*jedi-vim.txt* - For Vim version 7.3 - Last change: 2014/07/29 __ _______ _______ __ ____ ____ __ .___ ___.~ | | | ____|| \ | | \ \ / / | | | \/ |~ | | | |__ | .--. || | _____\ \/ / | | | \ / |~ .--. | | | __| | | | || | |______\ / | | | |\/| |~ | `--' | | |____ | '--' || | \ / | | | | | |~ \______/ |_______||_______/ |__| \__/ |__| |__| |__|~ jedi-vim - awesome Python autocompletion with Vim ============================================================================== Contents *jedi-vim-contents* 1. Introduction |jedi-vim-introduction| 2. Installation |jedi-vim-installation| 2.0. Requirements |jedi-vim-installation-requirements| 2.1. Manually |jedi-vim-installation-manually| 2.2. Using Pathogen |jedi-vim-installation-pathogen| 2.3. Using Vundle |jedi-vim-installation-vundle| 2.4. Installing from Repositories |jedi-vim-installation-repos| 3. Supported Python features |jedi-vim-support| 4. Usage |jedi-vim-usage| 5. Mappings |jedi-vim-keybindings| 5.1. Start completion |g:jedi#completions_command| 5.2. Go to definition |g:jedi#goto_command| 5.3. Go to assignment |g:jedi#goto_assignments_command| 5.4 Go to definition (deprecated) |g:jedi#goto_definitions_command| 5.5. Show documentation |g:jedi#documentation_command| 5.6. Rename variables |g:jedi#rename_command| 5.7. Show name usages |g:jedi#usages_command| 5.8. Open module by name |:Pyimport| 6. Configuration |jedi-vim-configuration| 6.1. auto_initialization |g:jedi#auto_initialization| 6.2. auto_vim_configuration |g:jedi#auto_vim_configuration| 6.3. popup_on_dot |g:jedi#popup_on_dot| 6.4. popup_select_first |g:jedi#popup_select_first| 6.5. auto_close_doc |g:jedi#auto_close_doc| 6.6. show_call_signatures |g:jedi#show_call_signatures| 6.7. use_tabs_not_buffers |g:jedi#use_tabs_not_buffers| 6.8. squelch_py_warning |g:jedi#squelch_py_warning| 6.9. completions_enabled |g:jedi#completions_enabled| 6.10. use_splits_not_buffers |g:jedi#use_splits_not_buffers| 6.11. force_py_version |g:jedi#force_py_version| 7. Testing |jedi-vim-testing| 8. Contributing |jedi-vim-contributing| 9. License |jedi-vim-license| ============================================================================== 1. Introduction *jedi-vim-introduction* Jedi-vim is a Vim binding to the awesome Python autocompletion library `jedi`. Among jedi's (and, therefore, jedi-vim's) features are: - Completion for a wide array of Python features (see |jedi-vim-support|) - Robust in dealing with syntax errors and wrong indentation - Parses complex module/function/class structures - Infers function arguments from Sphinx/Epydoc strings - Doesn't execute Python code - Supports Virtualenv - Supports Python 2.5+ and 3.2+ By leveraging this library, jedi-vim adds the following capabilities to Vim: - Displaying function/class bodies - "Go to definition" command - Displaying docstrings - Renaming and refactoring - Looking up related names ============================================================================== 2. Installation *jedi-vim-installation* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.0. Requirements *jedi-vim-installation-requirements* First of all, jedi-vim requires Vim to be compiled with the `+python` option. The jedi library has to be installed for jedi-vim to work properly. You can install it first, by using e.g. your distribution's package manager, or by using pip: > pip install jedi However, you can also install it as a git submodule if you don't want to use jedi for anything but this plugin. How to do this is detailed below. It is best if you have VIM >= 7.3, compiled with the `+conceal` option. With older versions, you will probably not see the parameter recommendation list for functions after typing the open bracket. Some platforms (including OS X releases) do not ship a VIM with `+conceal`. You can check if your VIM has the feature with > :ver and look for "`+conceal`" (as opposed to "`-conceal`") or > :echo has('conceal') which will report 0 (not included) or 1 (included). If your VIM lacks this feature and you would like function parameter completion, you will need to build your own VIM, or use a package for your operating system that has this feature (such as MacVim on OS X, which also contains a console binary). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1. Installing manually *jedi-vim-installation-manually* 1a. Get the latest repository from Github: > git clone http://github.com/davidhalter/jedi-vim path/to/bundles/jedi-vim 1b. If you want to install jedi as a submodule instead, issue this command: > git clone --recursive http://github.com/davidhalter/jedi-vim 2. Put the plugin files into their respective folders in your vim runtime directory (usually ~/.vim). Be sure to pay attention to the directory structure! 