priority -50 global !p import os from vimsnippets import complete FIELD_TYPES = [ 'character', 'data.frame', 'integer', 'list', 'logical', 'matrix', 'numeric', 'vector'] endglobal snippet #! "Hashbang for Rscript (#!)" b #!/usr/bin/env Rscript endsnippet snippet setwd "Set workingdir" b setwd("${1:`!p snip.rv = os.getcwd()`}") endsnippet snippet as "Apply type on variable" w as.$1`!p snip.rv = complete(t[1], FIELD_TYPES)`(${2}${VISUAL}) endsnippet snippet is "Test type on variable" w is.$1`!p snip.rv = complete(t[1], FIELD_TYPES)`(${2}${VISUAL}) endsnippet snippet dl "Download and install a package" b download.file("${1:${VISUAL:url to package}}", destfile = "${2:${1/.*\/(\S*)$/(?1:$1)/ga}}") install.packages("$2", type = "source", repos = NULL) library("${3:${2/^(\w+)_.*$/(?1:$1)/ga}}") endsnippet snippet lib "Import a library" library(${0:package}) endsnippet snippet req "Require a file" require(${0:package}) endsnippet snippet source "Source a file" source('${0:file}') endsnippet snippet if "If statement" if (${1}) { ${0} } endsnippet snippet eif "Else-If statement" else if (${1}) { ${0} } snippet el "Else statement" else { ${0} } endsnippet snippet ife "if .. else" if (${1}) { ${2} } else { ${3} } endsnippet snippet wh "while loop" while(${1}) { ${2} } endsnippet snippet for "for loop" for (${1:item} in ${2:list}) { ${3} } endsnippet snippet fun "Function definition" ${1:name} <- function (${2}) { ${0} } endsnippet snippet ret "Return call" return(${0}) endsnippet snippet df "Data frame" ${1:name}[${2:rows}, ${0:cols}] endsnippet snippet c "c function" c(${0:items}) endsnippet snippet li "list function" list(${0:items}) endsnippet snippet mat "matrix function" matrix(${1:data}, nrow = ${2:rows}, ncol = ${0:cols}) endsnippet snippet apply "apply function" apply(${1:array}, ${2:margin}, ${0:function}) endsnippet snippet lapply "lapply function" lapply(${1:list}, ${0:function}) endsnippet snippet sapply "sapply function" sapply(${1:list}, ${0:function}) endsnippet snippet vapply "vapply function" vapply(${1:list}, ${2:function}, ${0:type}) endsnippet snippet mapply "mapply function" mapply(${1:function}, ${0:...}) endsnippet snippet tapply "tapply function" tapply(${1:vector}, ${2:index}, ${0:function}) endsnippet snippet rapply "rapply function" rapply(${1:list}, ${0:function}) endsnippet snippet pl "Plot function" plot(${1:x}, ${0:y}) endsnippet snippet ggp "ggplot2 plot" ggplot(${1:data}, aes(${0:aesthetics})) endsnippet snippet fis "Fisher test" fisher.test(${1:x}, ${0:y}) endsnippet snippet chi "Chi Squared test" chisq.test(${1:x}, ${0:y}) endsnippet snippet tt "t-test" t.test(${1:x}, ${0:y}) endsnippet snippet wil "Wilcox test" wilcox.test(${1:x}, ${0:y}) endsnippet snippet cor "Correlation test" cor.test(${1:x}, ${0:y}) endsnippet snippet fte "FTE test" var.test(${1:x}, ${0:y}) endsnippet snippet kvt "KV test" kv.test(${1:x}, ${0:y}) endsnippet