" abolish.vim - Language friendly searches, substitutions, and abbreviations " Maintainer: Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/> " Version: 1.1 " GetLatestVimScripts: 1545 1 :AutoInstall: abolish.vim " Initialization {{{1 if exists("g:loaded_abolish") || &cp || v:version < 700 finish endif let g:loaded_abolish = 1 if !exists("g:abolish_save_file") if isdirectory(expand("~/.vim")) let g:abolish_save_file = expand("~/.vim/after/plugin/abolish.vim") elseif isdirectory(expand("~/vimfiles")) || has("win32") let g:abolish_save_file = expand("~/vimfiles/after/plugin/abolish.vim") else let g:abolish_save_file = expand("~/.vim/after/plugin/abolish.vim") endif endif " }}}1 " Utility functions {{{1 function! s:function(name) return function(substitute(a:name,'^s:',matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\d\+_'),'')) endfunction function! s:send(self,func,...) if type(a:func) == type('') || type(a:func) == type(0) let l:Func = get(a:self,a:func,'') else let l:Func = a:func endif let s = type(a:self) == type({}) ? a:self : {} if type(Func) == type(function('tr')) return call(Func,a:000,s) elseif type(Func) == type({}) && has_key(Func,'apply') return call(Func.apply,a:000,Func) elseif type(Func) == type({}) && has_key(Func,'call') return call(Func.call,a:000,s) elseif type(Func) == type('') && Func == '' && has_key(s,'function missing') return call('s:send',[s,'function missing',a:func] + a:000) else return Func endif endfunction let s:object = {} function! s:object.clone(...) let sub = deepcopy(self) return a:0 ? extend(sub,a:1) : sub endfunction if !exists("g:Abolish") let Abolish = {} endif call extend(Abolish, s:object, 'force') call extend(Abolish, {'Coercions': {}}, 'keep') function! s:throw(msg) let v:errmsg = a:msg throw "Abolish: ".a:msg endfunction function! s:words() let words = [] let lnum = line('w0') while lnum <= line('w$') let line = getline(lnum) let col = 0 while match(line,'\<\k\k\+\>',col) != -1 let words += [matchstr(line,'\<\k\k\+\>',col)] let col = matchend(line,'\<\k\k\+\>',col) endwhile let lnum += 1 endwhile return words endfunction function! s:extractopts(list,opts) let i = 0 while i < len(a:list) if a:list[i] =~ '^-[^=]' && has_key(a:opts,matchstr(a:list[i],'-\zs[^=]*')) let key = matchstr(a:list[i],'-\zs[^=]*') let value = matchstr(a:list[i],'=\zs.*') if type(get(a:opts,key)) == type([]) let a:opts[key] += [value] elseif type(get(a:opts,key)) == type(0) let a:opts[key] = 1 else let a:opts[key] = value endif else let i += 1 continue endif call remove(a:list,i) endwhile return a:opts endfunction " }}}1 " Dictionary creation {{{1 function! s:mixedcase(word) return substitute(s:camelcase(a:word),'^.','\u&','') endfunction function! s:camelcase(word) let word = substitute(a:word, '-', '_', 'g') if word !~# '_' && word =~# '\l' return substitute(word,'^.','\l&','') else return substitute(word,'\C\(_\)\=\(.\)','\=submatch(1)==""?tolower(submatch(2)) : toupper(submatch(2))','g') endif endfunction function! s:snakecase(word) let word = substitute(a:word,'::','/','g') let word = substitute(word,'\(\u\+\)\(\u\l\)','\1_\2','g') let word = substitute(word,'\(\l\|\d\)\(\u\)','\1_\2','g') let word = substitute(word,'[.