3. Update the Vim help tags with > :helptags /doc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1. Installing using Pathogen *jedi-vim-installation-pathogen* Pathogen simplifies installation considerably. 1.a Clone the git repository into your bundles directory: > git clone http://github.com/davidhalter/jedi-vim path/to/bundles/jedi-vim 1b. Again, if you want to install jedi as a submodule, use this command instead: > git clone --recursive http://github.com/davidhalter/jedi-vim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.3. Installing using Vundle *jedi-vim-installation-vundle* 1. Vundle automatically downloads subrepositories as git submodules, so you will automatically get the jedi library with the jedi-vim plugin. Add the following to the Bundles section in your .vimrc file: > Plugin 'davidhalter/jedi-vim' 2. Issue the following command in Vim: > :PluginInstall Help tags are generated automatically, so you should be good to go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.4. Installing from Repositories *jedi-vim-installation-repos* Some Linux distributions have jedi-vim packages in their official repositories. On Arch Linux, install vim-jedi. On Debian (8+) or Ubuntu (14.04+) install vim-python-jedi. ============================================================================== 3. Supported Python features *jedi-vim-support* The Jedi library does all the hard work behind the scenes. It supports completion of a large number of Python features, among them: - Builtins - Multiple `return`s or `yield`s - Tuple assignments/array indexing/dictionary indexing - `with`-statement/exception handling - `*args` and `**kwargs` - Decorators, lambdas, closures - Generators, iterators - Some descriptors: `property`/`staticmethod`/`classmethod` - Some magic methods: `__call__`, `__iter__`, `__next__`, `__get__`, `__getitem__`, `__init__` - `list.append()`, `set.add()`, `list.extend()`, etc. - (Nested) list comprehensions and ternary expressions - Relative `import`s - `getattr()`/`__getattr__`/`__getattribute__` - Function annotations (py3k feature, are being ignored at the moment, but are parsed) - Class decorators (py3k feature, are being ignored at the moment, but are parsed) - Simple/usual `sys.path` modifications - `isinstance` checks for `if`/`while`/`assert` case, that doesn’t work with Jedi - And more... Note: This list is not necessarily up to date. For a complete list of features, please refer to the Jedi documentation at http://jedi.jedidjah.ch. ============================================================================== 4. Usage *jedi-vim-usage* With the default settings, autocompletion can be triggered by typing . The first entry will automatically be selected, so you can press to insert it into your code or keep typing and narrow down your completion options. The usual and / keybindings work as well. Autocompletion is also triggered by typing a period in insert mode. Since periods rarely occur in Python code outside of method/import lookups, this is handy to have (but can be disabled). When it encounters a new module, jedi might take a few seconds to parse that module's contents. Afterwards, the contents are cached and completion will be almost instantaneous. ============================================================================== 5. Key Bindings *jedi-vim-keybindings* All keybindings can be mapped by setting the appropriate global option. For example, to set the keybinding for starting omnicompletion to instead of , add the following setting to your .vimrc file: > let g:jedi#completions_command = "" Note: If you have |g:jedi#auto_initialization| set to 0, you have to create a mapping yourself by calling a function: > " Using for omnicompletion inoremap " Use r (by default <\-r>) for renaming nnoremap r :call jedi#rename() " etc. Note: You can set commands to '', which means that they are empty and not assigned. It's an easy way to "disable" functionality of jedi-vim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.1. `g:jedi#completions_command` *g:jedi#completions_command* Function: n/a; see above Default: Start completion Performs autocompletion (or omnicompletion, to be precise). Note: If you want to use for completion, please install Supertab: https://github.com/ervandew/supertab. