 && !empty(a:3) ? a:3 : tlib#cache#Dir() if a:0 >= 1 && !empty(a:1) let file = a:1 else if empty(expand('%:t')) return '' endif let file = expand('%:p') let file = tlib#file#Relative(file, tlib#file#Join([dir, '..'])) endif " TLogVAR file, dir let mkdir = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : 0 let file = substitute(file, '\.\.\|[:&<>]\|//\+\|\\\\\+', '_', 'g') let dirs = [dir, a:type] let dirf = fnamemodify(file, ':h') if dirf != '.' call add(dirs, dirf) endif let dir = tlib#file#Join(dirs) " TLogVAR dir let dir = tlib#dir#PlainName(dir) " TLogVAR dir let file = fnamemodify(file, ':t') " TLogVAR file, dir, mkdir if mkdir && !isdirectory(dir) try call mkdir(dir, 'p') catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E739:/ if filereadable(dir) && !isdirectory(dir) echoerr 'TLib: Cannot create directory for cache file because a file with the same name exists (please delete it):' dir " call delete(dir) " call mkdir(dir, 'p') endif endtry endif let cache_file = tlib#file#Join([dir, file]) " TLogVAR cache_file return cache_file endf function! tlib#cache#Save(cfile, dictionary) "{{{3 call tlib#persistent#Save(a:cfile, a:dictionary) endf function! tlib#cache#Get(cfile) "{{{3 call tlib#cache#MaybePurge() return tlib#persistent#Get(a:cfile) endf " Call |tlib#cache#Purge()| if the last purge was done before " |g:tlib#cache#purge_every_days|. function! tlib#cache#MaybePurge() "{{{3 if g:tlib#cache#purge_every_days < 0 return endif let dir = tlib#cache#Dir('g') let last_purge = tlib#file#Join([dir, '.last_purge']) let last_purge_exists = filereadable(last_purge) if last_purge_exists let threshold = localtime() - g:tlib#cache#purge_every_days * g:tlib#date#dayshift let should_purge = getftime(last_purge) < threshold else let should_purge = 0 " should ignore empty dirs, like the tmru one: !empty(glob(tlib#file#Join([dir, '**']))) endif if should_purge if last_purge_exists let yn = 'y' else let txt = "TLib: The cache directory '". dir ."' should be purged of old files.\nDelete files older than ". g:tlib#cache#purge_days ." days now?" let yn = tlib#input#Dialog(txt, ['yes', 'no'], 'no') endif if yn =~ '^y\%[es]$' call tlib#cache#Purge() else let g:tlib#cache#purge_every_days = -1 if !last_purge_exists call s:PurgeTimestamp(dir) endif echohl WarningMsg echom "TLib: Please run :call tlib#cache#Purge() to clean up ". dir echohl NONE endif elseif !last_purge_exists call s:PurgeTimestamp(dir) endif endf " Delete old files. function! tlib#cache#Purge() "{{{3 let threshold = localtime() - g:tlib#cache#purge_days * g:tlib#date#dayshift let dir = tlib#cache#Dir('g') if !g:tlib#cache#silent echohl WarningMsg echom "TLib: Delete files older than ". g:tlib#cache#purge_days ." days from ". dir echohl NONE endif let files = tlib#cache#ListFilesInCache() let deldir = [] let newer = [] let msg = [] let more = &more set nomore try for file in files if isdirectory(file) if empty(filter(copy(newer), 'strpart(v:val, 0, len(file)) ==# file')) call add(deldir, file) endif else if getftime(file) < threshold if delete(file) call add(msg, "TLib: Could not delete cache file: ". file) else call add(msg, "TLib: Delete cache file: ". file) endif else call add(newer, file) endif endif endfor finally let &more = more endtry if !empty(msg) && !g:tlib#cache#silent echo join(msg, "\n") endif if !empty(deldir) if &shell =~ 'sh\(\.exe\)\?$' let scriptfile = 'deldir.sh' let rmdir = 'rm -rf %s' else let scriptfile = 'deldir.bat' let rmdir = 'rmdir /S /Q %s' endif let enc = g:tlib#cache#script_encoding if has('multi_byte') && enc != &enc call map(deldir, 'iconv(v:val, &enc, enc)') endif let scriptfile = tlib#file#Join([dir, scriptfile]) if filereadable(scriptfile) let script = readfile(scriptfile) else let script = [] endif let script += map(copy(deldir), 'printf(rmdir, shellescape(v:val, 1))') let script = tlib#list#Uniq(script) call writefile(script, scriptfile) call inputsave() if g:tlib#cache#run_script == 0 echohl WarningMsg if g:tlib#cache#silent echom "TLib: Purged cache. Need to run script to delete directories" endif echom "TLib: Please review and execute: ". scriptfile echohl NONE else try let yn = g:tlib#cache#run_script == 2 ? 'y' : tlib#input#Dialog("TLib: About to delete directories by means of a shell script.\nDirectory removal script: ". scriptfile ."\nRun script to delete directories now?", ['yes', 'no', 'edit'], 'no') if yn =~ '^y\%[es]$' exec 'cd '. fnameescape(dir) exec '! ' &shell shellescape(scriptfile, 1) exec 'cd -' call delete(scriptfile) elseif yn =~ '^e\%[dit]$' exec 'edit '. fnameescape(scriptfile) endif finally call inputrestore() endtry endif endif call s:PurgeTimestamp(dir) endf function! s:PurgeTimestamp(dir) "{{{3 let last_purge = tlib#file#Join([a:dir, '.last_purge']) " TLogVAR last_purge call writefile([" "], last_purge) endf function! tlib#cache#ListFilesInCache(...) "{{{3 let dir = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : tlib#cache#Dir('g') if v:version > 702 || (v:version == 702 && has('patch51')) let filess = glob(tlib#file#Join([dir, '**']), 1) else let filess = glob(tlib#file#Join([dir, '**'])) endif let files = reverse(split(filess, '\n')) let pos0 = len(tlib#dir#CanonicName(dir)) call filter(files, 's:ShouldPurge(strpart(v:val, pos0))') return files endf function! s:ShouldPurge(partial_filename) "{{{3 " TLogVAR a:partial_filename for rx in g:tlib#cache#dont_purge if a:partial_filename =~ rx " TLogVAR a:partial_filename, rx return 0 endif endfor return 1 endf