-]','_','g') let word = tolower(word) return word endfunction function! s:uppercase(word) return toupper(s:snakecase(a:word)) endfunction function! s:dashcase(word) return substitute(s:snakecase(a:word),'_','-','g') endfunction function! s:spacecase(word) return substitute(s:snakecase(a:word),'_',' ','g') endfunction function! s:dotcase(word) return substitute(s:snakecase(a:word),'_','.','g') endfunction function! s:titlecase(word) return substitute(s:spacecase(a:word), '\(\<\w\)','\=toupper(submatch(1))','g') endfunction call extend(Abolish, { \ 'camelcase': s:function('s:camelcase'), \ 'mixedcase': s:function('s:mixedcase'), \ 'snakecase': s:function('s:snakecase'), \ 'uppercase': s:function('s:uppercase'), \ 'dashcase': s:function('s:dashcase'), \ 'dotcase': s:function('s:dotcase'), \ 'spacecase': s:function('s:spacecase'), \ 'titlecase': s:function('s:titlecase') \ }, 'keep') function! s:create_dictionary(lhs,rhs,opts) let dictionary = {} let i = 0 let expanded = s:expand_braces({a:lhs : a:rhs}) for [lhs,rhs] in items(expanded) if get(a:opts,'case',1) let dictionary[s:mixedcase(lhs)] = s:mixedcase(rhs) let dictionary[tolower(lhs)] = tolower(rhs) let dictionary[toupper(lhs)] = toupper(rhs) endif let dictionary[lhs] = rhs endfor let i += 1 return dictionary endfunction function! s:expand_braces(dict) let new_dict = {} for [key,val] in items(a:dict) if key =~ '{.*}' let redo = 1 let [all,kbefore,kmiddle,kafter;crap] = matchlist(key,'\(.\{-\}\){\(.\{-\}\)}\(.*\)') let [all,vbefore,vmiddle,vafter;crap] = matchlist(val,'\(.\{-\}\){\(.\{-\}\)}\(.*\)') + ["","","",""] if all == "" let [vbefore,vmiddle,vafter] = [val, ",", ""] endif let targets = split(kmiddle,',',1) let replacements = split(vmiddle,',',1) if replacements == [""] let replacements = targets endif for i in range(0,len(targets)-1) let new_dict[kbefore.targets[i].kafter] = vbefore.replacements[i%len(replacements)].vafter endfor else let new_dict[key] = val endif endfor if exists("redo") return s:expand_braces(new_dict) else return new_dict endif endfunction " }}}1 " Abolish Dispatcher {{{1 function! s:SubComplete(A,L,P) if a:A =~ '^[/?]\k\+$' let char = strpart(a:A,0,1) return join(map(s:words(),'char . v:val'),"\n") elseif a:A =~# '^\k\+$' return join(s:words(),"\n") endif endfunction function! s:Complete(A,L,P) " Vim bug: :Abolish -<Tab> calls this function with a:A equal to 0 if a:A =~# '^[^/?-]' && type(a:A) != type(0) return join(s:words(),"\n") elseif a:L =~# '^\w\+\s\+\%(-\w*\)\=$' return "-search\n-substitute\n-delete\n-buffer\n-cmdline\n" elseif a:L =~# ' -\%(search\|substitute\)\>' return "-flags=" else return "-buffer\n-cmdline" endif endfunction let s:commands = {} let s:commands.abstract = s:object.clone() function! s:commands.abstract.dispatch(bang,line1,line2,count,args) return self.clone().go(a:bang,a:line1,a:line2,a:count,a:args) endfunction function! s:commands.abstract.go(bang,line1,line2,count,args) let self.bang = a:bang let self.line1 = a:line1 let self.line2 = a:line2 let self.count = a:count return self.process(a:bang,a:line1,a:line2,a:count,a:args) endfunction function! s:dispatcher(bang,line1,line2,count,args) let i = 0 let args = copy(a:args) let command = s:commands.abbrev while i < len(args) if args[i] =~# '^-\w\+$' && has_key(s:commands,matchstr(args[i],'-\zs.*')) let command = s:commands[matchstr(args[i],'-\zs.