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.2. `g:jedi#goto_command` *g:jedi#goto_command* Function: `jedi#goto()` Default: d Go to definition (or assignment) This function first tries |jedi#goto_definitions|, and falls back to |jedi#goto_assignments| for builtin modules. It produces an error if nothing could be found. NOTE: this implementation is subject to change. Ref: https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi/issues/570 This command tries to find the original definition of the function/class under the cursor. Just like the `jedi#goto_assignments()` function, it does not work if the definition isn't in a Python source file. The difference between `jedi#goto_assignments()` and `jedi#goto_definitions()` is that the latter performs recursive lookups. Take, for example, the following module structure: > # file1.py: from file2 import foo # file2.py: from file3 import bar as foo # file3.py def bar(): pass The `jedi#goto_assignments()` function will take you to the > from file2 import foo statement in file1.py, while the `jedi#goto_definitions()` function will take you all the way to the > def bar(): line in file3.py. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.3. `g:jedi#goto_assignments_command` *g:jedi#goto_assignments_command* Function: `jedi#goto_assignments()` Default: g Go to assignment This function finds the first definition of the function/class under the cursor. It produces an error if the definition is not in a Python file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.4. `g:jedi#goto_definitions_command` *g:jedi#goto_definitions_command* Function: `jedi#goto_definitions()` Default: - Go to original definition NOTE: Deprecated. Use |g:jedi#goto_command| / |jedi#goto()| instead, which currently uses this internally. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.5. `g:jedi#documentation_command` *g:jedi#documentation_command* Function: `jedi#show_documentation()` Default: Show pydoc documentation This shows the pydoc documentation for the item currently under the cursor. The documentation is opened in a horizontally split buffer. The height of this buffer is controlled by `g:jedi#max_doc_height` (set by default to 30). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.6. `g:jedi#rename_command` *g:jedi#rename_command* Function: `jedi#rename()` Default: r Rename variables Jedi-vim deletes the word currently under the cursor and puts Vim in insert mode, where the user is expected to enter the new variable name. Upon leaving insert mode, jedi-vim then renames all occurences of the old variable name with the new one. The number of performed renames is displayed in the command line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.7. `g:jedi#usages_command` *g:jedi#usages_command* Function: `jedi#usages()` Default: n Show usages of a name. The quickfix window is populated with a list of all names which point to the definition of the name under the cursor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.8. Open module by name *:Pyimport* Function: `jedi#py_import(args)` Default: :Pyimport e.g. `:Pyimport os` shows os.py in VIM. Simulate an import and open that module in VIM. ============================================================================== 6. Configuration *jedi-vim-configuration* Note: You currently have to set these options in your .vimrc. Setting them in an ftplugin (e.g. ~/.vim/ftplugin/python/jedi-vim-settings.vim) will not work because jedi-vim is not set up as an filetype plugin, but as a "regular" plugin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.1. `g:jedi#auto_initialization` *g:jedi#auto_initialization* Upon initialization, jedi-vim performs the following steps: 1. Set the current buffers 'omnifunc' to its own completion function `jedi#completions` 2. Create mappings to commands specified in |jedi-vim-keybindings| 3. Call `jedi#configure_call_signatures()` if `g:jedi#show_call_signatures` is set You can disable the default initialization routine by setting this option to 0. Beware that you have to perform the above steps yourself, though. Options: 0 or 1 Default: 1 (Perform automatic initialization) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.2. `g:jedi#auto_vim_configuration` *g:jedi#auto_vim_configuration* Jedi-vim sets 'completeopt' to `menuone,longest,preview` by default, if 'completeopt' is not changed from Vim's default. It also remaps to in insert mode. If you want to keep your own configuration, disable this setting. Options: 0 or 1 Default: 1 (Set 'completeopt' and mapping as described above) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.3. `g:jedi#popup_on_dot` *g:jedi#popup_on_dot* Jedi-vim automatically starts completion upon typing a period in insert mode. However, when working with large modules, this can slow down your typing flow since you have to wait for jedi to parse the module and show the completion menu. By disabling this setting, completion is only started when you manually press the completion key. Options: 0 or 1 Default: 1 (Start completion on typing a period) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.4. `g:jedi#popup_select_first` *g:jedi#popup_select_first* Upon starting completion, jedi-vim can