function! go#cmd#autowrite() abort if &autowrite == 1 silent! wall endif endfunction " Build builds the source code without producing any output binary. We live in " an editor so the best is to build it to catch errors and fix them. By " default it tries to call simply 'go build', but it first tries to get all " dependent files for the current folder and passes it to go build. function! go#cmd#Build(bang, ...) abort " expand all wildcards(i.e: '%' to the current file name) let goargs = map(copy(a:000), "expand(v:val)") " escape all shell arguments before we pass it to make if !has('nvim') let goargs = go#util#Shelllist(goargs, 1) endif " create our command arguments. go build discards any results when it " compiles multiple packages. So we pass the `errors` package just as an " placeholder with the current folder (indicated with '.'). We also pass -i " that tries to install the dependencies, this has the side effect that it " caches the build results, so every other build is faster. let args = ["build"] + goargs + ["-i", ".", "errors"] if go#util#has_job() if get(g:, 'go_echo_command_info', 1) call go#util#EchoProgress("building dispatched ...") endif call s:cmd_job({ \ 'cmd': ['go'] + args, \ 'bang': a:bang, \}) return elseif has('nvim') if get(g:, 'go_echo_command_info', 1) call go#util#EchoProgress("building dispatched ...") endif " if we have nvim, call it asynchronously and return early ;) call go#jobcontrol#Spawn(a:bang, "build", args) return endif let old_gopath = $GOPATH let $GOPATH = go#path#Detect() let default_makeprg = &makeprg let &makeprg = "go " . join(args, ' ') let l:listtype = go#list#Type("quickfix") " execute make inside the source folder so we can parse the errors " correctly let cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd ' : 'cd ' let dir = getcwd() try execute cd . fnameescape(expand("%:p:h")) if l:listtype == "locationlist" silent! exe 'lmake!' else silent! exe 'make!' endif redraw! finally execute cd . fnameescape(dir) endtry let errors = go#list#Get(l:listtype) call go#list#Window(l:listtype, len(errors)) if !empty(errors) && !a:bang call go#list#JumpToFirst(l:listtype) else call go#util#EchoSuccess("[build] SUCCESS") endif let &makeprg = default_makeprg let $GOPATH = old_gopath endfunction " BuildTags sets or shows the current build tags used for tools function! go#cmd#BuildTags(bang, ...) abort if a:0 if a:0 == 1 && a:1 == '""' unlet g:go_build_tags call go#util#EchoSuccess("build tags are cleared") else let g:go_build_tags = a:1 call go#util#EchoSuccess("build tags are changed to: ". a:1) endif return endif if !exists('g:go_build_tags') call go#util#EchoSuccess("build tags are not set") else call go#util#EchoSuccess("current build tags: ". g:go_build_tags) endif endfunction " Run runs the current file (and their dependencies if any) in a new terminal. function! go#cmd#RunTerm(bang, mode, files) abort if empty(a:files) let cmd = "go run ". go#util#Shelljoin(go#tool#Files()) else let cmd = "go run ". go#util#Shelljoin(map(copy(a:files), "expand(v:val)"), 1) endif call go#term#newmode(a:bang, cmd, a:mode) endfunction " Run runs the current file (and their dependencies if any) and outputs it. " This is intended to test small programs and play with them. It's not " suitable for long running apps, because vim is blocking by default and " calling long running apps will block the whole UI. function! go#cmd#Run(bang, ...) abort if has('nvim') call go#cmd#RunTerm(a:bang, '', a:000) return endif if go#util#has_job() " NOTE(arslan): 'term': 'open' case is not implement for +jobs. This means " executions waiting for stdin will not work. That's why we don't do " anything. Once this is implemented we're going to make :GoRun async endif let old_gopath = $GOPATH let $GOPATH = go#path#Detect() if go#util#IsWin() exec '!go run ' . go#util#Shelljoin(go#tool#Files()) if v:shell_error redraws! | echon "vim-go: [run] " | echohl ErrorMsg | echon "FAILED"| echohl None else redraws! | echon "vim-go: [run] " | echohl Function | echon "SUCCESS"| echohl None endif let $GOPATH = old_gopath return endif " :make expands '%' and '#' wildcards, so they must also be escaped let default_makeprg = &makeprg if a:0 == 0 let &makeprg = 'go run ' . go#util#Shelljoin(go#tool#Files(), 1) else let &makeprg = "go run " . go#util#Shelljoin(map(copy(a:000), "expand(v:val)"), 1) endif let l:listtype = go#list#Type("quickfix") if l:listtype == "locationlist" exe 'lmake!' else exe 'make!' endif let items = go#list#Get(l:listtype) let errors = go#tool#FilterValids(items) call go#list#Populate(l:listtype, errors, &makeprg) call go#list#Window(l:listtype, len(errors)) if !empty(errors) && !a:bang call go#list#JumpToFirst(l:listtype) endif let $GOPATH = old_gopath let &makeprg = default_makeprg endfunction " Install installs the package by simple calling 'go install'. If any argument " is given(which are passed directly to 'go install') it tries to install " those packages. Errors are populated in the location window. function! go#cmd#Install(bang, ...) abort " use vim's job functionality to call it asynchronously if go#util#has_job() " expand all wildcards(i.e: '%' to the current file name) let goargs = map(copy(a:000), "expand(v:val)") if get(g:, 'go_echo_command_info', 1) call go#util#EchoProgress("installing dispatched ...") endif call s:cmd_job({ \ 'cmd': ['go', 'install'] + goargs, \ 'bang': a:bang, \}) return endif let old_gopath = $GOPATH let $GOPATH = go#path#Detect() let default_makeprg = &makeprg " :make expands '%' and '#' wildcards, so they must also be escaped let goargs = go#util#Shelljoin(map(copy(a:000), "expand(v:val)"), 1) let &makeprg = "go install " . goargs let l:listtype = go#list#Type("quickfix") " execute make inside the source folder so we can parse the errors " correctly let cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd ' : 'cd ' let dir = getcwd() try execute cd . fnameescape(expand("%:p:h")) if l:listtype == "locationlist" silent! exe 'lmake!' else silent! exe 'make!' endif redraw! finally execute cd . fnameescape(dir) endtry let errors = go#list#Get(l:listtype) call go#list#Window(l:listtype, len(errors)) if !empty(errors) && !a:bang call go#list#JumpToFirst(l:listtype) else call go#util#EchoSuccess("installed to ". go#path#Detect()) endif let $GOPATH = old_gopath let &makeprg = default_makeprg endfunction " Generate runs 'go generate' in similar fashion to go#cmd#Build() function! go#cmd#Generate(bang, ...) abort let default_makeprg = &makeprg let old_gopath = $GOPATH let $GOPATH = go#path#Detect() " :make expands '%' and '#' wildcards, so they must also be escaped let goargs = go#util#Shelljoin(map(copy(a:000), "expand(v:val)"), 1) if go#util#ShellError() != 0 let &makeprg = "go generate " . goargs else let gofiles = go#util#Shelljoin(go#tool#Files(), 1) let &makeprg = "go generate " . goargs . ' ' . gofiles endif let l:listtype = go#list#Type("quickfix") echon "vim-go: " | echohl Identifier | echon "generating ..."| echohl None if l:listtype == "locationlist" silent! exe 'lmake!' else silent! exe 'make!' endif redraw! let errors = go#list#Get(l:listtype) call go#list#Window(l:listtype, len(errors)) if !empty(errors) if !a:bang call go#list#JumpToFirst(l:listtype) endif else redraws! | echon "vim-go: " | echohl Function | echon "[generate] SUCCESS"| echohl None endif let &makeprg = default_makeprg let $GOPATH = old_gopath endfunction " --------------------- " | Vim job callbacks | " --------------------- function s:cmd_job(args) abort let status_dir = expand('%:p:h') let started_at = reltime() call go#statusline#Update(status_dir, { \ 'desc': "current status", \ 'type': a:args.cmd[1], \ 'state': "started", \}) " autowrite is not enabled for jobs call go#cmd#autowrite() function! s:error_info_cb(job, exit_status, data) closure abort let status = { \ 'desc': 'last status', \ 'type': a:args.cmd[1], \ 'state': "success", \ } if a:exit_status let status.state = "failed" endif let elapsed_time = reltimestr(reltime(started_at)) " strip whitespace let elapsed_time = substitute(elapsed_time, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') let status.state .= printf(" (%ss)", elapsed_time) call go#statusline#Update(status_dir, status) endfunction let a:args.error_info_cb = funcref('s:error_info_cb') let callbacks = go#job#Spawn(a:args) let start_options = { \ 'callback': callbacks.callback, \ 'exit_cb': callbacks.exit_cb, \ } " modify GOPATH if needed let old_gopath = $GOPATH let $GOPATH = go#path#Detect() " pre start let dir = getcwd() let cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd ' : 'cd ' let jobdir = fnameescape(expand("%:p:h")) execute cd . jobdir call job_start(a:args.cmd, start_options) " post start execute cd . fnameescape(dir) let $GOPATH = old_gopath endfunction " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et