*')] call remove(args,i) break endif let i += 1 endwhile try return command.dispatch(a:bang,a:line1,a:line2,a:count,args) catch /^Abolish: / echohl ErrorMsg echo v:errmsg echohl NONE return "" endtry endfunction " }}}1 " Subvert Dispatcher {{{1 function! s:subvert_dispatcher(bang,line1,line2,count,args) try return s:parse_subvert(a:bang,a:line1,a:line2,a:count,a:args) catch /^Subvert: / echohl ErrorMsg echo v:errmsg echohl NONE return "" endtry endfunction function! s:parse_subvert(bang,line1,line2,count,args) if a:args =~ '^\%(\w\|$\)' let args = (a:bang ? "!" : "").a:args else let args = a:args endif let separator = matchstr(args,'^.') let split = split(args,separator,1)[1:] if a:count || split == [""] return s:parse_substitute(a:bang,a:line1,a:line2,a:count,split) elseif len(split) == 1 return s:find_command(separator,"",split[0]) elseif len(split) == 2 && split[1] =~# '^[A-Za-z]*n[A-Za-z]*$' return s:parse_substitute(a:bang,a:line1,a:line2,a:count,[split[0],"",split[1]]) elseif len(split) == 2 && split[1] =~# '^[A-Za-z]*\%([+-]\d\+\)\=$' return s:find_command(separator,split[1],split[0]) elseif len(split) >= 2 && split[1] =~# '^[A-Za-z]* ' let flags = matchstr(split[1],'^[A-Za-z]*') let rest = matchstr(join(split[1:],separator),' \zs.*') return s:grep_command(rest,a:bang,flags,split[0]) elseif len(split) >= 2 && separator == ' ' return s:grep_command(join(split[1:],' '),a:bang,"",split[0]) else return s:parse_substitute(a:bang,a:line1,a:line2,a:count,split) endif endfunction function! s:normalize_options(flags) if type(a:flags) == type({}) let opts = a:flags let flags = get(a:flags,"flags","") else let opts = {} let flags = a:flags endif if flags =~# 'w' let opts.boundaries = 2 elseif flags =~# 'v' let opts.boundaries = 1 elseif !has_key(opts,'boundaries') let opts.boundaries = 0 endif let opts.case = (flags !~# 'I' ? get(opts,'case',1) : 0) let opts.flags = substitute(flags,'\C[avIiw]','','g') return opts endfunction " }}}1 " Searching {{{1 function! s:subesc(pattern) return substitute(a:pattern,'[][\\/.*+?~%()&]','\\&','g') endfunction function! s:sort(a,b) if a:a ==? a:b return a:a == a:b ? 0 : a:a > a:b ? 1 : -1 elseif strlen(a:a) == strlen(a:b) return a:a >? a:b ? 1 : -1 else return strlen(a:a) < strlen(a:b) ? 1 : -1 endif endfunction function! s:pattern(dict,boundaries) if a:boundaries == 2 let a = '<' let b = '>' elseif a:boundaries let a = '%(<|_@<=|[[:lower:]]@<=[[:upper:]]@=)' let b = '%(>|_@=|[[:lower:]]@<=[[:upper:]]@=)' else let a = '' let b = '' endif return '\v\C'.a.'%('.join(map(sort(keys(a:dict),function('s:sort')),'s:subesc(v:val)'),'|').')'.b endfunction function! s:egrep_pattern(dict,boundaries) if a:boundaries == 2 let a = '\<' let b = '\>' elseif a:boundaries let a = '(\<\|_)' let b = '(\>\|_\|[[:upper:]][[:lower:]])' else let a = '' let b = '' endif return a.'('.join(map(sort(keys(a:dict),function('s:sort')),'s:subesc(v:val)'),'\|').')'.b endfunction function! s:c() call histdel('search',-1) return "" endfunction function! s:find_command(cmd,flags,word) let opts = s:normalize_options(a:flags) let dict = s:create_dictionary(a:word,"",opts) " This is tricky. If we use :/pattern, the search drops us at the " beginning of the line, and we can't use position flags (e.g., /foo/e). " If we use :norm /pattern, we leave ourselves vulnerable to "press enter" " prompts (even with :silent). let cmd = (a:cmd =~ '[?!]' ? '?' : '/') let @/ = s:pattern(dict,opts.boundaries) if opts.flags == "" || !search(@/,'n') return "norm! ".cmd."