automatically select the first entry that pops up (without actually inserting it). This leads to a better typing flow: As you type more characters, the entries in the completion menu are narrowed down. If they are narrowed down enough, you can just press to insert the first match. Options: 0 or 1 Default: 1 (Automatically select first completion entry) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.5. `g:jedi#auto_close_doc` *g:jedi#auto_close_doc* When doing completion, jedi-vim shows the docstring of the currently selected item in a preview window. By default, this window is being closed after insertion of a completion item. Set this to 0 to leave the preview window open even after leaving insert mode. This could be useful if you want to browse longer docstrings. Options: 0 or 1 Default: 1 (Automatically close preview window upon leaving insert mode) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.6. `g:jedi#show_call_signatures` *g:jedi#show_call_signatures* Jedi-vim can display a small window detailing the arguments of the currently completed function and highlighting the currently selected argument. This can be disabled by setting this option to 0. Setting this option to 2 shows call signatures in the command line instead of a popup window. Options: 0, 1, or 2 Default: 1 (Show call signatures window) Note: 'showmode' must be disabled for command line call signatures to be visible. Note: This setting is ignored if |g:jedi#auto_initialization| is set to 0. In that case, if you want to see call signatures, you have to set it up manually by calling a function in your configuration file: > call jedi#configure_call_signatures() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.7. `g:jedi#use_tabs_not_buffers` *g:jedi#use_tabs_not_buffers* You can make jedi-vim open a new tab if you use the "go to", "show definition", or "related names" commands. When you leave this at the default (0), they open in the current buffer instead. Options: 0 or 1 Default: 0 (Command output is put in a new tab) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.8. `g:jedi#squelch_py_warning` *g:jedi#squelch_py_warning* When Vim has not been compiled with +python, jedi-vim shows a warning to that effect and aborts loading itself. Set this to 1 to suppress that warning. Options: 0 or 1 Default: 0 (Warning is shown) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.9. `g:jedi#completions_enabled` *g:jedi#completions_enabled* If you don't want Jedi completion, but all the other features, you can disable it in favor of another completion engine (that probably also uses Jedi, like YCM). Options: 0 or 1 Default: 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.10. `g:jedi#use_splits_not_buffers` *g:jedi#use_splits_not_buffers* If you want to open new split for "go to", you could set this option to the direction which you want to open a split with. Options: top, left, right, bottom or winwidth Default: "" (not enabled by default) Note: with the 'winwidth' option the window is split vertically or horizontally depending on the width of the window relative to 'textwidth'. This essentially means that if the window is big enough it will be split vertically but if it is small a horizontal split happens. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.11. `g:jedi#force_py_version` *g:jedi#force_py_version* If you have installed both python 2 and python 3, you can force which one jedi should use by setting this variable. It forces the internal Vim command, which will be used for every jedi call to the respective python interpreter. The variable can be set in the .vimrc like this to force python 3: let g:jedi#force_py_version = 3 This variable can be switched during runtime using the following function: Function: `jedi#force_py_version_switch()` or set directly using this function, which has the same name as the variable: Function: `jedi#force_py_version(py_version)` Options: 2 or 3 Default: "auto" (will use sys.version_info from "python" in your $PATH) ============================================================================== 7. Testing *jedi-vim-testing* jedi-vim is being tested with a combination of vspec https://github.com/kana/vim-vspec and py.test http://pytest.org/. The tests are in the test subdirectory, you can run them calling:: py.test The tests are automatically run with `travis `_. ============================================================================== 8. Contributing *jedi-vim-contributing* We love Pull Requests! Read the instructions in `CONTRIBUTING.md`. ============================================================================== 9. License *jedi-vim-license* Jedi-vim is licensed with the MIT license. vim: textwidth=78 tabstop=8 filetype=help:norightleft: