" Author: vdeurzen , w0rp , " gagbo " Description: clang-tidy linter for cpp files call ale#Set('cpp_clangtidy_executable', 'clang-tidy') " Set this option to check the checks clang-tidy will apply. call ale#Set('cpp_clangtidy_checks', []) " Set this option to manually set some options for clang-tidy to use as compile " flags. " This will disable compile_commands.json detection. call ale#Set('cpp_clangtidy_options', '') " Set this option to manually set options for clang-tidy directly. call ale#Set('cpp_clangtidy_extra_options', '') call ale#Set('c_build_dir', '') function! ale_linters#cpp#clangtidy#GetCommand(buffer) abort let l:checks = join(ale#Var(a:buffer, 'cpp_clangtidy_checks'), ',') let l:build_dir = ale#c#GetBuildDirectory(a:buffer) " Get the extra options if we couldn't find a build directory. let l:options = empty(l:build_dir) \ ? ale#Var(a:buffer, 'cpp_clangtidy_options') \ : '' " Get the options to pass directly to clang-tidy let l:extra_options = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'cpp_clangtidy_extra_options') return '%e' \ . (!empty(l:checks) ? ' -checks=' . ale#Escape(l:checks) : '') \ . (!empty(l:extra_options) ? ' ' . ale#Escape(l:extra_options) : '') \ . ' %s' \ . (!empty(l:build_dir) ? ' -p ' . ale#Escape(l:build_dir) : '') \ . (!empty(l:options) ? ' -- ' . l:options : '') endfunction call ale#linter#Define('cpp', { \ 'name': 'clangtidy', \ 'output_stream': 'stdout', \ 'executable': {b -> ale#Var(b, 'cpp_clangtidy_executable')}, \ 'command': function('ale_linters#cpp#clangtidy#GetCommand'), \ 'callback': 'ale#handlers#gcc#HandleGCCFormat', \ 'lint_file': 1, \})