\<CR>" elseif opts.flags =~ ';[/?]\@!' call s:throw("E386: Expected '?' or '/' after ';'") else return "exe 'norm! ".cmd.cmd.opts.flags."\<CR>'|call histdel('search',-1)" return "" endif endfunction function! s:grep_command(args,bang,flags,word) let opts = s:normalize_options(a:flags) let dict = s:create_dictionary(a:word,"",opts) if &grepprg == "internal" let lhs = "'".s:pattern(dict,opts.boundaries)."'" else let lhs = "-E '".s:egrep_pattern(dict,opts.boundaries)."'" endif return "grep".(a:bang ? "!" : "")." ".lhs." ".a:args endfunction let s:commands.search = s:commands.abstract.clone() let s:commands.search.options = {"word": 0, "variable": 0, "flags": ""} function! s:commands.search.process(bang,line1,line2,count,args) call s:extractopts(a:args,self.options) if self.options.word let self.options.flags .= "w" elseif self.options.variable let self.options.flags .= "v" endif let opts = s:normalize_options(self.options) if len(a:args) > 1 return s:grep_command(join(a:args[1:]," "),a:bang,opts,a:args[0]) elseif len(a:args) == 1 return s:find_command(a:bang ? "!" : " ",opts,a:args[0]) else call s:throw("E471: Argument required") endif endfunction " }}}1 " Substitution {{{1 function! Abolished() return get(g:abolish_last_dict,submatch(0),submatch(0)) endfunction function! s:substitute_command(cmd,bad,good,flags) let opts = s:normalize_options(a:flags) let dict = s:create_dictionary(a:bad,a:good,opts) let lhs = s:pattern(dict,opts.boundaries) let g:abolish_last_dict = dict return a:cmd.'/'.lhs.'/\=Abolished()'."/".opts.flags endfunction function! s:parse_substitute(bang,line1,line2,count,args) if get(a:args,0,'') =~ '^[/?'']' let separator = matchstr(a:args[0],'^.') let args = split(join(a:args,' '),separator,1) call remove(args,0) else let args = a:args endif if len(args) < 2 call s:throw("E471: Argument required") elseif len(args) > 3 call s:throw("E488: Trailing characters") endif let [bad,good,flags] = (args + [""])[0:2] if a:count == 0 let cmd = "substitute" else let cmd = a:line1.",".a:line2."substitute" endif return s:substitute_command(cmd,bad,good,flags) endfunction let s:commands.substitute = s:commands.abstract.clone() let s:commands.substitute.options = {"word": 0, "variable": 0, "flags": "g"} function! s:commands.substitute.process(bang,line1,line2,count,args) call s:extractopts(a:args,self.options) if self.options.word let self.options.flags .= "w" elseif self.options.variable let self.options.flags .= "v" endif let opts = s:normalize_options(self.options) if len(a:args) <= 1 call s:throw("E471: Argument required") else let good = join(a:args[1:],"") let cmd = a:bang ? "." : "%" return s:substitute_command(cmd,a:args[0],good,self.options) endif endfunction " }}}1 " Abbreviations {{{1 function! s:badgood(args) let words = filter(copy(a:args),'v:val !~ "^-"') call filter(a:args,'v:val =~ "^-"') if empty(words) call s:throw("E471: Argument required") elseif !empty(a:args) call s:throw("Unknown argument: ".a:args[0]) endif let [bad; words] = words return [bad, join(words," ")] endfunction function! s:abbreviate_from_dict(cmd,dict) for [lhs,rhs] in items(a:dict) exe a:cmd lhs rhs endfor endfunction let s:commands.abbrev = s:commands.abstract.clone() let s:commands.abbrev.options = {"buffer":0,"cmdline":0,"delete":0} function! s:commands.abbrev.process(bang,line1,line2,count,args) let args = copy(a:args) call s:extractopts(a:args,self.options) if self.options.delete let cmd = "unabbrev" let good = "" else let cmd = "noreabbrev" endif if !self.options.cmdline let cmd = "i" . cmd endif if self.options.delete let cmd = "silent! ".cmd endif if self.options.buffer let cmd = cmd . " <buffer>" endif let [bad, good] = s:badgood(a:args) if substitute(bad, '[{},]', '', 'g') !~# '^\k*$' call s:throw("E474: Invalid argument (not a keyword: ".string(bad).")") endif if !self.options.delete && good == "" call s:throw("E471: Argument required".a:args[0]) endif let dict = s:create_dictionary(bad,good,self.options) call s:abbreviate_from_dict(cmd,dict) if a:bang let i = 0 let str = "Abolish ".join(args," ") let file = g:abolish_save_file if !isdirectory(fnamemodify(file,':h')) call mkdir(fnamemodify(file,':h'),'p') endif if filereadable(file) let old = readfile(file) else let old = ["\" Exit if :Abolish isn't available.","if !exists(':Abolish')"," finish","endif",""] endif call writefile(old + [str],file) endif return "" endfunction let s:commands.delete = s:commands.abbrev.clone() let s:commands.delete.options.delete = 1 " }}}1 " Maps {{{1 function! s:unknown_coercion(letter,word) return a:word endfunction call extend(Abolish.Coercions, { \ 'c': Abolish.camelcase, \ 'm': Abolish.mixedcase, \ 's': Abolish.snakecase, \ '_': Abolish.snakecase, \ 'u': Abolish.uppercase, \ 'U': Abolish.uppercase, \ '-': Abolish.dashcase, \ 'k': Abolish.dashcase, \ '.': Abolish.dotcase, \ ' ': Abolish.spacecase, \ 't': Abolish.titlecase, \ "function missing": s:function("s:unknown_coercion") \}, "keep") function! s:coerce(type) abort if a:type !~# '^\%(line\|char\|block\)' let s:transformation = a:type let &opfunc = matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\w*') return 'g@' endif let selection = &selection let clipboard = &clipboard try set selection=inclusive clipboard-=unnamed clipboard-=unnamedplus let regbody = getreg('"') let regtype = getregtype('"') let c = v:count1 while c > 0 let c -= 1 if a:type ==# 'line' let move = "'[V']" elseif a:type ==# 'block' let move = "`[\<C-V>`]" else let move = "`[v`]" endif silent exe 'normal!' move.'y' let word = @@ let @@ = s:send(g:Abolish.Coercions,s:transformation,word) if !exists('begin') let begin = getpos("'[") endif if word !=# @@ let changed = 1 exe 'normal!' move.'p' endif endwhile call setreg('"',regbody,regtype) call setpos("'[",begin) call setpos(".",begin) finally let &selection = selection let &clipboard = clipboard endtry endfunction nnoremap <expr> <Plug>(abolish-coerce) <SID>coerce(nr2char(getchar())) nnoremap <expr> <Plug>(abolish-coerce) <SID>coerce(nr2char(getchar())) nnoremap <expr> <plug>(abolish-coerce-word) <SID>coerce(nr2char(getchar())).'iw' " }}}1 if !exists("g:abolish_no_mappings") || ! g:abolish_no_mappings nmap cr <Plug>(abolish-coerce-word) endif command! -nargs=+ -bang -bar -range=0 -complete=custom,s:Complete Abolish \ :exec s:dispatcher(<bang>0,<line1>,<line2>,<count>,[<f-args>]) command! -nargs=1 -bang -bar -range=0 -complete=custom,s:SubComplete Subvert \ :exec s:subvert_dispatcher(<bang>0,<line1>,<line2>,<count>,<q-args>) if exists(':S') != 2 command -nargs=1 -bang -bar -range=0 -complete=custom,s:SubComplete S \ :exec s:subvert_dispatcher(<bang>0,<line1>,<line2>,<count>,<q-args>) endif " vim:set ft=vim sw=2 sts=2: